Chapter 9

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Hope arrives to the DEO, she came flying. She felt that something was wrong so she went to the DEO. Hayley was at the house sleeping.
- Where is she- Says Hope at the deo.
She sees Kara unconscious.
- Alex!
- Hope get out.
- Please tell me that you can do something.
- Who is she?- Monel asks Imra- Isn't that the girl from the park.
- I don't know.
Hope looks at them she is holding Kara's hand. Her eyes are red. They are confused.
- Mom!- says Hope nearly crying.
- Hope get out!- says Alex. She didn't want Hope to see her like that.
She walks out of the room with Winn calming her. Monel is confused. A few minutes later Alex walks out of the room hugging Hope.
- She'll be okay.
- Why isn't she walking up!
- She's in a coma. We don't know when she's going to wake up.
- I can try something- says Hope crying- I mean I don't know a spell.
- Hope you should go home.
- I'm not going anywhere until she wakes up.
Hope goes into the room. She sits besides Kara and holds her hand.
- Who is she?- monel asks.
- She's Kara's daughter- says Alex.
- Wait how old is she. Is she my...
- Yes monel She is you daughter!... I don't have time for this right now- she walks out.
Monel looks at Imra confused.
- Monel if that's true...
- I don't get it, why wouldn't she say anything.
- I don't know.
- This is a lot to process- he walks out.
- Monel.
Alex calls Hayley.
- Hi.
- Hi- she yawns- Is everything okay.
- No. Kara is in a coma, Hope is here and I don't know what to do.
- I'll be there in a second.
Hayley arrives to the DEO. She sees Imra, who's watching Hope.
- Hi.
- Hi.
She goes in the room and hugs Hope.
- She'll be okay.
- How do you know that.
- She's supergirl. We'll do everything we can for her to wake up as soon as possible.
She sits there with Hope. Monel approaches Imra.
- This changes everything.
- I know.
- What am I supposed to do.
- I dont know monel- Imra walks out.
Hayley sees monel.
- Hey I'll be right back- she says to Hope.
- Hey.
- Why didn't you tell me anything.
- It wasn't my thing to tell Monel. Look Hope's been through a lot, but this... Kara means everything to her. I know you're not a dad type of guy, but Kara didn't do her with a finger. Now you can set up and be as most as parental you can be, or you can run away from your problems like you always do, asshole- Hayley walks out.
Monel goes to talk to Hope.
- Hey says him sitting across her.
- I know who you are so let's skip the part where we introduce ourselves.
- Look I didn't know...
- Of course you didn't. Men never know anything. Look I know you're from the future or whatever, and I know that you wanna go back. I know you don't wanna know me, and I don't blame you. You never asked for a child, so just go back to your wife.

Hope falls asleep on Kara's side. They're all watching Kara.
- So how long is it gonna take for her ro wake up- asks Winn.
- I don't know. But let's hope soon- says John- You should probably take Hope home Hayley.
- You know how stubborn she is. She doesn't want to and no one can force her.
- Maybe she can help- says Winn- you guys forget that she is more powerful than Kara.
- She is also a kid- says Alex.
- I'm gonna stay here with her- says Hayley.

The next day Hope wakes up. Kara still hasn't woken up.
- Morning sleepy head- says Hayley.
- Hi.
- You should probably go home. I can make you breakfast.
- Yeah that's a good idea. I'll see if there's something in my magic books.
- Okay let's go.
Hayley sees monel.
- Hi.
- Hi. So how's Kara.
- She still hasn't woken up. I'll see you later- she walks out with Hope.
At the house Hope takes a shower and eat breakfast.
- Who did this to her.
- A witch.
- But why.
- I don't know Hon. Aren't you gonna open your presents.
- I'll open them when my mom wakes up.
- That's a great idea.
- I'll grab my stuff and we can go back.
- Okay. I'll grab snacks.

At the DEO. Imra, Monel, Alex, John and Winn are talking
- There must be something we can do- says Winn.
- We can wait. That's what we can do she's in a coma- says John.
- Maybe there's something we can do- says Imra.
Hayley and Hope approaches them.
- Hey- says Heyley.
- I brought my books.
- Honey I know you're trying to help. But there's nothing magic can do about this- says Alex.
- You don't know that, and I don't just have magic I also have superpowers.
- For now all we can do is wait- says John.
They walk out.
Hope goes to Winn.
- Winn- She gives to him a list of everything she can do.
- What's this.
- It's a lis of what I can do.
- Just read it.

