Day and night, all the same

Start from the beginning

The sun was already settling at the building's tops as his eyes gently opened. He groaned in his sleep and settled further into his pillow. It felt soft with a gentle scent of daisies. Wait.. He opened his eyes and saw the prettiest boy asleep next to him, with his hand slopped over his waist. Gently, he picked his hand up and put it aside, shifting out of bed quietly. You don't deserve this. Any of this. His blood was slowly boiling below the surface, with anger. He sighed softly, clutching his fist and closed the bedroom door gently as he left the sleeping beauty.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?"
Scarlet perked up from her phone and calmly looked at him. He clenched his fists.
"What did you want me to do?"
"NOT BRING HIM INTO THIS MESS" He growled, barring teeth at the girl and grabbed her by her white collar, lifting her up to his face. In the light, her eyes didn't shine, yet still had that aura of darkness.
"What mess?" She asked calmly. His eyes widened as the thought flashed past his mind. As the image of the corpse.. the blood on his claws, coating the black in scarlet red. He flinched and let go of her.
"I'm not doing this" His voice spoke of defeat as he turned away.
"What the fuck else am I suppose to do, Crow?" She snapped, her voice breaking with desperation. "Comforting you after that family didn't help.. telling you for the millionth time to leave Lucifer didn't help.." She sniffled softly and her gaze faltered to the floor as she spoke, almost to herself. "Bringing Evie into this certaintly seems to have done something.."
He grabbed her collar, lifting her up and barred his teeth at her face, sneering angrily. The last thing he wanted was for Evie to ever find out the fucked up truth behind Crow's work. To see how much blood had been spilt because of him. His gaze instinctively shifted to the sun in the background and he sighed, his tail coiling around his body as he let her go and turned around.
"I need some alcohol" He muttered to himself, shuffling to the counter for another half empty bottle. To drown out his mistakes. His life.
"Fuck this.." Scarlet's words echoed within his mind as he felt the air shift and instinctively parried with his arm to block her leg. The two's gaze connected for a moment as he huffed and swirled around. Scarlet huffed annoyed as he turned on his heel, but it was too predictable, the knife to his neck; he leapt onto the floor, half turning as his claws dug into the floor. In the ember light she stood, grinning. That grin. It'd all gone her way, hadn't it? Evie to awaken his feelings and her to take care of his emotions. Fuck this shit. His hand expanded with black furr bursting out of the skin. Connecting to her body making her fly into the air and into the wall with a thud. Dust sprawled out from the impact and she fell to the floor, slumped over; as she lifted her gaze, he saw that smile that he feared. The smile she wore as she slaughtered any and all, mercilessly. At the call of her gang. Or as she used to.
"You want to be on a leash for the rest o-"
His fist flew faster then she could finish her sentence and air lifted around the two as she grabbed it and rotated it into the air to deflect; pulling him inches away. He growled in pure animalistic anger and shifted his weight onto his right leg to swing his left up against her head. She spun behind him and let go of his fist. He fumbled over and sneered. Lost in his emotions. By sadness. By hurt. Everything was flowing through the open gates like water. A shadow slithered behind Scarlet, who's eyes were trained on his back, and shot up from behind. Scarlet jumped into the air to barely weave it and landed on the couch, grinning as she wiped away blood from a cut itd left.
"Now we're talking.." She said. Almost ecstatic. Black feathers spurred out of Crowley's back, lifting the air and blowing it into Scarlet at full strength, throwing her into the window. Glass shattered, letting Scarlet into free fall, and Crowley leapt after her with a fist aimed at her face. She grabbed his fist and rotated them around so Crowley hit the pavement, dust rising from the impact. It hurt. It hurt so much. His head was swirling, light headed as he pushed her off him and leapt to create distance as he glared at her.
"You happy?" He shouted and swung his fists rapidly at her, filling every empty open spot as he strengthened his impact. She deflected every attempt at a open shot effortlessly, backing up to remain in control of the fight.
"You fucking happy now?" He shouted and punched her in the stomach, making her fly back and roll over. The impact must've been a lot for her human body as she slumped over for a moment, heaving for air. Slowly, she pushed herself half up, grinning.
"Woah what's going on?" Evie's voice filled his raged mind and broke through the anger, watering out the flame that'd erupted from Scarlet. Crowley breathed heavily, eyes trained on Scarlet, who watched him pensively, trained for his next move.
"Do you wanna talk now?" She said through a strained voice, panting as she held her stomach. Crowley's gaze flickered between the two as his emotions numbed up once more, though the pain and confusion in Evie's eyes left him broken. His gaze faltered, too pained to look and he leapt into the air, ashamed of what he'd become. Of what he'd done to them. To Scarlet. His ebony wings sprawled in the sky to become a shadow, a lonely crow, lifting him to the only place he had left. To the only person who knew him, or would accept him. Lucifer was as fucked up as him, yet she hadn't once shamed him for his work. In a fucked up way, that was the only comfort he had left now.

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