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------------ Diana's POV: -------------

-------Percy is now 10-------

Percy was late for dinner. This was a very strange thing.

If there was anything I'd learned over the years of knowing Percy it was three things.

1. Percy was like me in that she was constantly moving and couldn't read unless it was ancient Greek.

2. She adored the ocean and often talked about the gods as if she knew them.

3. She was never late for food.

Those seemed to be the three things she lived by, so her being late today was unnerving, worrying even.

So when she arrived 20 minutes late, mother beside her and looking less then happy I knew something was off.

I got up from the dinner table and ran over, mother's warning eyes meeting my own and I knew now that something was up. Percy beside her was looking off to the side, her lips downturned and her eyes dark like choice words had been spoken.

"What happened?" I asked quickly. Mother turned to me with an angered expression.

"One of our best weapons went missing and Percy wasn't at training when it happened. No one could account for her location." Percy clenched her jaw and I could see her fists tighten by her sides.

"I told you, I was taking a swim in the ocean." Mother glared at her, looking like she was going to say something before I quickly spoke up.

"I was there too." I said, mother's eyes turned to me quicker then an arrow. "We were swimming together."

"Diana do not-"

"I'm not lying." I said quickly. "I saw her swimming today." Percy looked over to me with widened eyes, her jaw unclenched.

Mother paused for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Fine. Both of you go eat while I figure out what happened." I nodded as I placed a gentle hand on Percy's back, guiding her over to our seats.

"Thanks Diana." Percy mumbled, her hands now rapidly fiddling with each other.  She was nervous.

"Of course" I said. The two of us taking a seat at the table. We sat in silence for a moment as someone placed food and a drink in front of Percy. "Did you take it?" I asked. Percy's eyes flared as she turned to me, a look between anger and disbelief played on her face. Her hands clenched as she breathed heavily.

"I" something started shaking. I glanced around to see it was her goblet, the gold cup shaking because the water in it was beginning to ripple. I could see the safe effect happening in my own drink. "Did not-" The rippling got harsher. My eyes widened as I turned to Percy just as she finished. "Take it!" She half yelled, all the drinks at the table exploding, girls all let out yells as they became drenched in water. Everyone looked around for what the cause could've been but no one saw the same thing I had. Percy was covered in water, but she wasn't wet, the water rolled off her as if it could find nothing to stick to.

"Percy-" She stood up, not answering me as she left the room, leaving everyone to deal with the aftermath. I didn't waste any time in going after her.

I raced out of the dinning hall to find Percy running off, much further then I'd thought she would be. It was starting to get dark and Percy was heading straight for the forest. I began sprinting as I called out for her.

"Percy! Wait! Please!" I called out. This seemed to fuel her as she ran faster but I was steadily catching up to her. She nearly got to the forest when I managed to grab her arm. She stopped and let out a yell, trying to pull herself from my grip.

"Let me go!" She choaked on a sob, her feet planting in the ground as she tried to pull harder. A tear rolled down her face as she stopped trying, using her other hand to wipe her face. "Just let me go" She tried again.

"I'm sorry." I said, she looked off to the side, she stood up instead of leaning back. "I don't think it was you. I promise. I just needed to make sure I didn't lie for nothing." Percy huffed.

"How could you even think it was me? Of course I didn't take it." I let her go, her hand swinging back down to her side.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to hear it from you first." She quickly wiped her eyes, her eyes still focused on the ground in front of her.

"I would never take the weapon, but..." She paused, her eyes finally meeting mine. "I think Aphrodite did." My eyes widened as she waited on baited breath for my reaction.

"how...why would you think that?" Percy shut her mouth again.

"I just do." She said. "She... nothing. I just think she did." I furrowed my brows.

"No Percy, I want to know why you think this."

"She promised me!" She said quickly, a hand flying to her mouth. I waited for her to continue. She sighed. "She promised me she'd get me the weapon. I just didn't think she'd take it!" Percy strained. Her hands spread out, showing just how stressed she was.

"When would you have talked to her?" I asked, wondering why I'd never heard of our goddess visiting the island.

Percy looked down to her hand, fiddling with her fingers now. "A few years ago. She came to me in a dream and we had a conversation. She visits now every once and a while." She said quickly, looking up to me with a bit of expectancy, like she was waiting for me to yell at her.

I myself couldn't yell at her because at the moment I couldn't even form words. I stammered as the only thing that came out was "about what?"

Percy looked confused before seeming to relate the words to something. "I don't know, stuff. She keeps up with me. We have various drinks like milkshakes and she gave me these things called cookies, and Diana they're so delicious! But we mainly talk about the girls here. I give updates on how everyone's doing and she listens. It's nothing like a warning or anything. We just talk." I looked at Percy as the sun set, coating her in a orange and yellow light. She didn't break eye contact this time as we watched each other.

"I- okay." I said quietly. "I believe you." Her face cracked into a small smile. "But I better be told exactly what happens the next time it happens you understand me?" I asked, pointing a finger at her. She put her hands up and nodded quickly.

"Of course! I promise!" She said. I felt my smile rest on my face before something else came to mind.

"Wait, how did you do that water thing?" Percy's eyes widened as she looked like she'd been caught in a trap.

"What water thing?" She asked uneasily, her eyes trying to hold the same earnestness from before but failing miserably.

"The explosions Percy, how did you make the water pop like that?" Percy shrugged, a sense of honesty to the movement.

"I don't know, truly. I just felt a tug and BAM! Everyone's drinks are being thrown in the air." Percy was telling the truth. I sighed and nodded.

"Okay, we can bring it up to my mother-" Percy quickly shook her head.

"No! Your mom already blames me for taking the sword. Let it cool down first before we go on telling her I have some strange abilities." I pursed my lips before sighing and nodding.

"Fine, but soon okay?" Percy nodded, her posture calming significantly.

The two of us ended up walking back to dinner together and after a few months, the accusations against Percy seemed to die off, but we never got to tell anyone of Percy's abilities. Our time together ended too quickly.

1342 words

Percy protege of Wonder WomanWhere stories live. Discover now