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A/N: Picture above by me.


Cross's P.O.V:

I sigh and rub my skull in frustration, not only was I stuck here in the body of Cross. But I was stuck in his body in this white void, pregnant, with nothing I need here.... The only good thing is that since I'm still in this place it means the X-event hasn't started yet.... I think... I knew the main plot of Underverse, but I hadn't watched the actual thing. I didn't do well with watching something without skipping ahead at some parts, so I really just searched up the main plot.... and from what I could tell Cross hasn't met Ink yet. I need to get out of here before Ink or Nightmare finds me.... I sigh and try to use my magic. I spend a while practicing my magic once I manage to use it.

~Time skip to after training~

I trained for a while and it left me exhausted, I think that was partly because of the Souling. I start thinking, does the Souling need magic? How am I supposed to do that? I sigh and lay back. I need to get out of here. I sit up feeling nauseated and hunch over and get sick. I stay hunched over for a moment before leaning back. "I need to get out of here, and I need to do it soon..." I say and sigh. I lay down and close my eyes(?) planning on sleeping. My mind goes blank, and I start to slip into unconsciousness.

~After a while~

I sit up and stretch feeling less tired. I start thinking about how I need to get out of here and soon. I start feeling frustrated because I honestly have no idea what to do... But then out of nowhere a portal opens, I look at the portal in surprise. I reach my hand out towards it, and I could tell it was made with my magic. I... had made a portal? but to where... I stand up thinking that it didn't matter, I needed to get somewhere with actual supplies for the Souling. I step into the portal and look around, there was snow falling from above... somehow.... The portal closes behind me. I look around and head into the forest, I stick to the trees as I head towards Snowdin. When I reached Snowdin, I saw groups of monsters sticking near each other and glaring at other groups. It was...odd. I look around and spot what I believe was this AU's Papyrus... but something was odd, this one looked more... Feminine? I suppose.

The Papyrus wasn't speaking at all, they were surveying the area looking for anything out of place. Eventually the Papyrus turn around and heads to Snowdin, the moment the Papyrus turns around gave me a way to see what they looked like better. The reason this Papyrus looked more feminine was because this Papyrus was a Girl. It was surprising, I had never seen a Female Papyrus before even before I was reincarnated. She was wearing real armor and had two swords on her back. She also seemed... Fit? She didn't have skin but she looked like if she wanted to she could probably break my bones easily. As she was walking towards Snowdin she stops and turns to where I'm hiding in the trees. "So, who are you?" She asks.


A/N: I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Again, picture above is by me. Have a wonderful rest of you Day/Night/Evening!♡

Reborn as Cross, but I'm pregnant.Where stories live. Discover now