Christmas Pt. 1

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Harris and I have talked and he says it's fine for me to stay through the new year and cruise. It's one less thing to worry about before Christmas which is a blessing. In good news, at least for me who is a selfish bitch, Mario's attempt to woo Jose isn't going well. Apparently all he does is cry and moan over his ex. This is why I don't do relationships. I don't get why people put themselves through that crap.

Question, what do you get for Christmas for a guy who is letting you live in a tent on his couch and won't let you pay him except for a haircut, cleaning the place, and some pizza? Asking for a friend.

So yeah, I have a place to live but I'm stressed to the nines. He is coming to my mother's for Christmas and not only that, I have more presents to buy. I've never seen the inside of his bedroom, nor do I really know what he does for fun except play that D&D game. Maybe he would like a different game? He has so many t-shirts that I wouldn't know which one to get. Finally, I come up with an idea. Bueno. All I need is a card. Easy. Oh, and to save some money so I'll have it available. That's much harder for me. I decide to hide it from myself and hope I remember where it is only when I need it for Harris' present. Then I get really smart and mail it to myself. That will keep me from snorting it for a few days.

Harris tells me to feel free to use his laptop to find some information on OnlyFans. I have to admit that the idea sounds great but also too good to be true. For one, there are lots of hotter guys than me already doing videos and trying to collect fans and make money. Two, I can't help but notice that it's probably best if I look like I enjoy it. Unless there's a whole hidden section for bored camboys who would rather be sleeping or making tea. No? I didn't think so. Third, am I allowed to film from a tent? There are a lot of sick fuckos out there, I'm sure it would turn someone on. Still, I can't help but think about it.

Harris is doing web meetings or staying late most days, something about a grant for housing for veterans. I spend my free time trying to convince him to come on the cruise. I have many good points:

"But Harris, we can do wheelchair and there are elevators and all flat floor. You could rest leg for whole week!"

"Harris! There will be free food. I am going to eat so much pizza and you will be jealous!"

"Dare is paying, it is FREE!!!" How this one doesn't win him over, I can not understand.

"It is so cold here! Come to Mexico on cruise and experience my culture! Do you not want to support me?"

"I will share bed with Mario and give you bottom bunk. You have been in Army, they have bunks, no?"

"I will let you cover me in sand at beach! Best time of your life. Or I will cover you if you want! No, too much work. I will rest."

"Harris! We are going to see pyramid. You can ride on my back and we will be Indiana Jones! No snakes, I promise. Okay, do not promise. Many spiders too. Adventure!"

"You can lie in sun and get so many freckles!"

Nothing works. I try my best to change his mind all week but he adamantly refuses to realize I'm right. He keeps talking about stupid adult stuff like needing to be in court that week and being on-call for the therapy center. He thanks me for inviting him and says he truly appreciates that I want him to go, but he can't. Mostly he chuckles at my reasoning but that's probably because I keep blurting them out at completely random times. One time I scared him when he came out of the shower and he did not know I was awake.

He often changes the topic from the cruise to Christmas and how much he's looking forward to spending it with my family and I guess I'll settle for that. I'd rather swap them and he is really even weirder than I thought if he'd rather go to mass than on a gay cruise. Granted, my mother is an amazing cook and I'm looking very forward to dinner. I'm sure she will have a pork butt simmering all weekend.

Friday is a very rough night at work and by the time I make it to my mother's apartment on Christmas Eve I am still sore and tired. Still, it is the birth of Jesus and I love a birthday more than almost anyone. My mother tells me to not work so hard, as if the bags under my eyes and my slow gait are due to working at the bank. Does she think I sit on a wooden stool? I have no idea but I shrug her off and try to hide my pain better.

She doesn't want to let me go back home that evening because we usually open presents together in the morning but she relents and we open before mass instead and I go back to Harris' to sleep. I am glad to be in my comfortable tent and not on an air mattress. When I wake up, two stockings have magically appeared on the dining table and Harris has gone all out with frozen waffles. It is sweet, his little life and how much he appreciates small things. I drench mine in syrup and thank him. I would like bacon and eggs too but with no stove this is fine. I will have more room for my mother's cooking so I can't complain. When we are finished I clear the dishes and hand him his card. "Merry Christmas Harris."

"Thank you and Merry Christmas Mateo. Let me get your presents."

I worry I have not done enough when he returns with two boxes. In the first is a beautiful dressy shirt. "It doesn't wrinkle. Also, I can hang your church clothes in my closet if you want, or feel free to hang them on the coat rack."

How risque! "But what will visitors think? That you have men naked in your camper!"

He rolls his eyes and smiles. "I'm sure they'd only think that if you were, in fact, naked and also, what visitors?"

He has a point, I'm not surprised that he goes to other's home more often; he can't exactly host games here and his family isn't close like mine is. "Maybe in summer for pool?"

"You're more than welcome. Anytime."

That is a sad thought, not being here for summer. I brush it off quickly because I have not gotten through life by being sentimental. Whatever happens, happens. The second box contains a new phone. This is too much and I look up at him.

"It has a really good camera, in case you decide to go that route, and a bigger screen that isn't splintered into a million pieces."

"It is too much, Harris." He just shrugs. "I did not get you so much."

"So? I didn't buy it because I wanted you to match it, I... Just say 'thank you' and I'll open mine, okay?" He opens his card, laughs, and reads the note. "Dinner for two, including an Uber, anywhere I want?"

"Yes, but not like $500 dinner, reasonable."

"Mateo, I wouldn't even know where to go for that. No, this is really, really sweet."

"You can not cook so much and have done much for me and... you have very small house and I did not know what you need. It is okay?"

He gives me the first hug I've gotten in a long time. "Es perfecto gracias."

I usually shrug away from hugs but his doesn't feel threatening and I stay just a moment before pulling back. "Must get dressed. Trip will be longer today, not so many buses on holiday."

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