KinnPorsche 🍭🌶️

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I know that my last chapters are mainly smut... but... idk...

However, this story is an omegavers



Kinn is screwing me to a point where I can't even feel my legs anymore. Two days ago, my heat came, and sadly or happily, his rut also came. So now we have had sex for the past 48 hours. In this moment, my heat kind of slows down, so I'm kind of aware of what's happening. I'm on my back with my legs in the air on Kinn's shoulders while he is moving very fast in my hole.

"Kinn slow do-... AH!"

He just came in me, and his knock formed. Kinn tries to steady his breath. He moves a little bit, which makes his knock also move in my hole. I just slap him on his pecks. His Alpha golden eyes look confused at me. Soon, he realises that I am at a point where my heat starts to calm down.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asks me.
"How do you think you will be moving keeping in mind that we are stuck like this?" I ask him.
"I can ask..."
"NO! I don't want anyone to see me like this."

He just chuckles and moves his head. I know very well that the moment the knock goes off, my heat will come back. Well, I was sure from our first time that one day I will die on his dick... And today is happening.

-Two weeks later-

Right now, I am the minor family house visiting Pete. We are having a very mature conversation... at least we had till his kids popped up. Pete and Vegas have a son together, Payu and an adopted son Venice, who theoretically is Vegas half-brother.

"So, you and Kinn are planning on having pups soon?"
"Why do you ask this?"
"Well, I called you and you didn't answer so I called Arm and he told me that you are in heat and Kinn in rut, so you are not available."
"Did you use protection?"

Then it hit me. I was in shock that I may be pregnant, but Pete just put Payu in my arms and left the room with Venice. Payu is a cute one year old but he looks too much as Vegas for everyone taste. Looking at him, I realise that indeed I want to carry Kinn's pups, but I don't know if I am ready or if he also wants this.

I decided to go back to my house to speak with my alpha about this. I go find Pete and give Payu to him and I tell him that I must go home. During my ride back to the main family home, I just think about what Pete said.

I arrive home and I go directly to mine and Kinn's room. When I open the door, I find him and Tay on the couch talking.

"You are back?" asks Kinn.
"Something happened? You look paler than usual." Asks Tay.

I don't answer his question. He slightly smells the air in the room, and then he looks surprised at me. He gets up from the couch.

"I think I should let you two speak. Congratulation!"
"For what?" asks Kinn while Tay exits the room.

Then it hit me. I am pregnant... When Pete was pregnant with Payu, Tay was the one who told him this because Pete's smell changed. No one can understand how Tay does this, but to be fair, Porschay also said that Pete's pheromones had another smell. I look at Kinn, and he looks very confused at me.

"Wait a little bit..."

I say this and run to the bathroom. During his pregnancy, Pete gifted me a box with pregnancy tests telling me that one day I would need this. Well... today will be the day. I take two tests just to be sure, and I wait for the lines to appear. I was so afraid that I took the test and exited the bathroom to go to the couch where Kinn was.

When he sees the tests, he is in complete shock. He just looks at me like I grow a second head. I put the tests on the coffee table, and I sat next to him. We wait... better said I wait while he is frozen in time and space. Some minutes later, he comes to his instincts and takes the tests in his hands.

"We'll going to be parents!!!" he screams like a maniac.
"There are both positive. Look!"

I can believe it... I'm pregnant.

-2 months later-

Today is Kinn birthday. We decided - or better said Takhun decided - to have a big party for him where all our friends will be present. No one knows that I am pregnant except Kinn, Tay, and I also think that Porschay knows too because in the last time, he was glued to me like a pup to his mother.

Everyone was here: Tay, Time, Tem, Jom, Arm, Pol, Kim, Porchay, Pete, and even Vegas and Macau. Kinn was speaking with Time and Kim while I was all by myself in a corner. Tay comes to me.

"So...? Why is Kinn so happy today?"
"You know why" I say while smiling at him. "You have a good nose, Tay."
"So, you are really pregnant?" he screams literally. "I'll be an uncle!"

Everyone was looking at the excited omega and at me. I froze while everyone was watching, like expecting an answer to the words said by Tay. 

"Yes, Tay... You will be an uncle but next time let us announce it to everybody." Says Kinn.

The silence leaves the room while everyone starts to congratulate us. Porschay comes and hugs me. Thankun and Tem and Jom do the same, while the others are congratulating Kinn. In the meantime, Pete looks at me with the "I told you" smirk on his face. From nowhere, I feel a pair of hands around my waist.

"Ok. I think this is enough. He is still my omega, and I don't like others touching him too much... the only exception being Porschay." Says Kinn to everyone, while Porschay looks like a kicked puppy to him.

"It's looking like I am going to be a grandfather." The voice of the old Alpha can be heard.
Kinn smiles at his father and nods happily. Finally, a new generation of the main family.


Free Fall is one of the best OSTs for a series. Both versions are perfect. Yeah... I'm still not over the KinnPorsche era... Sadly it was a era full of problems, but the series is still good. 

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