Spoiled Brat (MaxNat) 🍭

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He knows that he messed up a little, but he didn't want to admit it. Normally, he just wanted to give NuNew a little kiss on his cheek to make Max jealous, but to his luck, New moved and ended up kissing him on the lips. This got not only Max's attention but also Zee's. He feels sorry for the latter, but not for his on-screen partner. He was mad at him because he ignored him the entire day, preferring to speak to other people the him. So Max deserves it. 

And even better, he ignored his Phi messages. Nat wanted Max to feel how he felt by being ignored by the older. He knew very well that this would not really end good for him, but he didn't care. At least, not know, this will be his problem for later.

Nat was in his room on his phone, watching videos on TikTok while also seeing all the messages his older friend sent. Some moments later, he sees that someone is calling him, and the one calling is NuNew.

"Nat!!! Phi'Max is fuming mad!" He hears his friend saying when he accepts the call.

"I don't care... it is his problem. He ignored me today, and now is my time to." Says Nat.

"You sound like a brat right now." he hears Phi'Zee saying. "He had some things to do, and you took it personally. Also he is coming to your house right now."

"What?" he screams. He could hear a sound of pain, but he didn't care. He ended the call.

He is in danger. He rarely saw his Phi mad, but when he did, it was never towards him. Maybe New was kidding? But Phi'Zee also sounded like he was done with Nat and his attics, but he wasn't Nat's problem. Zee already knew this about Nat, that he can be very bratty because he used to be Domondi's baby, but he rarely was like this with Max. Mostly because the older person used to give Nat whatever he wanted.

Before he knew it, he was up on his feet, pacing in his room, thinking what to do. He could tell his parents not to let Max come in, but he didn't want to cause problems between his Phi and his parents. Now he was wondering how far his phi was from his house? Could he leave in the hope that he will not meet the older one? But he also could wait for Nat to come back... and his parents would not care one bit because they are used to the older being at their house. Oh, Nat, you messed out this time. What will he do?

However, before he could do anything the door of his room opens behind him. He doesn't dare to turn around. He knows who entered his room, but he doesn't want to be nose in nose with the older. The door closes and he could hear someone moving behind him. If he doesn't move maybe his Phi will not see him. 

"Nong'Nat..." he hears his Phi saying. 

The smaller boy turns around and closes his eyes. Then he opens them slowly, being afraid to see the older. Max is usually very tender with him, but the crunch on his face says something else today. He is pissed on the younger and Nat doesn't know how to react. It's a new thing for him that the older is mad towards him. Max was watching Nat in the eyes, but he wasn't moving and it doesn't look like he wanted to say anything to the younger. At least he doesn't want to be the first to speak.

"What a surprise, Phi'Max! What are you doing here?" says Nat while playing very innocent about the hole thing. 

"Are you kidding me?" asks Max a little bit too loud.

"No..." answers Nat with an innocent smile in his lips.

The older one sighs while covering his face with a hand. Is he mad that Nat kissed NuNew? Maybe... Even he doesn't know. Is he mad because the younger one ignored his messages? Yes, of course, he is. If he doesn't answer the younger one as fast he can he starts sulking with the older. If he doesn't give Nat enough attention, he sulks. He spoiled the younger one rotten to the point the he forgets that Max is older and his senior. He doesn't excepts much form the younger. Max just wants the younger to respects him at least a little. He takes his hand from over his face and goes to the in suite bathroom. It's late and right now he is too tired to go to his house.

Nat is kind of surprised that the older one just left and didn't say anything. Nat gulps and decides to help his Phi by bringing him a towel and some clothes to sleep in that the older brought long time ago and left them there. He enters the bathroom when he can hear the shower and leaves the things on the sink. Nat goes back to his bed and sits down. He was alright in pyjamas, so he does not need to take a shower. Soon after the older one comes back in the room, with the new cloths on him. He sits on the other part of the bed, where Nat wasn't sitting. Then in the room was silence. 

"Don't do this again." says Max while sighs. The older lays down under the covers still refusing to look at Nat.

Nat observes the older ones movements. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't dares to. Once he saw that Max wasn't anymore moving, he jumped on the bed and hugged the older one. He almost had tears in his eyes, because he felt bad. The older was tired of him and he knew this. When he felt that Max wasn't doing anything, he started crying. He was sensible being and wasn't doing this manipulate the older. 

"I'm sorry, Phi. I was just angry that you ignored me today and I wanted to make you feel like I felt, but it turns out that I am just a spoiled brat that wants your attention 24/7." says Nat between his hiccups. 

The older one sighs again and turn in the younger one hug. He force the younger one to his chest and tries to shush him to sleep. Who can he lie to? He can't be mad on Nat more than five seconds. However they will have to speak in the morning. Right now he just wants to sleep with the younger in his arms. Nat starts to calm down, once Max kissed his forehead.

"We will speak in the morning about this. But please don't do this again. And I mean ignoring my messages. I was worried and as the older one I have to take care of you. Don't ever ignore my messages again."

"I promise, Phi." says Nat while falling asleep in the older's arms.


I know that the two aren't everyones cup of tee... but I like them. And sincerely Nat does act sometimes like a spoiled brat when it comes to his P'Max (not in a bad way). 

However, let's talk about more important things. For the next two weeks I will be more busy, because I have to learn and I have also university exams, but after this I am in holiday, till September. So because I got some requests, I am telling you what parings will be next:

- PeteWay 

- VegasPete 

- PhayaTharn 

- PhayuRain 

- PrapaiSky 

May this order change? Maybe...

Wish me luck! Because I need a bunch 😭

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