(Chapter 1) Part 1: Been Awhile

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"Okay, one more time, why are we here?" a man asks. He has black hair and brown eyes, also wearing a black hoodie, black sweatpants, white shoes, and a dark grey backpack strapped over his shoulders.

Another boy groans and shakes his head in annoyance, "For the last time Dan, we're going to check out this factory-" he points with a chop of his hand towards an old, abandoned factory with a big letter 'P' on the top ahead of them, looking like a cartoon-like building, "to find out what happened for everyone to disappear."

Said young man has brown hair, except for a loose mohawk that falls to the right side of his face, which is color themed to an old friend; Auburn at the roots, orange at the middle, and yellow at the ends. He wears sunglasses, a bright yellow hoodie with a sun symbol at the back-center, leaf green sweatpants, yellow shoes with leaf green laces and soles. He has a hatchet strapped around his waist and a green backpack with yellow stripes strapped over his shoulders.

Dan sighs as he drags a hand down his face, "Yeah, I get that Nearic, I wanna know why?"

Nearic rolls his eyes, "I used to live here, and it was never a good place, if everyone that worked here went missing, I have a bad feeling there's a dark reason behind it. But of course, no one will believe me until I have proof, so we will explore the factory to get evidence, and get out."

Dan takes a deep breath as he pulls out his phone, "You're lucky I'm going with you Nearic, no matter how many times you're proven wrong." He says before putting his phone away.

Nearic smiles as he faces Dan, "And that's why you're my big brother." before walking towards the factory.

Dan shakes his head, muttering, "My parents just had to find the paranoid homeless kid, didn't they?" then starts running after his adopted brother.

"But there is one thing that's bugging me." Dan states.

Nearic glances back as he grabs a hatchet from his side, "What is it?"

Dan looks ahead to the factory doors, "You said you wanted to investigate about the sudden shut down of the factory and the disappearance of everyone inside, right?"

The brother nods, Dan then adds, "Then why come here now? I mean, if you wanted to know what happened here, then why wait?"

Nearic looks back to me, "Well, let's just say that whatever happened in there, people are still in there, and one of them contacted me somehow."

Dan arcs an eyebrow, "What, how... who?"

Nearic shrugs as he hacks at the boarded up double doors, "No clue, but they knew that I was an orphan here, and they asked for me to come and find the truth of what happened here, telling me to find some red flower."

Dan looks around as Nearic continues to hack at the wooden planks, "That is weird, do you trust it?"

Nearic grunts as he hacks off the last plank, "Nope, but it's the only reason I can get to come back here and understand what happened, without seeming insane."

Dani snorts, "You are insane, you talk about living sentient toys like it's normal."

The other boy rolls his eyes as he puts his hatchet away, "It's the only childhood memories I remember, will you leave me alone?"

The older brother chuckles, "Only if you stop doing it. ~" he says before opening the doors and walking inside.

Nearic sighs and follows his older brother inside, "Jerk."

Upon entering the factory, they were met with an empty, yet slightly decrepit front lobby. The floor was cracked and broken, some of the tiles painted blue, red, and yellow, while the rest was a normal white. There was a barren front desk ahead of them, the paint was falling off the cartoonish blue furred and red lipped monster on the wall behind it. An old TV is mounted to the wall of the far right corner, while a small cart below it held a green VHS player. Then to the right was a tunnel with letters above it spelling 'Gift Shop', while to the left was another tunnel with letters spelling 'Security.'

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