(Chapter 2) Part 6: A Stalking Caterpillar

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After exiting the Whack-A-Wuggy area, Nearic walks back over to the console as Dan waits by the stairs next to the console. Then Dan looks at the game sign before the console and sees a blue and purple dog head on it, the only word on it being 'Statues.'

Dan stares at it as he asks, "Uh, Nearic, is that the giant toy we're facing next?"

Nearic looks at his brother, seeing him staring at the Statues sign, he nods, "Yeah, PJ Caterpillar, he'll be fun to have chasing us." Then pulls the last lever.

Dan whips his head to his little brother just as some Playtime Co.'s theme music plays, "I'm sorry, chase?!"

Stella's pre-recorded voice then says, "Jeez, have you played these before? You're so good!"

Dan snorts, "He has." Nodding his head to Nearic, who grins smugly.

Stella continues, "Seems like you're ready for the final game: Statues! Follow Mommy down the stairs one last time, I hope you had a fun time at the Game Station, see you next time!"

Dan and Nearic walk down the steps as the lights to the final game turn on, but instead of the trapdoor opening on its own, the large yellow and black striped handle pops out with a blinking red light. Nearic hums as he makes his way to the other side of the trapdoor, he then launches both his hands and reels in the cables, slowly pulling the door open.

Dan nods, "Alright, let's not keep Mommy waiting." Then proceeds to walk down the steps, Nearic following close behind.

Upon entering the game hallway, the brothers see a toy painted across the walls, one toy, spanning from one end of the hallway on the right wall, going along it to the 2 boys, looping back around onto the other wall and ending with the head of the toy, PJ Caterpillar. Dan pales at the length of the toy as Nearic shivers at the memories, those being the very few bad memories he still remembers.

Dan asks incredulously, "We're being chased by that thing?"

Nearic nods, "Yeah, it's similar to red light green light, but with the added bonus of having something chase you if you're to slow."

Dan shifts at that comment, "Oh boy."

Going up to the door on the right, the gate to the game being locked shut, Nearic opens the white door and steps inside, "Come on, we need to open that gate for the last game, then we can get on that train."

Dan takes a deep breath and follows his little brother inside, seeing what looks to be a storage room full of old broken equipment, except for the large white machine to their right, looking like a giant printer of some sort. The brothers continue onward through the small storage room, before Nearic sees a power port at the other end of a small hall, they enter the barren room to see 2 power poles, a power port on one end of the room, a PJ caterpillar cutout next to said port, and a green hand receiver on the other side of the barren room.

Dan slaps the green hand against the port, taking the charge, before turning around and slapping the receiver, while Nearic conveniently looked up at the pipe handles, and upon receiving a charge, the one that was lit up went dark as the other flipping forward with activity, "Oh!"

Dan looks at his brother, "What?"

Nearic points up, "Look at the handles!"

Dan looks up at the glowing handle as the receiver start flickering, "What about it?"

Nearic shakes his head, 'No no no, just watch."

After a few seconds, the receiver loses it's charge and the handles swap again, Dan replies, "Oh, I get it."

Dan looks back at Nearic, "Okay, I want you to go up there and tell me of there's an output port up there."

Nearic nods as he grapples the active handle above up, then pulls himself up to the landing above, and upon seeing the port he nods, "Yeah, there's a port!"

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