New Multiverse

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Cross's P.O.V:

I scream in terror as I feel myself falling from the sky. I can hear myself shouting out curses as I fall. I see my life flash before my eyes, thinking I was going to die for a second time, I recall memories from my past life. Walking through hallways of a high school that I can no longer remember the name of, talking with friends at school, having crushes but never having the courage to confess, graduating from high school, getting my first job, being fired from my first job, and dying at a young age. I could feel tears forming in my eye-sockets as I fell, I didn't want to die a second time.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as I feel myself stop screaming and shouting curses when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over to see Sans and Papyrus both falling with me, Both of them look relatively calm though. Sans was the one who had put her hand on my shoulder, while Papyrus was holding onto Sans's arm as we all fell. Before I could question them on what the hell was going on Sans pulled me and Papyrus closer. Her eye-lights light up in a bright light blue, a huge scissor popped into existence, and we landed on the blades. I cling to Sans in fright since we were still since very high in the sky. I glance at Papyrus and see her examining the ground below us. Papyrus looks at me for a moment and gives me a reassuring smile before going back to examining the ground below us.

I definitely felt better now that we weren't falling from the sky. Sans lowered the scissor down to the ground slowly after Papyrus had given the sign that it was safe to go down. As we reached the ground Papyrus hopped down first and then helped me hop down. After both me and Papyrus were off of the giant scissor Sans hopped off herself and dispelled her Magic and the scissor popped out of existence again. "Are you ok?" Papyrus asked me with worry clear on her face, I nod to her question. "I feel like I'm going throw up, but other than that I'm not hurt... I don't think the Soulings are either." I say with a weak smile. Papyrus smiles at me, though she still seems a bit worried but I'm pretty sure it was due to the new surroundings now though.

We had landed on a cliff that was overlooking a small village, while me and Papyrus were getting used to the new surroundings Sans was looking down at the village while in thought. Sans walked back over to us after a few moments, "I think we're in a different AU.... or something. Either way we're nowhere near home." Sans says and then sighed. The village looks like Snowdin... So, there's probably another Sans and Papyrus here in this Au." Sans explains and looks down at the Village again, "Something feels odd though, the streets were completely empty despite it being daytime... Not to mention we're on the surface instead of underground." She says. 

Papyrus looks at the village as well and is silent for a bit as she observes. "It's so... quiet..." Papyrus says, Sans sighs "Maybe it's just a quiet and empty-Ish AU...." Sans says, it sounds like she's doubtful though. Papyrus nods and look back at me, "We'll probably need to head down to Snowdin for shelter. Do you think you'll be ok?" She asks me. I nod and respond, "Yea... I think I'll be able to make it to Snowdin." She smiles and then turns back to Sans. "We should probably go now before it gets colder and darker." Papyrus says. Sans nods and starts heading down the cliff.

Me and Papyrus follow behind her, looking around to be aware of our surroundings as we do. When we make it to Snowdin the silence was so loud it make me feel uncomfortable. Sans looks around and then continues walking through Snowdin. We follow her until we reach their house in this AU. It looked dusty... and it smelled musty. Sans opened the door and the hinges creaked with the sound of rust scraping together as the door wide enough for us to walk in. the couch was covered in dust, as well as any other piece of furniture in the house. Papyrus walked in and coughed.

"There's so much dust..." Papyrus says. Sans and Papyrus both looked put off due to the amount of dust. I was kind of confused, yea there was a lot of dust, but why were they so put off. It's possible nobody lived here. I tried to figure it out until I remembered that when Monsters die, they turn into Monster Dust. "This isn't... Monster Dust, is it?" I ask them. Sans shakes her head. "No, but the amount is unsettling. It looks like no one's entered this place in years. And I bet the other houses insides would look the same." Sans says.

Papyrus nods and then walks up the stairs and towards the room that would normally be hers. She opens the door and looks inside only to freeze and turn back to us, "There's another me in here... But, He's asleep..." She says sounding confused. Sans and I look at each other in surprise. The house looked like it was abandoned, but another Papyrus was here. Sans and I walk up the stairs and go over to our Papyrus and look into the room. Right there in the race car bed was another Papyrus, He looked like the original... But I had a feeling that this AU wasn't the original. Especially since there was so much dust around that it looked abandoned.

"I think we'll need Nicknames now..." Papyrus says as she looks back at us. Sans nods her head, "Yea, probably a good idea..." She pauses in thought, "But what would our nicknames be?" Sans asks. I look at the ceiling for a moment before suggesting two nick names for them, "How about Sans as Lone and Papyrus as Miss?" I say. I didn't really have a reason for choosing those names, they just felt right. "Sounds good to me." Sans, now nick named Lone says. "Yes I suppose that'll work." Papyrus, now nick named as Miss says.

Miss turns and looks into the room again; she takes a step farther into the room to see if anything would happen. When nothing happened, she walked closer to the bed and observed her other self. He was sleeping soundly from what I could tell. Miss walks back over to us, "He seems to be asleep. But it looks like he hasn't left the bed in years. Everything but the bed is covered in dust from not being used in years." Miss says. "It sounds and looks like he's been asleep for years. And I don't think he's the only one that's in this state." Lone says. 

I look down the hallway and spot the door that would usually lead to Lone's bedroom. Though since this is another AU I suppose it would be this AU's Sans's room. I walk down the hall, towards the door and open it. I peek inside to see a Sans sleeping on a mattress on the floor. It seemed to be in the same state as this AU's Papyrus's room, there was dust everywhere. The mattress was the only thing that didn't have dust covering it. "This is weird..." I mutter to myself, Lone walks into the bedroom and looks around. "It's in the same state as Papyrus's room..." Lone says and sighs. 

Lone turns to me, "Me and Miss are going to check around the AU to see if anyone is awake. you should stay here and rest in the meantime." Lone says. I nod and walk downstairs; I sit on the couch and watch as Lone and Miss walk towards door. "We'll be back soon, ok?" Miss says, I nod and wave goodbye as they exit the house. I sigh and close my eyes. Questions run through my head, where were we? How'd we get here? but after a while I felt myself drift off to sleep.

A/N: Hello! I'm back with a longer chapter this time so I hope you enjoyed. Have a wonderful rest of you Day/evening/Night! ♡

Reborn as Cross, but I'm pregnant.Where stories live. Discover now