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--------------- Percy's POV: ---------------

It wasn't until later in the day that the others returned. Meaning I spent the majority of my first day with M'gann and Connor, or rather I talked with M'gann while Connor either sat and watched or he sat and watched a static filled tv. Something I didn't understand but didn't question.

That was until the others showed up, and now here I was, stuck in the middle of a training room, sword stuck out in front of me as I watched Robin carefully, a staff in his hand held out defensively.

My breathing was steady and my body was aching to move again. Not being on patrol for a few days has built up my energy, so I was ready to go, my senses on especially high alert.

"I'll go easy on you, so don't worry!" Robin said with a smile, I narrowed my eyes at him and changed my position from defensive to offensive, my sword going out to the side as I took one final calm breath, releasing it with a low whistle before I planted my foot into the ground, and with a bit more power then I'd normally used I pushed off, my body lurching forward as I prepared for the attack.

I was in front of Robin before even he expected, my sword pulled back like a slingshot before I released my power and swinging the sword at him. He barely brought his staff up in time to block, his arms straining against my strength. I clenched my jaw as I brought back the sword again, Robin quickly going to defend again as I unleashed another attack. This one carried a bit more force behind it causing him to get pushed back, stumbling back before trying to regain his footing. I didn't give him the chance.

I was in his face before he could even get back up. I brought my foot up quickly and kicked him square in the chest, a grunt escaping him as he hit the ground. I went to bring my sword down on him, the arching motion bringing faster speed but he brought his staff up and caught the edge of my sword with a sharp clang braking through the silence.

I could see now that his face was contorted in focus, he was straining himself against my minimal strength. I must've been lost in thought because he pushed back, my sword going back above my head as he rolled out of the way. I turned to look at him but I found his staff making contact with my side swiftly. It didn't hurt enough to move so I just grabbed it and pulled it from his grasp, throwing it behind me as I heard the metal clang against the ground.

Robin tried to move himself but I placed a sword at his throat, his mouth opening slightly as I looked down at him.

"Done." I said quietly. Even through his mask I could see his shocked expression.

I spun the sword in hand before putting it back in its sheath on my belt, turning to the others who sat in a group on the opposite side of the room. Canary watched me carefully, her expression light. The others around her looked surprised.

I took in a deep breath, flexing my fingers. The fight wasn't enough, my body still felt fidgety, even more so now if that was possible. I needed a greater challenge, I need to move.

"Good job Percy, prepare yourself again, you're going against Artemis now." I nodded, quickly tapping my hands against the side of my legs quickly in an effort to try to suppress my fidgety nerves.

I watched as Robin walked off the training stage, Wally patting his back a smirk on his face as I barely managed to catch the passing comment of "you really went easy on her huh?"

This was followed by a quick "shut up."

Artemis was on the stage soon, a bow in her hand. The arrows she carried weren't sharp tipped like the ones we usually used during training, these carried a large soft ball on the end of it.

Percy protege of Wonder WomanWhere stories live. Discover now