Chapter 15

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The next day monel was sleeping when he was woken by his phone
- Hello?
- Hi- says Hope in a weak voice
- Hope? Is everything OK..
Hope interrupts him
- Can I ask you a question?
- Yeah, sure!
- If you could go back in time to when my mom was pregnant, would you?
- What do you mean
- You know what I mean! Just answer my question- says her mad
-It's complicated Hope
She hangs up
That morning Hope had gone through all of the spells existent all of them said that nothing could bring someone back to life, but she did find a spell, a spell that would turn off her humanity so that she didn't have to live with this pain for the rest of her life. She wasn't sure if she should've so she decided to make a call. She wanted to know if her dad was all in or all out, if he was worth fighting for.
                      《                   》
A few hours later monel was leaving to go check on Hope. It was about 2pm. As he rang the doorbell he noticed that Hayleys car wasn't on the driveway so she wasn't probably home. Nobody answered the door, luckily Kara always kept an emergency key under the mat. As he walked through the door he called Hope's name but she didn't answer. He decided to call Heyley
- Monel?
- Hi Hayley is Hope with you
- Oh no she's at the house I'm with the lawyer to go through some things in Kars testament
- Well she's not here
- Maybe she's at her friends house... look I gotta go bye
He went upstairs to Hope's room and as he walked through the door he saw her bookspell
- No humanity? What- says he confused
He tried to call Hayley again but she didn't answer so he left a message. Before he left the room he rook a picture of the spell.
- Hayley you need to call me back as soon as you hear this it's about Hope she might have done something she'll regret
He went to the DEO hoping someone would know what to do. He sees John
- Monel?- says
- Is Alex here- says him with a scare blank face
- No she and Hayley went to see an lawyer. Why
- I think Hope might have done something- he shows him a picture of the spell

Hope: Supergirl Fanfiction (Karamel)Where stories live. Discover now