Drunk Baby (MileApo) 🍭

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Apo was drunk, even if drunk should be a too small word to explain how intoxicated of alcohol he was. He tried to play like everything was normal, but he was failing miserably at it. It was the "Be on Cloud New Year concert" at which Apo drank so much that he even forgot how many glasses he had. Even if he was still walking normally, you could feel it in his voice. Everyone was surprised but once the concert finished was when the fun actually started. 

"I am going to throw up!" says Apo.

"Ah... Take him to the bathroom before he does it here!" says Tong to the person who was helping Apo to walk. 

Before he knew it, he found himself before the toilet bowl. After he trow up from all the alcohol he had drunk, he arrived to get up from next the toilet. He left the toilet stall and went to the washbasin, just to be surprised by Mile.

"Oh! P'Mai, what are you doing here?" says the drunk one while giggling to the older one.

"What I am doing here? I brought you here! How drunk are you, Apo?" asks Mile a little bit irritated. Who did his drunk baby think that brought him to the toilet?

"Oh... Really?" 

That it was for Mile. He took some cold water from the water tap and washed Apo's face in the hope that this would sober him up a little. However, Apo didn't understand it like this and started to throw water to the older. For his drunk brain, they were playing, even if the reality wasn't the same one.

In the end, Mile got annoyed and took the younger one to the car. Their manager took them to Mile's house. When he arrived in the house, Mile put his drunk baby on the couch while he did go take a shower. Meanwhile, Apo, who started to sober up a little, decided to lose his time while waiting on the other on instagram. Bad decision. He was bombarded with messages from his friends about how drunk he got at the concert. And he finally understood why Mile was so annoyed with him.

When the older came back into the living room, he found Apo having a mini mental breakdown. Once Apo saw Mile, he was alright in his pjamas, having in one of his hands a towel, most probably for Apo. But before Mile had time to say anything, Apo started babbling about how stupid he was. The older one found it somehow amusing, mostly because of the conversation P'Pond had with them before the concert, which could be summarised in a few words: "Don't get too drunk." 

"Are you ok, Po?"

"How could I be? I made a fool of myself!" screams the younger.

"Not really... You are much worse when I am the only one around when you drink. You are very touchy..." tease the older one. 

"And you tell me that I wasn't very touchy at the concert?" asks Apo. "It's all over TikTok, Instagram everywhere!"

"Not as touchy..." answers Mile, leaving Apo in his own desperation. 

After the short discussion with his Phi, Apo goes to take a shower. During the shower, he was thinking about what had happened. Today is the first day of the year, and yet he made a fool of himself. Normally, he doesn't drink that much, but he doesn't know what got into him today. He got so drunk at the concert that he was blabbering his words, thing that rarely did happen when he drank. He was so embarrassed, but yet he was thinking what his Phi said, and he was even more embarrassed. How bad is he when he drinks only with Mile?

He finishes the showers and looks in the mirror. Everything around him looks luxurious because it was. He is in an old money people house. After 10 minutes, he finally leaves the bathroom and goes to his Phi room for some clothes to wear. There, he finds Mile on his phone laughing. He wonders what is so funny, till he hears the audio. His own drunk ass is funny. 

"P'Mai!" whines Apo as spoiled child.

"What? I can't watch videos with my drunk baby?" asks the older with a smirk on his face.

Apo just pouts like a child and sits on Mile's bed, ignoring the older. Mile shakes his head with a smile on his lips. Then he goes to his closet and takes some clothes for Apo and after sits next to the younger. 

"Po, I don't laugh of you. I just find you incredibly cute when you are drunk. You are so adorable and so touchy... mostly with me." says the older while watching the younger in the eyes. 

The younger one blushed and smiled. Of course, Mile will see the best in him, like every single time. Even if he makes mistakes, his Phi will say that it is ok, that this sometimes happens. Apo feels loved every time he is with his Phi. 

"Thank you. But... Why did you say that I am worse when we drink together?"

"Get clothed first..." answers, Mile.

"What do I do?" asks Apo, scared.

"Nothing much... But you become a baby when you are drunk. So even going to the bathroom is complicated. You want all my attention, and if I say no... you get cranky." says Mile while teasing the younger.

Apo looked at him with a mixture between annoyance and remorse. Then he gets closed and goes to bed, in the same bed with his Phi. That night, he made an oath to never get drunk ever again. 


Inspired by real life... yes, because Apo really got drunk during the New Year Concert, but other than that and him being very touchy with Mile... it is pure fiction. I know that this coming kind of late, because New Year was for months ago... But whatever... In this house we love MileApo so is never late for them. 

Also hope me luck to not lose my mind this week, because my university decided to be a pain in the ass... 

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