Chapter 5

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The next day she didn't got up the bed, so Hope went to her room.
- Mom I'm sorry to tell you this but you're late.
- I know. I'm not going today.
- So that means I'm not going to school?
- It's your choice babe.
- Finally a good decision Kara Denvers. I'm impressed. So what are we doing today, we could go to the mall!
- How about we just lay in bed all day.
- That sounds like a good idea to me.
Hope lays with her.
- I'll be right back- says Kara.
She goes downstairs to make breakfast and call Alex .
- Hey Alex I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to the DEO today- she gives a fake cough- I'm sick.
- Kara we both know you can't get sick, skipping work is not the best way to handle this. If you want I could go there so that we can talk.
- No... I know, I just need some time. I'm staying with Hope we're gonna have a good time. I'll see you tomorrow.
- Okay, bye
- Bye
Kara stayed in. Her and Hope watched tv all day. They had a good time but she knew that she was gonna have to talk to Monel. Hope knew something was off, she wanted to find out what was going on.

The next day Kara woke up and she went to wake Hope up. She knocked on the door.
- Honey wake up.
- Why I'm just a kid.
- I hate to break it to you but you're currently in a student life
She changed and went downstairs to make them breakfast. After that Hope went downstairs.
- Morning- said Hope.
- Why don't good morning, just morning- Says Hayley.
- Omg hi! I missed you. - they hug- You better have bought me something.
- I don't know if your gonna like it but actually got an autograph from Taylor Swift.
- What the fuck you're kidding right.
- Hey! Swear jar now- says Kara.
-Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Omg I gotta tell Olivia. I'll be righ back- She goes upstairs.
- Teenagers right?- says hayley.
- Try living with one- they laugh.
- Are you going to the DEO?- asks Hayley.
- No I'm going to Catco. But I think you should go you know to see your brother.
- Yeah, it's been a long time since I last saw him. I can't believe he's back, how's he.
- Great... Great, with his wife.
- What. He's married.
- Yeah. I haven't told him about Hope so... If you could just not mention it.
- Well I owe you a favor so...
-I'm running late so I better get going we'll talk later- she goes to the stairs to call Hope- Hope! Come on your gonna be late
She comes downstairs.
- Uhm. Oh Olivia is having a sleepover tonight, I was wondering if I could go to her house after school.
- Sure babe.
Hayley is going to the DEO.
- Bye hope, bye Kara- says hayley.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Kara's phone is ringing.
- Hello.
It's Alex.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I was wondering if I could go to your house tonight to talk and hangout.
- Sure, Hope won't be here tonight.
- Who is it?- Hope asks.
- It's Alex.
- You still owe me 5 dollars!
Alex hears it and laughs.
- Bring wine- says Kara.
- Okay bye.
- Bye.
- Who would've imagine... Kara Denvers drinking wine.
- Who would've imagined Hope Denvers.
- I know you and Alex are gonna talk about how pretty I am all nigh.
- Oh my God how did you know.
They laugh.

When Hayley arrives at the DEO.
- Hi Winn, Hi John.
- Look who's back- Says Winn.
- You better have a photo with someone famous- says John.
They laugh.
- Do you know where my brother is?
- He's at the ship.
- Okay thanks.
Hayley gets on the ship and asks for monel.
- Monel?
Imra sees her.
- Hi are you looking for monel.
- Oh hi you must be the wifey. Could you go get my brother please.
- Oh you must be Hayley.
She makes a weird face, like she doesn't wanna be rude but she also doesn't wanna be nice.
Monel shows up.
- Hayley!
- The one and only.
They hug.
- I'm so glad you're okay- says monel.
- Oh bite me, you hated me.
- That was a long time ago... I've changed besides you're my sister.
- Right...
- This is my wife Imra.
- Oh I know.
They all look awkward.
- I'll give you guys some space- Imra walks out.
- So how's your life in the future. Any nieces or nephews.
- No- he laughs- It's great you know I've learned a lot.
- You better have. Well at least you settled in for one womam. If I remember correctly that was not the case.
- Pls. Look I'm not proud of my past.
- Is Kara in that past.
- Hayley...
- I'm just saying you really hurt her. She still loves you. Anyway are you staying or...
- I don't know, probably not. We just have to fix the ship.
- So you're gonna leave me and... Nevermind.
- I'm not leaving you. But I have a life in the future I can't just stay.
- There's a lot of thing you don't understand but I think you might actually want to stay. Anyway I know a good divorce lawyer.
- Hayley enough, I love Imra and I know you and Kara are close but you have to understand.
- We're not just close she's like a sister to me... Okay I better get going well catch up later. Nice meeting your wifey and that beard looks really weird on you. Bye.
- Bye Hayley.

Kara spends all day at the office. When she gets home she takes a shower put pajamas on and waits for Alex. She gets a call from Hayley.
- Hi I just wanted to let you know that I'll get home late, I'm having some drinks with some friends.
- Okay. But remember that last time you got drunk you called your exes and made them tell you why you broke up.
- Don't worry, and I'm a better drunk than you- they laugh- bye.
- Bye.
Alex knocks on the door.
- Hi.
- Hi come in.
- I brought you wine.
- Good what would it be of us without wine.
They laugh.
- I bought Chinese food.
- Great.
They sit on the couch. They're eating and drinking their wine.
- So how's everything- Asks Alex.
- Good, Fine great.
- I mean it.
- I dont know. The man I loved and thought was dead is alive. And every night I'd make up all these scenarios of how I would see him again, and now he is actually here... But guess what, He is married!
- I know, I'm sorry.
- It's not your fault.
- I'll get us some more wine.
Alex go to the counter where she sees an invitation.
- What is this- she shows Kara.
- Oh a wedding invitation.
- Berry Allen- she reads- As in the flash Berry Allen?
- The one and only.
- When is it?
- Tomorrow, I guess.
- Are you going?
- Do I look like the kind of person who's in the mood to go to a wedding. Besides I'm not the only one on that invitation.
- You're right. This is not the time for us to go out, or have any fun. This is our time to wallow.
- No. We are not going to just sit here and wallow. We are going to get ourselves ou of this funk. And off of this couch. And we're going to get our MOJO back.
- Wait what are we doing?
- We are going to that wedding.
- Wait what about Hope?
- She'll be fine, she's 16 and Hayley is here. I'll call her and explain everything.
- Should we pack?
- I don't know.
Kara calls Hope.
- Hey mom.
- Hi babe, how's the sleepover going.
- It's going great. We're playing truth or dare.
- That sounds like fun. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to berry's wedding right now.
- Wait Berry Berry?
- Yeah. I'll leave you my credit card and the key it's on the plant.
- Okay have fun. Bye.
- Bye.
She also called Hayley and asks if she could take care of Hope.

Hope: Supergirl Fanfiction (Karamel)Where stories live. Discover now