Goddess of the Hunt Part 3

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"Roy, where are you?" she pulls out her phone and calls his cell but it goes straight to voice mail. "Great, he's ignoring my calls because I know his phone isn't dead!" Daysha looks and sees Shade walking down the street, heading for their school. "Shaddie!"

Shade guises over and sees Daysha driving passed her. Daysha pulls over to the curve and Shade runs and gets in the car.

"Sister, where is Roy?"

"I don't know, I lost him at school, after he got into a fight with these guys, he just ran off!"

"He got into a fight?" Shade gets a worried look on her face.

"Yes, he completely pulverized these three guys."

"Did he bite any of them!"

"Bite? No, I don't think he bit them. What is going on?! What do you mean bite? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ROY!"

Shade becomes quiet and Daysha pulls into a parking lot. She stops the car and grabs Shade by her shoulders. "Shade, tell me, I don't know what's going on!" Shade looks away and remains quiet. Daysha puts her head down and begins to quiver. "Please...tell me..."

A tear drops from her eyes and she stares directly into Shades eyes. Shade, feeling horrible for lying to her, looks at Daysha and takes her hands from her shoulders.

"Daysha," Shade puts her head down. "I've been lying to you about what I am..."

"What do you mean? What have you been lying about?"

Shade looks up at her. Daysha, with fear in her eyes, witnesses as Shades eyes glow yellow, her fangs grow and claws sprout out from her fingertips.

"I'm a Werewolf."

"No way, this isn't possible, werewolves don't exist."

"Yes, they do Daysha and Roy is one too." Daysha, shocked by what Shade just said, covers her mouth and sheds a tear.

"Remember what I told you that night, when I brought him home and his clothes were bloody? Remember I said that he got into a fight and the other guy's blood? That was a lie, in truth, that was Roy's blood." Daysha blanches and gapes.

"See, those two guys were Werewolf hunters, they had been looking for me for months and they remembered Roy from when he rescued me from them. That's what caused them to attack us that day. They were after me and after I escaped, Roy found me again. The problem was that they followed him, I tried to protect him but they wounded me. They were about to finish me but Roy jumped in the way and took a shotgun shell to the chest."

"He took a shotgun shell for you?"

"He took it to save my life. He was going to die and I couldn't let that happen. You and he are all I have in this world and I won't let anything happen to either of you, but at that moment, the only thing I could do to save his life was," Shadow pauses.

"Change him into a Werewolf."

"That's right..."

"It all makes sense now, you two acting so weird, his heighted senses, the way he was acting at school today and the fact he tried to hide from me in the bathroom this morning."

"He didn't want you to find out because he loves you, he was only trying to protect you and keep you out of the life of Lycanthropy." Shadow reassures her.

Daysha leans back in her chair. "My brother is a Werewolf." She holds her head down.

Shade gets a worried look on her face as she looks at Daysha, fearing how she is going to take the truth. "I'm sorry I put him through this and I'm sorry I lied to you this whole time Daysha..." Shade sheds a tear.

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