Chapter 4

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The next day when Kara woke up she went to wake Hope up, but she wasn't there, she got scared, so she ran downstairs asking for her. Hope was downstairs making them breakfast.
- Take a chill pill mom, I'm just making your favorite. Pancakes, eggs and bacon, the classic American breakfast
- I was worried for a second. Thanks babe- She said kissing hopes head- I might be late from work today so don't wait for me. I'll leave you my credit card for dinner.
- Again? Is everything okay?
- Yeah... There's just something at work, I'll tell you about it later. And hayley is coming home. I don't know if it's today or tomorrow.
- Why, Is everything okay.
- Yeah she just misses you. Could you make her bed just in case she arrives today.
- Okay.
- So can you ask a friend to drop you off after school.
- Sure... Or I could use my magic it would be so much easier- said her kinda laughing.
- I'm sure it would but you know how I feel abou this.
- Yes I know mom... Anyway I better get dressed or I'm gonna be late... Or I could just skip school, school sucks anyway.
-Very funny. You better get going I'll drop you off.

Kara drops Hope off at school and goes to the DEO
Monel wakes up and sneak out of the room, he tries to take a machine from the DEO, he fights two man and stops them. Kara sees him and what he did to those man and punch him, he passes out.
He wakes up in a container thing, he sees Kara.
- I don't understand- says her- I wanna give you the benefit of the doubt... But you attacked two agents.
She looks at him and walks away, then she turns around waiting for an explanation.
- Were you confused by the hypersleep? Is that why you snuck out of the manvaib, broke into the securitys storage room and almost killed two people?
- I didn't almost killed anyone.
- Is it not you?
- It's me.
- Then make me believe it please- Says Kara almost crying- You know I don't sleep anymore, I lie awake at night just staring at the ceiling, cause if I close my eyes I dream about you dying. I see you disappear into the blackness of space forever- says Kara crying- This was all I wanted... This. And when I saw you on that ship... Oh my God, I felt like I could hope again. I could touch you, and see you, and hear you and be with you finally. But... You're different.
Monel looks at her with his head down.
- You have nothing to say?!
He looks at her for one second and them turn down his head.
- Nothing?
- I'm sorry.
- Shame on me for having a human heart.
Kara was ready to tell him about Hope. But then she wasn't ready anymore. She couldn't see monel anymore. He was a completely different person. She felt even more bad for not telling Hope about him the day before, she wanted to but she felt like it wasn't the right time.
Winn goes to the container monels in, he knocks and says:
- Okay you look different
- How are you?
- I'm fine thanks. I'm better than Kara.
- Yeah I'm assuming that since you didn't tell her anything... You are definitely not going to tell me anything, so... Still here I am. Thought I give it a shot.
Monel stands up a turns to the wall.
- I know somethings going on. Oh Yeah, that alian ship...That's not just an alian ship is it?
- There's a lot that you don't understand, okay? It's different now
- Different how?
- It's just different! Okay?! There's a lot to explain here okay. I acknowledge that. And I'm sorry Winn, but I need you as a friend right now. I need you to believe me. And I need your help to get back to that ship.
Winn laughs a little bit and walks away.
- People will get hurt if I don't. Kara will get hurt. Please
Winn let's Monel go and they go to the ship.

When Kara goes to see Monel he's not in there so she goes to the ship.
In the ship Winn is helping Monel on making the ship work again.
- I think it's working- says Winn.
- Hibernation fluid levels normal. Hows the power?
- Are you sure this is safe?
- Crief, the therian bomb is jamped.
- I don't know what that means.
- Just reset the circuit on the end of the first pod.
Kara walks in. Winn sees her.
- Winn are you okay?- She asks.
- He's fine... he's... I just made him help me.
- You kidnapped him.
- He didn't kidnapped me- Winn explains- listen we only have your best interests at heart.
- So which of you two are deciding what my best interests are.
They silently look at eachother.
- Good I'm taking that and you back to the DEO- Kara walks and monel stops her.
- I can't let you...
- Get out of my way.
Kara sees that he is wearing her necklace, which she gave it to him before he got on the pod.
- My necklace.
- Why did you have to come down here anyway.
- If we hadn't come here you would've die...
- It's doesn't matter I'm not your problem anymore.
-How did you changed so much!
- It's been seven years!
- It's been 17 years for you but 7 years for me, since the day I went on that pod. When I left earth I went through some kinda wormhole. Kor-el calls it a interruption, and it took me to the future. And I've been living on earth in the third first century for the past seven years.
- Explains why his not allergic to lead anymore- Says Winn.
- L-Corp develops a cure about 400 years now- Explains Monel.
- So what you just... You just forgot about me? Why are you still wearing the necklace.
The panel starts to make noises. Somethings wrong.
- No.
- What? What is it?
- The power of the chambers are failing.
- Does that mean everybody else is gonna wake up?- Asks Winn.
- No it means that they are going to die.
They all look concerned.
- I can redirect power to all the chamber, except... No.
- What's wrong.
- She's drowning- he tries to break the chamber- I can't, it's white dwarf glass I can't...- he tries to break it.
Kara steps in, punches the glass and breaks it. Monel carries the womam inside of it and puts her on the floor.
- Imra! Imra! She's okay, she's breathing.

After that they go back to the DEO and the put her to rest in the medical bed.
- Any updates?- Asks monel.
- She's stable for now- says Alex.
- We're still analyzing her genetic make up so we can treat her properly. I mean is there anything you can tell us to help?- asks Winn.
- She's from titan. Without power of ship she might have been off life support longer than we think.
-Who is she?- asks Kara.
- Her name is Imra- They exchange looks- Winn will you let me know if her condition changes?
- Yeah, of course.
Monel walks out.
- He's from the future- Kara tell Alex.
- Yeah I can safely say I was not expecting that- Alex puts her hand on Kara's shoulder- So have you told him about Hope.
- I mean I'm going to I just...
- I'm just saying that he deserves to know.

Later on Monel is at the balcony and Kara comes up to him.
- I'm sorry- says monel- for all of this. I never thought I'd see you again. I had to keep living.
- You kept the necklace.
- Of course I did. As a reminder of everything you tought me and did for me... A reminder of you.
- That means a lot- says Kara sad.
- You have to believe that no matter what... what century, or universe or world I'm living in that I would never forget you... Never. It was wrong of me to keep the truth from you.
- The truth never hurts as much as secrets.
- Yeah and I should've known better. You never needed my protection. Except for that one time we went for all you can eat ribs... And you uh... you were inhaling those thing if I remember correctly.
- It was a limited time offer. I had to.
They laugh.
- It's a good point.
- It's the first time I've seen you smile since you've been back.
- I haven't had the chance to say it yet but... It's really good to see you.
- Yeah...
- There's something I have to tell you...
- Me too.
Imra walks in.
- Monel.
He goes up to her.
- Imra.
They kiss.
- I'm so glad that you're okay. We thought that your life support had failed.
- I'm fine, tired but fine.
Kara looks at them in shock.
- Imra this is Kara Denvers... Supergirl.
Kara puts a smile on her face, even tho she's almost crying.
- I can't believe it's really you.
- Kara this is Imra Arden... my wife.
After that Kara went home, she was heartbroken. She was going to tell him about Hope but after that she didn't even know if she could to. When she got home she asked for Hope. She went upstairs but she was sleeping. She was going to tell Hope about her father, she had the right to know. She laid down with Hope for a little bit, she was heartbroken but at least she had her. She knew that that would never change no matter what happened, She would still have Hope, because she was her hope.

Hope: Supergirl Fanfiction (Karamel)Where stories live. Discover now