VegasPete 🌶

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Vegas Theerepanyakul was known as a bad boy, a fuck boy, but also as a psychopath. He never dated, only had one night stands or some fuck buddies that he keeps for longer that one night stand. However, he was also rich and from a very powerful family. So many in his university dreamed of dating him and repair this "broken boy", however everyone has failed in doing it. Or almost... 

He had his eyes on his next victim. What was appealing about that person was mostly the fact that he wasn't interested at all in him. He ignored him, even if they were in the same classes. And even when Vegas tried to talk with him, the boy should just ignore him. Act like Vegas didn't exist at all. And before he himself knew, Vegas was obsessed.

The said boy was Pete. He was cute, shy, and smart, Vegas favorite type of prey. The only problem was that the boy wasn't only book smart but also street smart, or at least he was because of his best friend. Porsche was always with Pete, and even if he wasn't, Vegas knew that he told him to be careful. Sadly for him, he couldn't do anything with the annoying boy who was like a guard dog because he was dating his cousin, Kinn. And he knows better than trying to go against his cousin.

"Still fixed on the boy?" asks a voice behind Vegas.

"And I could have him if it wasn't for your boy, Kinn." says Vegas with a little bit of malice.

It was a family diner, a once a month thing that their family was doing. He didn't like it very much, but he couldn't say anything. This month was at his uncle's house. And right now, Vegas and Kinn were both outside smoking.

"By the way, where is your boy? Isn't he also family?"

"He and Kim fought because the idiot decided to pursue his younger brother. Porsche learned about this from Thankun, and he exploded. And dad is also mad at Kim for the same reason." says Kinn.


"The boy is barely 18." Vegas looks at Kinn and wants to laugh. He somehow can understand Porsche's reason, but he felt like that because of the irony, both he and his younger cousin are at Porsche's mercy when it comes to the boys they love. "Yet you didn't answer me." adds Kinn.

"Yes. And I will have him. Thanks to Kim... clearly, being an older brother is more important to Porsche."

And just like this, it started. Using the fact that Porsche was busy to take care of his younger brother, he started following Pete everywhere he went. He also bought him flowers and chocolate, and at this point, the entire university knew that he was pursuing Pete.

However, it did annoy the other boy, mostly because he wasn't interested in the hot, psychopath fuckboy that was after him like a dog. Even in the school toilet, he was following him. It wasn't cute. It was creepy. Till one day, he got enough of this. He was in the school's cafeteria reading some notes, when he someone sat next to him. He knew he wasn't Porsche because he was with Porschay, and because of Vegas, not many people wanted to sit with him. So he turned his head to the source of all his problems and sighs.

"What do you want from me? I got enough of you. I should consider myself lucky you didn't yet follow me home? Or raped me? Tell me what you want?" says Pete to the other in an angry voice.

"First of all... ouch... I may be a psychopath, but I am not a sex offender. And second, I just pursue the boy I like. Is this wrong?"

"So for you to leave me alone, I have to sleep with you?" Pete asks.

"Not only this. I want you in some ways you can't imagine. I also know that we aren't as different as you wish we were." answers Vegas with a smirk on his face. 

Pete is somehow shocked. Nobody knows about his preference in bed. He is very kinky person, sadly he hardly meets someone with the same likes as he. All his past partners were more or less vanilla, but he never had the guts to ask more, being afraid to be seen as a creep. And now someone that he knows for sure that has something in common with him is inviting him to sleep with him, yet he can't. He knows better than trusting Vegas. He may end up hurt more than anything. 

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