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————— Percy's POV: —————

I woke up a bit groggy, my body warm from the thick sheets of my bed. I took a deep breath and once again looked around my new room. It was coated in the beautiful paints of the gorgeous morning sun.

I still couldn't believe this was real, even though I'd been living here for a couple days at this point. I could already smell the sweet syrupy scent coming from the kitchen, Diana confessed they were the only things she really knew how to make so they'd been a constant since I moved into this apartment.

I wasted no more time and pushed myself from the bed, not caring to remove the pajamas I had on. I left the room to find Diana in the kitchen, a smile on her face as she looked over to me.

"Morning Percy." I returned the smile, taking a seat at the table, before laying my head on my arms. Unlike on the island there were no goblets here, or unlike the cave where they had plastic cups, instead there were only glass cups which I'd learned were very susceptible to breaking. I found it strange why we'd go from such a secure form of container to such a delicate thing but I suppose that was the way of man's world. "You sleep well?"

She asked me this every morning, and just like every morning since I'd gotten here I replied "Absolutely."

I could see her smile from my spot on the table, my arms hiding my growing smile. Living with Diana again, really living with her, was truly the best thing I could've imagined.

"Good, I'm glad." Another response she'd seemed to pair with my same comment.

A few minutes later she walked back out, two plates of food in hand. She set them down in front of our places before taking a seat herself.

I raised my head to eat, quickly digging in. I ate so fast I almost didn't see Diana not eating at all. Almost.

After a minute she spoke, her hands barely holding her utensils.

"Percy, I was thinking today we could go back to the base," I froze mid chew for a second before trying to hasten the chewing to make it look like nothing had happened. Diana hadn't brought up going back yet, so I'd assumed that since we were technically already living together there was no reason for me to keep going there. "I know what you went through was rough- awful" she corrected. "But we need to talk about having you go back, at the very least form a timeline."

I lowered my utensils onto my plate, meeting her eyes. She looked worried at my response.

"Why do I need to go back?" I asked. She seemed a bit surprised at my question. "I mean, wasn't the whole point of me staying there just so that I could get here, with you?" Her eyes began to narrow a bit, only slightly but still it was more than she'd ever done before.

"Percy, the job we have is important, I put you there cause I knew it would help you to not only adapt to this world but be together with people who can help you improve as a person. Being a hero-"

"I don't want to be a hero." I cut in, her mouth freezing mid sentence. "I never said I wanted to be a hero, or to help people, I just want to stick with you."

Diana seemed to freeze for a moment, her entire body void of any movement.

"I..." she was speechless seemingly stuck between her own confusion and realization.

"Listen Di, the team was okay and all, but I'd much rather stick by myself." I said with a shrug. "Non-Amazonians just don't understand our techniques, surely you-"

"Percy." She sounded exasperated. She put a hand to her head and shut her eyes for a moment. I felt a twinge of rivaling anger for her assumption and guilt for her pain. "The Amazonian way is not the only way. I thought that at the very least, those few days with the team- your team, would teach you that!" She exclaimed.

Percy protege of Wonder WomanWhere stories live. Discover now