Chapter 6

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The next day hayley picks up Hope from the sleepover.
- Hi bitch, get in.
-Hi, what are we doing.
- I don't know, have some ideas?
- Since you're the cool aunt, I though you wouldn't tell my mom if I practiced my magic and powers.
- You know your my favorite niece...
- I'm your only niece.
- That's right. Okay I won't tell your mom only if you teach me some too.
- Fine.
- Chicken fil-a or taco bell.
- Chick fil-a.
- You know me so well.
They get chick fil-a and go to the house. Hope goes to her room to study her Magic. Hayley is watching TV. Hope goes downstairs.
- I'm bored- says Hope.
- Do you wanna go to the park to get some air and Starbucks.
- Please.

They go to the park.
- So how's school.
- School is school.
- Any boyfriends or girlfriends.
- Well there's this boy but he's human... it'd never work.
- Maybe you should give it a try.
They run into Imra.
- Oh hi Hayley.
Hayley is nervous for a moment cause Monel doesn't know about Hope.
- Hello Imra.
- Hi I'm Hope.
- Hi. Is she your daughter.
- No I'm her n...
Hayley interrupts hope.
- She's um I'm her babysitter.
Hope finds it weird but just goes with it.
- Anyway I'm really late to leave her home so bye.
- Bye!
Monel was getting them food.
- Hi I just saw your sister.
- Oh where is she.
- She was with a kid that she babysitt.
- But she lives in LA. Anyway she's always been kinda weird.
They laugh.
- Have you talked to Supergirl.
- She's on a trip... But I'm planning to.
- I just want her to feel comfortable around me you know.
- Yeah.
Back to Hope and Hayley.
- What was that.
- It's just nothing, I just had to tell a little lie to get away with something.
- Okay...
On the way home they run into a boy.
- Oh hi Hope.
- Hi Oliver.
They have a awkward silent.
- This is my aunt Hayley.
- Hi nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
Hayley looks at Hope with that look.
- So there's this event at the central park tonight, a lot of people from the school are going. I was wondering if you'd like to... Go.
- She sure will- Says Hayley.
Hope looks at her.
- Yeah I'll be there.
- Okay bye.
He walks away.
- Why did you do that.
- He's cute you should enjoy it while you're young.
- I know... But he's normal and my life's already complicated.
- I'm just saying that he seems to like you. You should take advantage of the fact that your mom is not home.
- Fine.
- So should I talk about consent before or...
- Stop it.

At night Hope is leaving.
- Do you think this outfit looks good.
- Anything looks good on you babes.
- You can come if you want.
- No thank you. I don't want see you make out with some boy.
- I'm not gonna make ou with some boy.
- Are you sure. I mean the chemistry...
- Bye- says Hope leaving.
After Hope leaves Hayley goes to her room. She's been worried about her, she know that her magic is something strong, and it can be too much for a 16 year old. She enters her room.
- Al least it's not that messy.
She goes through her room. She finds the Polaroid that she keeps of her parents. She takes it and smiles. She finds her spell books.
- Uhm... Let's see. Dark magic, this is not good.
She goes through it and find some interesting things.

At the park Hope sees Oliver.
- Hi- says her.
- Hi. You came.
- Yeah.
- Do you want a drink.
- Sure. But no alcohol right.
- Of course.
He goes buy them a coke.
She sits on a bench and next to them is Imra and Monel.
- Hi. You're the girl Hayley babysits right.
- Yeah sure.
She sees monel and her face just drops. She is shocked. She didn't know he was here. All this time all she wanted was a dad, she didn't know why her mom didn't tell her.
- This is my husband monel.
She was even more shocked that he was married. Now she knew why her mom didn't tell her.
- Hi nice to meet you- says Monel.
- H...- she couldn't talk straight.
- I'm sorry I have to go.
She goes over to Oliver.
- Oh here is your coke. Is everything okay.
- Yeah I just saw someone I didn't expect to see.
He looks confused.
- It's complicated. Listen Oliver I like you, I really do it's just that you're normal. I mean my mom is supergirl and I don't even know what I am.
-I understand Hope.
- I dont think you do...
He kisses her. She is shocked, and confused.
- I have to go... I'll see you
- Okay bye...
She walks away. She sees monel and Imra, she sees that they look happy. She thinks to herself that Monel doesn't care about her, he could've come back before but he didn't. Her hole life he never had a dad but Kara was enough, she was there for both of them she never felt unloved. But seeing monel like that, something changed.
She goes home flying, she's crying. When she gets home Hayley is asleep so she just goes to her room. She went to sleep sad but thankful for having someone like Kara.

Hope: Supergirl Fanfiction (Karamel)Where stories live. Discover now