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We were sitting at the table. Margaret and Tom had coffee.

She said, "Did you kids get to eat?"

Tom said, "we ate appetizers, and had ordered but Mia texted Madison telling her what was happening."

She said, "Can I fix you anything."  We said no thanks.

Mia called me.

I said, "Mia are you okay?"

She said, "yes I'm doing okay. I just wanted to tell you that as much as I appreciate you covering for me, I couldn't let you. I told mom that I decided not to text her."

I said, "I see. Okay.  We will be home soon, so you want to stay with us tonight right."

She said, "yes thank you so much."

Tom said, "Mom, Madison thought of something, what are we going to do about Molly, these next few days."

She said, "I hadn't thought that far ahead, but you're right, she is going to have lots of questions."

I said, "I just know after that happened to me, I was really jumpy, and was obsessing over what could have happened if Dennis hadn't saved me, and was blaming myself, and I shut down on Emma there for a few weeks. I didn't want to talk or anything. It played over and over in my head. I just was thinking that at least this weekend Mia may not act like herself, and Molly might notice."

She said, "Molly adores Chase. I guess we are going to need to tell Molly that Chase and Mia broke up, and Mia is upset about it, so don't ask her questions."

I said, "Tom, do you think that tomorrow you could take Molly and do something with her, just the two of you.  Maybe if we keep Molly busy, we don't have to tell her about Chase just yet.  Give Mia a day or two."

Tom said, "I can do that."

I said, "I  think I'm going to go on home and check on Mia."

Tom said, "Should I give you some time alone with her?"

I said, "maybe that would be a good idea."

Tom said, "Okay I am going to walk you home and then I'll come back and talk to mom."

I said, "Tom, I can make it home, it's just in the backyard."

Tom said, "Madison, I'm walking you."

  Margaret said, "Madison thank you for being there for Mia. And I'm sorry honey if I upset you. I was upset and I didn't mean to take it out on you or Tom."

I said, "no you didn't."  She hugged me.

Tom walked me to our door.  Tom gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Tom said, "Rain, are you sure you're, okay? If you are having any flashbacks."

I said, "Tom I am okay. Just worried about Mia. I know how hard it is going to be for her to go to school. It is horrifying to face people, who know what happened. I just hate this. I'm so angry at Chase. How can he do this? How can men think that they can treat girls like this. It's not right. He needs to pay and I will think of something to do to him and those bitches."

Tom smiled.

He said, "my wife is turning bad ass on me again, she's getting riled up."  He smiled.

I said, "Tom I'm serious."

He said, "I know you are. But woman you scare me when you get violent."  I laughed.

I said, "Maybe that's a good thing?"

Tom said, "yeah good thing for you. I just know I better never make you mad."  he kissed me.

He said, "I love you. If you need me or need anything. Call me. I can go get you and Mia food if you want."

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