Chapter 7

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A few days went by. Kara got home the day before.
Kara woke up and went downstairs.
- Morning- Says Hayley.
- Morning- says Kara.
- Are you going to the DEO- asks Hayley.
- Yeah.
- Okay I'm coming with you. Is Hope asleep.
- Yeah. She's gonna go to target to get some things for the party.
- Oh yeah. I have to get presents. Are you doing eggnog.
- For sure
- I have to talk to you about Hope.
- Is something wrong.
- I saw her spells book or something, and I saw that she's been reading about dark magic. I mean if it's dark it's bad, I just don't want her to ahold of it. Back when I was a kid my mom had some friends that played with dark magic, let's just say it didn't end up well for them.
- Yeah sure I'll talk to her, thanks.
Kara goes upstairs and knocks on Hope's door.
- Come on in.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Me and hayley are going to the DEO, are you gonna be fine without us for a few hours.
- Yeah. I'll go to target and party city later.
- Okay. When I get home I wanna to talk to you about something.
Hope got scared. Whenever Kara said that she knew she was in trouble. But she thought she was talking about monel.

Hayley and Kara are at the DEO. Imra, Monel, Alex,
Winn and John are talking.
- It's a long history- Says monel.
- Well seven years is a long time- replies Kara.
- As strange as it may sound, The 31st century is actually not that different from today.
- What better smartphones?- Asks Winn.
- What's a phone?- Asks Imra.
- "What's a phone?"... Oh the future is awesome- says Winn.
- Well technology has developed beyond imagined. But at the end of the day it's still on service of communicating with eachother, and entertaining eachother and also killing eachother. In this day or in a thousand years conflict is constant, but so is strength- explains monel.
- And that's where we come in- says Imra.
- So what are you, soldiers?- Asks Alex.
- The governments were overwhelmed by violence, by chaos. Monel organized us. And we come together to help. Earthlings keep the peace. At home and in the stars. We call ourselves the legion. And we exist because of you- says Imra to Kara.
- Because of me?- asks Kara.
- You inspired me. So when I founded the legion, I chose to use you as an example of what we could be. Of what we aspire to be- says monel.
- When I learned about your life and work and you compassion to fight for justice, your devotion for protecting others- Imra goes closer to Kara- everything just crystallized. Your example gave my life purpose. I can't express how much it means for me to meet you in person.
Kara clears her throat, she seems uncomfortable.
- So a legion of superheroes huh?- Asks Hayley.
- Sounds formidable- says John.
- Not nearly enough. The future has uhm... some bad things happening- says monel.
- The darkness is spreading- says Imra.
- What's that... what do u mean.
- My team and I were on a mission and ugh, we got in some trouble. The ship got knocked in one of those disturbios.
- A wormhole- says John.
- Yeah.
- We crashed land back on earth 12 thousand years ago- says imra.
- So you traveled back in time by accident?- asks Alex.
- With is exactly why we couldn't just go home. So we went to cryosleep, and set the ship to wake us up when we returned to the 31st century. But when the torpedo hit the ship and damaged the ship and that's when I woke up. But do you think we can fix it, can you help us get home?- Asks monel.
- We'll do everything in our power to help, but for now settle in- says John leaving.
- You might be here for a while - says Alex leaving.
Kara clears her throat.
- If anyone can help us it's you- says Imra.
Kara seems a little annoyed.
- Everyone is coming over to my house for a holiday party tonight. You guys are welcome to join if you'd like- says Kara
Imra looks at monel.
- Oh thanks thanks. We're we need to work on the repairs- says monel.
- Yeah that's fine that's...- Kara is so done. She leaves.
Alex pulls up to Kara and says
- Are you not going to tell him about Hope?
- I am okay Alex just give me some time- Says her annoyed and leaving.
- Oh she is so done- Says Hayley to Alex eating a holiday cookie.

Later that day Hope calls Kara.
- Hey.
- Hey mom I'm at target right now and I don't know what to get Alex.
- I dont know Hon, she'll like anything you get her. I'm really busy right now I have to go- She hangs up.
At home Hope is decorating the house for the party and getting everything together.
- Hey- Hayley gets home- Oh wow, at leats if you end up with no future you can be a party decorator.
- That's for sure- they laugh.
Later that night the party is going on.
- Okay come and get you eggnog- Says Kara.
- Oh yeah but be warned: this is not your grandmother's recipe. Oh this is highly pothen entoxicating delicious- says Alex.
- Oh Danvers famous eggnog- says James.
- Sounds tempting but you know I think I'll stick with the scotch- Says Lena.
- Health.
- Happiness.
They toast.
- Dude I do not understand your obsession- says Winn.
- It's the greatest Christmas song of all time- Says John.
- That's great we've played like four times.
- If my father learns nothing else this holiday season he will learn about Hall and Oates. Put it on
- Oh my God.
He plays the song and everyone complains.
- No take it up with papa bear okay.
- I mean as far as parties goes at leat this one doesn't suck, right?- Kara tells Alex.
- No it's great. It is, but how about you. How are you doing?
- I'm good Yeah totally. I live parties, and Christmas.
- I mean... like with Monel and Imra. I mean this can't be easy.
- Haha. No that's not easy, but you know what here we are. Are you okay?
- Well Christmas without Maggie, that's not my favorite thing. But we are not wallowing.
- No, no sir. And you know what. We can be single crones together.
- Oh cron buddies.
Hope approaches Lena.
- Hey.
- Hey. Are you okay you look a little pale.
- I'm fine just some tired. Witches never sleeps so.
- That or you're a high school student working too hard.
- Yeah I guess- they laugh.
Lena looks at James. Hayley pulls up and pour her scotch.
- I mean if you wanted you could pull James Olsen right underneath that nissel too.
- James? Don't be ridiculous.
- I mean I think he likes you.
- I'm moving to Australia.
- Yeah because you never heard of long distance relationshipa- says Hope.
Kara approaches them.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- And I don't mean to eavesdrop. But I've been noticing chemistry between between you two for weeks now.
- There's no chemistry okay?
- It's off the chart.
- Who could've imagined Lena Luthor- says Hope.
- Okay you stop it- They laugh.
John approaches Kara.
- Kara. I just got a call we gotta go.
- Were are you going mom.
- I'll be right back.

When they arrive at the local there was a fire.
-What happend- asks Kara.
- looks like someone took a flamethrower to larga swaths of the property- says the agent.
- Any chance it was a bush fire- asks John.
- I don't think so.
-But why call us for arson after the fact? The fire is already out- Asks Kara.
-There's something you should see- says the agent.
- Where?- asks Kara.
- Bird's-eye view.
Kara flies and sees a symbol made out of fire. She seems very concerned. They go to the DEO to study the symbol. Kara goes to talk to the hologram of her mother.
- I've seen this before. When I was a kid on a field trip to the ruins of old Krypton.
What does it mean?- asks Kara.
- The symbols predate recorded history. It's a symbol that represents dark magic, It was used in Urrika, the kryptonian continet where life began- says the hologram.
- And the people who used them?
- Witches mostly. Usually used when danger is close.
- So then the book of Rao must have something that can help.
- There's nothing in the book. The ruling council destroyed much of Krypton's so called superstitions.
- Bit if someone's trying to send me a message through this, I have to know what it means. This feels important.
- I represent the total accumulation of knowledge on the 28 known galaxies. If I cannot translate it, the translation may not exist.

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