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I woke up, and Tom wasn't in bed.  Whenever I wake up alone, I feel cold. Instantly missing the warmth and the feeling of being safe, held in his arms.

I rolled onto my side and saw that there was an envelope, with my name on it, written in a red marker, inside of a heart.  It brought an instant smile to my face.

On Tom's pillow was red roses.

I opened the envelope.  It said, "Madison just wanted you to start your day, knowing how much I love you, and how grateful I am that you love me too. Love Tommy."

It made me cry, he is so sweet.

Tom said, "Hey Rain, no tears."  

I said, "They are happy tears."

Tom said, "okay then."  He came and sat on the bed.  He was in his blue pajama pants and no shirt.

Tom said, "Since today is a holiday, "

I said, "Wait, what holiday is it? New Years Eve isn't until Saturday."

Tom smirked.  He said, "you don't know what holiday today is?'

I said, "no."  He laughed.

I hit his arm.  He said, "it's one of the biggest holidays of the year."

I said, "Really what is it?'

He said, "it's show Madison Hanson how special she is holiday."

I laughed.  I said, "Tommy I love you. Thank you so much for my card, and my flowers. They are beautiful. But you don't need to."

Tom said, "I know but I want to."  He kissed my head.

I said, "I missed you when I woke up."  

Tom said, "did you now?"

I said, "yes, being in your arms makes me feel so safe and so warm."

Tom said, "Good I love holding you."

I said, "I'll be back, but can I have a hug?"

Tom hugged me.  I left and went into the bathroom.  But I got a surprise when I got in there.

On the shelf was another envelope, same as the other one, my name in red marker inside of a heart.

I took it and then went into the bedroom.

I said, "Tommy"

Tom said, "yeah"

I said, "Another one?"

Tom said, "Madison I told you this was a holiday."  I laughed. So did he.

I went and sat on the bed by him.  Tom said, "open it."

I did.  It was a gift certificate.   It had Madison Hanson as the winner.  But that was all it just announced I was a winner.

I laughed.  I said, "What did I win? I mean I already won the best husband so."

Tom said, "so wait, it doesn't say what you won?"

I said, "no."

His eyes were sparkling.  He said, "Madison what kind of contest did you enter?"

I said, "What, I didn't enter a contest Hanson. You did this."

Tom held up his hands in surrender, he said, "Baby I have never seen this."

I said, "Tom Hanson. I know your handwriting, and it matches the handwriting that was on my envelope, so are you saying then another man left me that love letter."

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