(Chapter 2) Part 9: The Train

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Dan swallows the nervous spit in his mouth and slowly looks back at his brother, who is staring at one of Mommy's legs still stuck in the shredder, her blood painting the gears. His eyes are wide and his mouth his open, taking slow shuddering breathes each time, still shaking from the adrenalin, Dan says nothing. After about a minute, Nearic finally looks back at his brother and says only one thing.

"She's gone." Dan's mouth twitches slightly at the tone, it's cold, scared, desperate, and somehow comforting, like he's trying to comfort both himself, and his brother at the same time.

Dan swallows again, and says softly, "Yeah, yeah she's gone."

Nearic then lets out a heartbreaking sigh as he curls up, knees going up to his face as he hugs them with his arms... and he sobs. Dan slowly gets down next to his brother and hugs him from the side, curling his arms around his brother's curled up form as he frown, his brother leaning into him as he cries. They stay there for some more time, Dan letting his brother recover with killing someone he knew, someone he still loved in a way, it hurts the older brother to see Nearic like this.

He hugs him tighter as he thinks to himself, "I should've done it, but Nearic was running so hard to keep us safe, I'm the older brother, how come he's had to save my ass more than me?!"

He sighs as he closes his eyes, "Don't think about it, what's done is done, just work harder next time."

Dan slowly pulls away as he asks softly, "You think you can keep going?"

Nearic takes a slow, shuddering, deep breath, then replies, "Y-y-yeah," he swallows, "Time f-for Playcare."

Dan nods, "Okay."

Dan helps Nearic slowly stand up, "Let's get out of this hell hole." The little brother nods in agreement.

They walk through the open gate and turn right, seeing piping system with several stairs and catwalks, a sign between the first pair of stairs spelling out 'BAY C9.' Slowly making their way up the stairs, they get to the top of the room and meet a gap, Nearic jumps over first as Dan follows, following the catwalks to a small backroom, before lopping around and taking more stairs. Once they reach the top, they see a black tape on the ground, Nearic reaches down and picks it up, before showing it to Dan.

The older brother looks at the tape, "Looks like we got one more before we head off to Playcare." He looks at Nearic, "How about you record this one, I'll be in the video." Nearic smiles thankfully and nods.

Dan pulls out his phone and opens the camera app before handing it to his brother, then he stands next to the railing by the VHS player, leaning on it slightly with his left arm, his left hand holding the VHS tape. Nearic walks to the left of the stairs, standing at the corner of the landing before tapping the record button.

He nods to Dan, and he speaks, "Hi, my brother lost his voice for a bit, so I'll be handling this recording." He lifts up the tape, "We found this tape in some backroom area, Bay C9, so let's find out what's on it." He plugs it into the VHS player and turns around to the TV that bluescreens behind him, Nearic following his gaze with the camera.

The screen then shows a very familiar hand with a black background as a voice says, "Log Code: 0-8-5-0-2, in relation: Experiment 1006 (The Prototype)" he then starts recounting an event, "A close call occurred this week, in which he almost breached containment. The Prototype seemly disassembled the digital alarm clock within his room, and utilized the battery, along with several other components to create a laser pointer."

Dan's eyes widened, "Holy shit!"

The voice continued, "Which he then fired into the security camera, disabling it. These actions allotted him 28.3 seconds completely unmonitored, once function returned to the camera, the room appeared to be empty. One surveillance specialist went in to confirm his absence, however, upon opening the door, she realised the Prototype had hid in one of the camera's blind spots. The Prototype had attempted to escape through the open door; however, another surveillance specialist was able to remotely relock the door, despite the other specialist still being inside... One casualty occurred."

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