Den of... virtue?

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By the time he has finished eating, I understand much better. There are levels but he says never so he must not be what they call 'gray'. Regardless, I can not pay him with sex. "Any idea what time you'll be home?" he asks, offering me the last piece.

"I am full, thank you. I do not know. Sometimes on a good night I am home by midnight but it is Monday so I do not know. Between midnight and 2, I think."

"Alright." He gets up and puts the last piece of pizza between two plates, the top one flipped upside down. He is brilliant. It then disappears into his tiny fridge. "Be safe and call me if you need anything. I'm going to return Nixon's truck and check in on him so I can drop you off first if that helps." Not riding the bus always helps. "Oh, do you need to hit a store? I don't know when I'll have wheels next and I am almost out of cheeseballs."

Cheeseballs? Like the ones in the giant gallon size bottle he has on counter? I have never seen so many. "I like shopping. We can go there and then you will take me to work?"

"Yep. So before we go to the store, can I ask about you sleeping behind the couch? Because if there's something we can get to make you more comfortable, we can do that. If you're gonna be here a few days I want you to sleep well."

I'm surprised he didn't yell when he first saw me or at least ask about it way before now. "I am fine like this. I do not like to be in open, uh, out in open?" How do those words even go together? Fucking English.

He's nodding, his lips pursed slightly. "I could take the cou—"

"No!" As if!! It is his house, trailer, whatever and I will not take his bedroom.

"Okay, okay. So is it... can you tell me more? Explain it to me, please. I might be able to figure something out."

"It is no problem."

"I beg to differ. I mean, ingenious solution but I feel bad about you perching on a few cushions all night. Please? Is it a physical safety barrier that you want or a privacy thing?"

"Privacy more. I do not like to be seen."

He smiles. "Would a tent work?" Now I need an explanation. "Mine is about the size of the fold-out. We could put it on top and you can zip yourself in and be all hidden."

"And not fall off?"

That stumps him for a moment but I've always preferred to have my bed on the floor. Probably because I slept on a yoga mat until high school. "It would certainly help."

"But to set up every night? It will be in the way for you."

"If we face the door forwards we could leave it up, I guess. I don't really sit on the couch much but, okay, how about this? You wanted some room for your boxes and if we bring the tent in, that'll free up some space. If you bring it in, we can try it. What's the worst that happens?"

We could open a dimension. A tent inside a camper must be some sort of way to summon the monsters they find in their game or make a portal to some other realm. Or, more likely, we'll laugh a lot and end up destroying a tent. "I'm in." He tells me exactly what to look for and I bring in what he says is the tent. He already has the couch pulled out but I'm wondering about the foam I saw in the shed. "Foam is what size?"

He shakes his head. "I'm an idiot, grab that too! I know pull-outs aren't the most comfortable and that'll help."

Soon I have a wonderland! We finagle the sheets and I remember my fairy lights. "I must get lights, please." I grab a few more things too and when I climb in to put on the finishing touches, I zip the door behind me and then open the window. "Hola Harris!!" I can not help the huge smile on my face.

"How is it?"

"Amazing!" I never realized how nice extra screens are. No bug will ever make it inside. "You may come in. Please, visit my bed."

His eyes widen. "I don't do that, remember?"

"Oh shush, it is only for funs." That doesn't get the reaction I expect, his face hardens. "Wait, bad English maybe. Not for anything to happen, for you to come visit and see it only."

A quick nod and he climbs in. "This is much cozier than when I go camping. Maybe I'll take the couch with me next time."

"I do not understand why you go camping when you live in trailer. Can you not take trailer? You borrow truck, yes?"

He nods. "Makes no sense, I get that. To me, this is home and it's the city. When I go camping I go to the middle of nowhere. No water, no electricity, nothing. I have to go see the sky sometimes, Mateo. I go a little crazy when I can't see the stars or smell fresh air. "

A shiver runs down my back. "Sounds like hell, amigo." But he grew up on a ranch, it makes sense for him. "How big is ranch at home?"

"About twelve thousand acres."

"What?" That can not be right.

"It's about the size of Burbank."


He nods. "Yep. Really."

He is lying. "Fine. We go to store now?" I have a few dollars left, maybe I can find a fuzzy stuffed animal to add to my new den. Of course it's stupid to buy things that I will just need to move but it would bring me a little bit of happiness. I'm probably better off buying more bodywash though, I will need long showers after working. And maybe some tylenol.

"Yeah, to Target we go."

"Oh fancy, Target."

"They have the best cheeseballs Mateo and that's all that matters. Let's go."

The Magic Of MateoWhere stories live. Discover now