Dinner & D&D

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Harris got out of bed much easier this morning and told me to stay warm and get some more sleep. I can listen. Sometimes. When it benefits me. He didn't have nightmares or anything last night and the noodles stayed up but I check and reinforce them after my shower, just to make sure. My plants also look good and we have just one more cold day and night to get through. Tomorrow it's going to be 68. I can't wait. Unfortunately the warm up also means that I have to work and will have a very busy few days to make some money but that is a problem for tomorrow. Today and tonight I only have to stay warm.

I book my GED on the nice phone Harris got me for Christmas and remember that I still owe him his present. I'll remind him soon. To reward myself for scheduling my test, I spend some time in the hot tub. Harris texts me on the walk back. I need to think up a cute nickname for him to put in my phone; something that will make me smile when it pops up.

Harris: Session 1 tonight. I can miss it and do it during the week via email or go alone but are you free? Want to hit a D&D game tonight? Will get us out of cold house.

That's a very good point. I'm doing nothing and spend enough time here alone already.

Mateo: I am game. Get it? HA!

Harris: You're funny.  I'll sneak out of here at 425 and catch the early bus. See you soon.

When he walks in, I finally remember to ask him "Do you have a... fuck... what's the word? The mail sticker." Yes, I forgot the word. In Spanish!

Harris smiles. "Timbre. Stamp. Your choice."

I can't with myself. I am berating myself with my own face. I probably look like a fool. "Yes a fucking stamp. Do you have one?" I often don't know the English translation but am I old enough to be forgetting Spanish? Maybe I was in the hot tub too long. Maybe the drugs are finally getting to me. I shake it off and take the one he hands me. "I got Mario a 'get better soon' card." It's impossible to come out of the dollar store with only two pool noodles, take it from me. I also got gum, some glow bracelets, and a card for my mother which is much nicer than this one.

"I'm sorry he's sick."

"Oh I do not think he is, I wouldn't know. I just think he should do better. Maybe pull the stick out of his ass and be a better friend."

It takes him a second and then he laughs. I love when he does and it's become a goal of mine. "Oh God, Mateo! Okay, we can mail it on the way out. Are you sure about getting an Uber?"

"Yes, it is done." I already told Dare I would need one. "Oh, did you eat?" I know there will be some snacks at Smokey's but this might be a good time to have our dinner.

"I was gonna grab something here, why?"

"We could do dinner. From Christmas. Eat somewhere warm and not arrive as popsicles."

His lips purse a little bit into an 'oh' and he manages to smile at the same time. "Real food sounds amazing. What's your favorite?"

"This is your present, Harris. You choose."

"I like everything, that's the problem. I could destroy a plate of pasta. Do you like Italian?"

"Yes, you know I love pizza. Pasta is also good. Which place?" I ask, pulling up the Uber app.

"Olive Garden, of course."

I know I told him no $500 dinners but "we can do someplace a little nicer than that."

"But the salad! And breadsticks! Please?" He puts his hands together in prayer and it earns him both a head waggle and an eye roll. "Pretty please?"

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