Chapter 18

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When they get to the ship they see Hope
- What the fuck Monel- says Hayley
- It's not me
- You sure didn't do anything to help either
- Just convince he to give me her blood and I'll let her go
- I'm not giving you anything bitch. You want blood? Let me go and I'll spread you some
- Just give us a moment- says Monel
Imra bluffs and walks out
- So who's gonna do it- says Alex
- I can read it- says Hayley
- Okay
She starts reading the letter
- Dear Zoe, Or Isabella, or Aloura. To my little girl. I do not know how this will find you, as a child full of wonder, a teenager full of opinions or a woman with the world at her feet.
- How poetic- says Hope annoyed
- Hayley clears her throat- I don't really know how to feel about being a mom because I never really had a good one so I'm writing to make you a promise, that you grow up in safe home around people who tell you they love you everyday. And even though I might be doing this alone I promiseto be there for both of us. I might not have all the answers, but I promise to always be there for you, to love you unconditionally, and to keep you safe.
-You are my Hope.
Your mom.
And suddenly something explodes inside of Hope. A power in need to get out. She's levitating and there's power coming out of her from everywhere
- What's happening- says Hayley
- It's too late now- says Imra coming into the room
And then it stops. Hope falls on the ground for a second and then gets up. Imra grabs a kryptonite knife and approaches her. She's about to stab Hope in her stomach when Hope stops her. She's MAD
- How dare you! This is how my mom died. You want me to have the same ending how about you have the same ending- she stabs Imra
- Hope!- says Monel, but she's stopping everyone who tries to stop her
- You feel that?! Because that's the last thing my mom felt! She died in pain- she starts sobbing- and it's your fault!- And then not even a second after she's gone
Monel goes to help Imra
- No! She's gone- says Hayley.

Hope: Supergirl Fanfiction (Karamel)Where stories live. Discover now