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—————Diana's POV:—————

I stood beside the man I found, my arm extended out to prevent anyone from getting any ideas about throwing something at him. My eyes planted on the group of women surrounding us, the plane behind us hummed quietly.

"Diana! Come here this instant!" My mother yelled out, her voice urged me to come forward and join the others in purging the man I'd grown to have a friendship with.

"Mother! He's done nothing wrong! He is kind! We can trust him just please! Lower your weapons!" Moms gaze darkened, her grip on her weapon tightening.

"Leave him or you're banished!" Her voice cut through the near silence like a knife, a cold sweat breaking out on the back of my neck.


"You have till three! Join us, or join them and forever be separated from your family!" A sense of disbelief came over me. How? How had things turned out like this? I scanned the crowd and my eyes met Percy, the young girl who I'd grown to be sisters with. The youngest of the Amazons.

Her eyes were dark with anger, and yet, I could feel a sense of pleading coming from her, urging me to come with her and forget this whole thing even happened.


She'd said no when I'd asked her a few weeks ago, but maybe now, now that we were really in it she'd change.

"Percy! Come with us! Not all men are bad! We can stay together! We don't need to separate!" Percy's eyes widened and I watched as her grip on her sword became unsteady.

She opened her mouth, something on the tip of her tongue before her eyes flickered over my shoulder and a haunting fear I'd never seen on Percy's face appeared, a look that made me regret ever posing the question of coming with me in the first place.

But much to my surprise she took careful steps forward, her footing unsteady as she came closer. A murmur went through the crowd of women as she approached me. But I could see something they couldn't. She was considering this, sure, but she wasn't going to leave. She couldn't yet.

She opened her arms and I slowly walked forward and pulled her in tight, one hand placed on the back of her head as I held her tight. Somehow she smelled stronger of the ocean then the actual ocean did merely a few feet away. I couldn't help but smile. Percy loved to know she smelled of what she loved most.

"You know I love you right?" I asked quietly. She nodded.

"Does that mean you'll stay for me?"

"Does that mean you'll come with me?" I asked in return. She chuckled quietly, her voice breaking at the end.

"We're both too stubborn to do anything huh?" I laughed in response, my voice sounding like a mixture of a sob and an actual laugh.

"I suppose so." I replied. She squeezed me tight, her strength rivaling mine at the time. With a few more years Percy could very well rival me in terms of strength.

We stayed there a moment longer before she sighed.

"Stay safe." Percy said quietly. "Men-" she stopped herself. "If we ever see each other again, tell me what it's like, okay?" She sounded like she was about to cry and I knew if I spoke again I'd break out into tears so I just nodded, shutting my eyes to enjoy the hug one last time before letting her go. Percy watched me carefully, her eyes churned like the stormy seas. "Goodbye Di."

"Goodbye Percy." She nodded at the name before turning back to the others, their faces easing as she joined their ranks once more.

"So you've made your choice." My mother said, breaking the silence. "Leave, and do not return." I looked to the sand but turned away and got in the plane before leaving. The women all turning to leave but one.

Percy stood alone on the beach, watching as we left to face the horrors of man's world. A war.


"Wonder woman." I sat up quickly, Clark stood beside me, a concerned look on his face. "Are you alright? You looked distressed." I sighed and nodded.

"I'm okay." I replied. A hand going to my head as I prepared for an oncoming headache. "Just some dreams." I mumbled quietly, the guilt from the dream still clung to me.

Clark didn't buy it. He gave a small smile as he took a seat beside me. Apparently I'd fallen asleep at the JL discussion table. I was lucky Clark found me and not Flash, that would've been bad. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked. I watched him for a moment before shaking my head.

"It's about the Amazons." I said, his eyes turning more sympathetic. "Or specifically one girl. She was so young, and I left her." My voice came out strained and I felt like the guilt was clogging my air ways. 

"What was her name?" Clark asked kindly, his voice nothing short of comforting.

"Persephone," I said with a small smile, "but everyone called her Percy because she hated her full name. She said the first was a curse and the second was a gift." I smiled remembering the time she'd thrown a knife at one of the girls who called her Persephone. It'd taken the entire day to calm her down after that.

"Is there anyway to get in contact with her?" Clark asked. I was opening my mouth to say no when something stopped me.

"I- there may be a way." I said, "but it would require me to go back there." Clark's small smile turned to a frown.

"It has been a long time, maybe you'd be allowed back." I looked up to meet his eyes, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Time works differently on Themyscira, for all I know it could've very well have only been a few months." Clark sighed, pursing his lips.

"But by that same logic, it could've been many years." I felt a smile grow on my face. It's always like Clark to see the silver lining.

"You're right..." I said, looking back to my hands. "But... what if she doesn't want me back?" I asked feeling my confidence wavering. I'd been through many things in my hero career but I don't think any of it would compare to how I'd feel if Percy hated me. I'd watched her get older from such a young age, she was a true sister to me.

Clark placed a hand on my shoulder. "Diana, I'm sure that she'll be happy to have you back. Who wouldn't miss you?"

I laughed and lightly slapped his arm. "I could imagine a few people," I replied with a smirk, Clark smiled back. "I'm going to have to leave her again though." Clark seemed to pause, thinking about this more seriously before his smile wavered and he shrugged.

"You could... finally have a protege?" I widened my eyes and felt my brows furrow.


"Hear me out. She's an Amazon, she's been training for many many years, she's probably as good as any of the others in the JLA, maybe better, plus you know Bats can limit who goes on missions, so I doubt you wouldn't have a say in any of it." I sighed and paused, watching his face. Clark had only recently started interacting with Connor, the kid was angry at first but he seemed better for the guidance now.  Maybe this was what was affecting his perspective.

I settled on a "maybe." The word seemed the most correct at the moment. "But I'd need to see her first, make sure I believe she'd do well first." Clark nodded.

"Good, now I think you have a girl to go visit." I nodded, standing up quickly.

"Thanks Clark, you're the best." Clark shrugged, a smile back on his face.

"Oh you know me! I do what I can to help." I shook my head and turned off to go for the invisible plane. I could only hope that they'd not changed the location of Themyscira.

1360 words

Percy protege of Wonder WomanWhere stories live. Discover now