Goddess of the Hunt Part 2

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After class, Daysha walks around campus, looking for Roy, but can't track him down. She checks his usual hangout spot, the café, and the library but she cannot find him.

Where the hell are you Roy? She thinks.

She continues searching and notices something outside the window. She sees a couple of students are flipping off the steps outside.

She sees a guy with the same shirt Roy had on today, she heads down stairs and outside to where they are. Her assumptions correct. Daysha walks outside to see Roy jumping off the last twelve steps with four other guys.

"Roy, what are you doing?" Daysha yells, as he lands on the ground on his feet.

"Oh, hey Daysh, all done with classes now?" Roy asks with cheer.

"Yes, what the hell are you doing? That is so stupid and dangerous, are you out of your mind?" She continues to yell at him, walking up to him and tabs him on his head. "We are leaving; you promised Shade that you would come straight home."

"Come on Daysh, she is just being a worry wart."

"That 'worry wart' is worried about you so come on, we are going home." Daysha pushes his back pack into his chest. She grabs Roy and pulls him away.

"Let's do this again sometime dudes!" Roy shouts at the other men.

"What am I going to do with you? What the hell is wrong with you, flipping off of the stone steps outside, you could have broken your neck!"

"I doubt it, I'm an immortal creature of the night." He whispers.


"Nothing!" Roy corrects, sheepishly.

Roy bumps into somebody. The guy spills his drink and immediately gets upset. He turns around, pushes Roy and he stumbles down the slope of the hallway, rolls and jumps up to his feet. He turns around and sees the guy storming towards him .

"What the fuck, man? You made me spill my drink! Look at my damn shirt!" He screams as he gets in Roy's face.

"Hey man, you're the one who was walking in front of me, not paying attention to your surroundings, you did this to yourself, but it's alright, you already had other stains on that shirt so this one makes them all disappear." He says, amused.

"What are you doing you idiot?" Daysha gasps at Roy, nervous looking at them both.

"Hey, I'm just telling the truth, you know I don't like to lie."

The guy, furious at Roy's wise crack, swings at him. Roy dodges and backs up a little. "Aw come on, there's no need to get violent. Although if you are then you might want to try a little harder, that punch was so slow." Roy clicks his tongue, shaking his head back and forth.

"Shut up, bitch!" He charges and swings at Roy again. Roy keeps dodging all his attempts.

"Oh man, this is just terrible. I mean you could at least make me break a sweat before you do..." Roy backs up again. The man stands there, tired and wipes his face and Roy starts taunting him. Another guy with an mp3 player comes walking by.

"Aw, that's my jam! Excuse me, can you turn that up please?" Roy asks with a swivel of his legs.

The man unplugs his headphones and turns up the volume. Roy starts bobbing his head. He puts both of his hands up and starts air guitar playing to the song. The violent guy takes this opportunity and runs at Roy. Roy flips over him and kicks his back. The male tumbles down the hall and Roy lands on his feet and continues to rock out. The guy gets even angrier and charges at him again. Roy, laughing, starts backing up until he backs up into a girl with long black hair, walking the other direction.

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