That Fateful Night Part 3.

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Roy's in his room, at his desk, drawing a new picture. He lost track of time, as he often did when sketching. Shadow walks in to his room with Beauty and Beast behind her.

"It impolite to enter someone's room without knocking you know?" He snips with an eye roll. Beast and Beauty walk over to him and start sniffing around his stomach. Roy stops and turns around to pet them. "I see that Daysha gave you some clothes to wear..."

Shadow glances at her sleeveless white top and black shorts.

"What are you doing?" Shadow implores as she stares at Roy.

"I'm drawing, don't disturb me or I won't get done..." He continues his drawing. She walks over to his desk and stands, looking over his shoulder. "It's hard to draw when you're breathing on my fricking neck, you know?"

"What are you drawing?"

"I'm drawing Manga."

"" Shadow looks confused.

"Its Japanese comic books, I'm making my own. It's called Raunsgaid. It's going to be famous one day, it's about these people who are the protectors of the Auras of the world..." He says, proudly.

Shadow looks confused.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?" He sighs.

She nods her head no and he turns around and starts drawing again. Shadow looks at the pictures on Roy's wall. She stands on her tip toes, standing only five feet tall with her long, wild brown hair. As she continues to look at his drawings, a certain one catches her eye and she stares hard at the image.

"What are you...Oh, that picture..." She's looking at the picture of a Werewolf on his wall.

"This was my first Werewolf drawing; I'd say it came out nicely"

"Is this an Alpha or Beta?" She inquires and looks at him.

Roy frowns at her, confused "It' Alpha."

"He should be bigger. You should increase the size of the snout and make the ears bigger. Also, he needs a tail and his feet are all wrong."

"Everybody's a critic. And just how do you know what a Alpha looks like?" He demands, offense pooling in his gut.

"Because my big brother is an Alpha..." Shadows replies with a casual shrug.

Roy begins laughing. "Now, that was funny! Your brother is an Alpha Werewolf?"


Roy gets in front of her, pats her head, walks over to his bed, and gets under his covers. "Kids say the craziest things nowadays"

"It's true, I am a Werewolf."

"Goodnight Shadow..." Roy turns off his lights and rolls over.

He closes his eyes and moments later, hears deep growling coming from behind him. He turns around to see yellow, glowing eyes looking straight at him. He turns on the light and looks directly at Shadow. She crouches on the floor, on all fours, and her growls get deeper. Roy, with a terrified look on his face, stares as Shadow starts growing claws on her hands and feet.

Shadow's fangs begin to extend and hair starts growing on her arms, legs, and face. She gets up and walks over to Roy. Her ears point, sticking out through her hair, which grew longer, traveling all the way to her lower back. Her tail comes out from under her shirt and begins waving it around. She gets in Roy's face and stops growling.

"See? I told you I was a Werewolf..." Shadows speaks with deeper tone in her voice.

She stares right into Roy's eyes as they fill with fear.

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