Hope is at the room with Kara.
Monel approaches her.
- Hi.
She looks at him.
- I was wondering if we could talk. Listen you're wrong I do wanna know you. You just have to understand that is a lot to take in.
- I know the kind of reputation you have. You use woman like they're some kind of toy. For you it was probably just a nightstand, but my mom loved you and you just kept making mistakes. You went to the future met someone that replaced her and didn't want to get back okay I get it, so why don't you just go back to your wife.
- You don't know what you're talking about. I did loved Kara but that was seven years ago. I had to keep living.
- Funny because she never stopped loving you and that was seventeen years ago- she walks out.

Hope is reading her books at a conference room.
Hayley walks in.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- What are you doing.
- I'm seeing if there's something I can do.
- Should we talk about your dad.
- There's nothing to talk about.
- Hope... He is your dad.
- He's not my dad I just met him.
- I know. I'm just saying that you should give him a shot. Look him and you mom has nothing to do with you and him. He loves you.
- He's going back to the future so why would I put myself out there like this.
- He was going back Hope. Now everything is different. Just give him a chance.- she walks out.

Imra approaches monel.
- Did you talk to her?
- Yes I did. I don't think she likes me very much.
- Monel don't say that. She's confused with everything that's going on. If you want to I could talk to her.
Imra walks up to her.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How are you doing.
- I mean Christmas is my favorite holiday so.
Imra sees something on the book Hope is reading.
- Where did you get these.
- Uhm from a witch why.
In the book there's was a page about the Scarlet witch, where it said that she was destined to destroy the world.
- That's the Scarlet witch.
Imra looks scared.
- She's just a myth.
Imra walks out.
Hours later Hope and Hayley are going home.
Monel sees Hayley.
- Hey Hope I think I'm gonna stay a little bit more, If that's okay.
- Yeah.
- Monel could you take you home.
- Sure.
- He doesn't even know where I live. And he doesn't have a car.
- I have a ship... - Imra interrupts him.
- I could go too if that's okay.
- Yeah that's okay- says hayley. Hope looks at her with the look of "what are you doing"- bye text me when you get home.
They walk home together.
- So Hope tell me something about you- says Imra.
- I don't know I'm not a very interesting person.
- I doubt- says Monel.
- The only interesting thing about me it's what I can do.
- Well what's your hobby.
- I was a gymnast, but I lost interest you know I became a teenager.
- That's cool- says Monel.
- We're here.
- Oh my God it's a beautiful house- says Imra.
- Yeah. It's a lot bigger than the apartment.
Hope didn't wanna say it. But she did- do you wanna come in or...
- We'd love to- says Imra.
- Help yourselves. There's food in the fridge and the pantry if you want.
- No... we're good- says monel.
Monel is looking at the portraits around the house. He is seeing what he missed.
- I'm gonna go upstairs to shower.
- Yeah of course- says Imra.
Imra approaches Monel.
- Hey- she grabs the portrait- She looked just like you- He laughs a little bit.
Hope goes to her room to shower.
- Monel there's something I need to tell you. We didn't land here by accident.
- What do you mean.
- I came here to kill Scarlet witch before she turns.
- Imra you must be out of your mind.
- You know how dangerous she is and what she has done. We could save the future I don't understand you.
- This is dangerous. And you know this isn't about the future .
- I'm not doing this for a personal revenge I'm doing this for the future. If you don't want to help fine, but I'm doing this. And I think Hope might know something her book said about scarlet witch.
- Now you're out of your mind for getting her involved.
- She's already involved. The person who did this to Kara, she did this because of scarlet witch.
- What do you mean.
- Look we could pull Brainy out of the hypersleep to help.
- If you thi...
Hope comes downstairs.
- What's going on.
- Nothing.
She looks at them weird. She opens the fridge and grabs some pasta leftovers. She heats it and put it in a plate.
- Do you want me to turn on the TV or- says Hope.
- Yeah if that's okay- says Monel.
- So... What are your powers- asks Imra- If you don't mind .
- I don't even know- I know I can do some things, but my mom doesn't really likes when I use my powers, she thinks is dangerous so.
- That book you were reading earlier do you have it.
- Yeah I can show you upstairs.
They all go upstairs. Monel sees Kara's room. He feels something.
- This is Hayley's room. She used to live with us.
They go into her room.
- It's a very lovely room- says Imra.
- Thanks.
Monel sees the Polaroid of him and Kara. Hope keeps it on her bedside table. She grabs it and put it in a drawer.
- Here it is- she grabs the books.
- Where did you get them.
- Contacts...
Hayley gets home.
- I'm home!
- Hayley's here.
They all go downstairs.
- Thanks for bringing her home.
- It was nothing- says Imra.
They leave.

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