And then he was hopping out and helping Kathryn down—and someone was already calling to him. "Major! Welcome back!"

She only had a split-second to process the man as Harry Crosby before Kathryn was being tackled by a tight hug. Kathryn was nearly knocked off of her feet as Poppy descended, crying and grabbing her face and peppering it with kisses. When Kathryn finally broke free of her, Poppy just let out a loud sob.

"These are the—ugliest clothes I've ever seen you in!" Poppy exclaimed.

For the first time since Buck Cleven went down, Kathryn Egan let out a genuine laugh, nearly giggling. The sound caught Buck's ears and he glanced over, finding a bright smile on her face—and the very sight of it took his breath away.

"I've missed you too, Poppy. Where's—" Kathryn's gaze had fallen on a jeep not too far from the runway. Standing there at the jeep, arms crossed over her chest was Laura Wilde—a deadpan expression on her face, accented only by the baby bump that was so clear. "Holy shit!" Kathryn blurted.

Laura practically ran to her at that point and Kathryn had so many questions running through her mind. "Oh you stupid—stupid—Egan—" Laura was mumbling into her hair.

As soon as Kathryn had broken apart from Laura, her eyes just fell on the baby bump. "Who the hell—"

"Ah, that'd be me," Rosie appeared in her vision, accompanied by Crosby and Buck. Rosie gave an awkward wave and Kathryn's jaw dropped.


"We eloped after you got taken!" Laura blurted.

"But don't worry, we already decided you could be the godmother—" Rosie started in a panic.

Kathryn started towards him and Rosie thought that she was just going to hit him for a moment—but all she did was pull him into a fierce hug. "I'm really happy for you! Even if I do think it's the most Becky thing you could have done!"

Buck couldn't help the surprise that crossed his features. The sight of Kathryn hugging any other men was surprising for multiple reasons—and not just because of what she had been through. It just wasn't what she usually did or was like—he remembered she had mentioned being friends with Rosie before all of this. But there were things he was clearly missing.

Rosie blinked in surprise at the hug. "It's good to have you back. Doc." He added the last syllable as he pulled away from the hug and she grinned at him.

Before she could respond to that, Poppy had piped up, poking Kathryn in the ribs. "You need food, you peaky thing."

Kathryn gave a roll of her eyes. Already, Poppy was worried about her figure. She should've guessed. "Well on that note, I think we'll take them from here," Crosby cut in pointedly.

She honestly could have kissed the man right then and there. The thought of being sent away from Buck was too much for her to handle at the moment—between being back with all of her friends in a safe place, finding Laura married and pregnant , and Poppy being, well, Poppy—it was a lot.

Though Crosby was explaining things about some sort of rescue drops and relief missions, Kathryn didn't really process anything he was saying. They were led to the bunkhouse first—where Kathryn had insisted Buck's things continue to be kept. Untouched, right where she had left it, with all of the Christmas presents.

"What's this?" Buck questioned at the sight of his locker.

Kathryn didn't even have the gall to blush as Crosby piped up. "Egan wouldn't let us ship it to your folks and then Kathryn—well she wouldn't let us do that either."

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