Chapter 1: That Fateful Night Part 1.

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It's a quiet night, wind blowing, stars clearly visible and the moon almost full and shining in middle of the sky. On the ground in the middle of a park, a man lies bleeding profusely, his chest gaping open from gunshot wounds. He coughs up blood and as he tries to move, his body frigid from his injuries and massive blood loss.

He was dying.

What did I do that for? Why did this... happen to me... He thinks to himself as his eye sight begins to blur.

Before his eye sight fades completely, a shadowy figure looms over the man and crouches down to his level. He strains to see yellow, glowing eyes staring straight at him. The figure growls and reveals large, sharp fangs to the man. Terror strikes the man as he understands this mysterious beast isn't going to help him. The beast lunges at the man, ready to claim its next victim and meal.

Early morning, an alarm clock goes off.

It continues to ring but the person in the bed doesn't move at all to turn it off. Across the room, the bedroom opens and a female walks in. As she moves, her brown, curly hair flicks against her olive tone complexion. She strides over to the clock and presses the stop button on the alarm. Yawning, she stretches her petite frame and glances at the person in the bed.

"Hey Roy, get up..." She leans over and rubs his shoulder. Roy moans and nudges his shoulder, wanting to continue his satisfying slumber. She looks at him, climbs on his bed and stands over him.

"Come on, time to get up!" She yells and starts jumping on his bed.

"Ten more minutes Daysha...come on." Roy whines as he rolls over onto his back.

Daysha stares down at him. "Come on, it's time for school, so GET UP!" Daysha collapses on Roy, landing on his stomach.

Roy gags in pain. "Ouch! Okay, okay, I'm getting..." Roy studies Daysha in further detail, eyes clearing of sleep. She's sitting on top of Roy's stomach in her underwear. "DAYSHA PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!"

Daysha looks down at herself and chuckles. "Oh, come on, we have been living together over a year and a half now and we've known each other more than five years. But you are still not use to seeing me in my underwear? You should just cope and accept it little brother..." She chastises him.

"Well, I don't want to see you in your underwear; you're my sister so it's pretty weird!" He shouts, disgusts rising in his stomach and looking away from her exposed body.

"Get used to it buddy, it's gonna be like this until you move out." Daysha laughs and Roy sighs. He pushes her to the side, moving her of his stomach.

"Get out of my room with your nakedness woman." Roy instructs, sitting up on his elbows.


"I...slept naked last night..." He cringes to admit.

"Why did you sleep naked?!" Daysha's eyes widen as she scolds him, her mouth gaping in shock.

"I was hot last night and my fan is broken, what did you expect me to do? Now, hurry up and get out so I can dress!" Roy replies, exasperation lacing his words.

"And you talk about me going around the house in my underwear, you're naked..." She responds, moving further away from him.

"At least I'm in my room, my cave, you do it around the house, even when my friends are here KNOWING how much of a thirst trap you are!." Roy scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, this is my house, I'll do whatever I want and plus I have nothing to hide, it's just skin..." She points out with a raised eyebrow.

"Whatever, are you going to get out of my room or are you gonna stay while I get out of bed, naked and get dressed in front of you?" Roy asks as he starts to get out of bed. Daysha covers her eyes and shrieks.

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