Chapter 24 - Abysm

Start from the beginning

The decepticon flexed his claws in unease as he approached the hunched figure. What was this? Was this death? Had his spark been sent back to the pits?

He closed the gap swiftly, freezing when he was close enough to recognize the small human.

Lauren sat upon an old desk chair, head rested upon a wooden surface, her body sagged.

He stepped closer for a better look, only then did he notice the crimson that stained her lower leg. She'd shed her lower covering- pants. Her shoulders heaved with her labored breaths.

"Girl, what harm has come to you?" His gruff voice came out strained with anger. She looked hellacious in her hunched state. He growled violently as he dropped to a knee servo to better be close.

He hadn't left her in that state, he knew that for an absolute fact.

But was any of what he was seeing real? Or was it some twisted version of his own personal hell?

"Speak when spoken to, bug." His tone came out harsh as he reached out a claw to nudge her.

His claw made contact with her flesh for only a moment before she shot up, her eyes met his optics for a nano-klik before he was ripped away from the moment. 


The next second, he was blinking his optics open. He glanced around at his unfamiliar surroundings, confused. 

Was this another memory of her's...? Why now of all times? 

"I'll be in my room mommy!" Came a high pitched voice as the door to the bedroom flew open, revealing a much too young Lauren, a gap tooth smile spread across her rounded face. 

Megatron almost reeled at the spectacle. What was this...? He observed the child from afar as she plopped down upon the carpeted floor to play with some toys, paying him no mind. He shifted his sights to study the room further.

His optics returned to the small girl playing with her toys, he noted that her hair was a much lighter shade in childhood. 

The squeak of the door hinges caused him to shift his optics toward the noise, just before an equally small, furry creature bound in, jaw slack and tongue flopped outward. The small cream colored mammal nuzzled into the side of Lauren, the result yielded her joyful squeals. The child dug her stubby fingers through the fur happily. 

Megatron turned and stepped out of the room after that, the scene changed along side him. 

"Please, daddy! I'll be good! You won't even know I'm here! Let me stay with you!" Lauren cried from the hallway floor, her pleas shrill and desperate. She hiccupped on her own tears, snot dribbled down her lips. 

She looked only a moment older in that second. Hair cut shorter, only centimeters taller, and another missing tooth. The home felt devoid of all life. 

"Please!" She sobbed with a weak bang at a locked door, her small fist unable to cause any real disturbance. 

His features screwed up in disdain, anger pooled in his core at her tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes, her throat had been cried raw. 

Despite what he may feel, he pushed on, stepping past the youngling to round the corner into a sort of living space. His optics spotted Lauren with ease. Her head was poked out around a corner just barely visible, her large eyes set on the hunched male figure. 

Megatron approached her side to see from her angle. The male's back heaved with shudders wracking his body, free hand buried in his unkempt hair while the other cradled a glass bottle. Her sire- father, he recalled bitterly, a growl crawled up his throat. 

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now