Chapter 2

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Kara arrives on the DEO, Winn is talking with John.
- Winn.
Winn looks at Kara.
- I got your message.
- Yes.. Yes of course. So I'm not really sure what to make of it, but I thought you guys should see this. It was an incident that happened this morning
Winn shows the images of his computer to John and Kara.
- What is it- says John
- So the city send on an exploratory team to investigate the affects of the submarine attack, and you could see that they found something strange in the betterrocks.. So they went to check it out and...
The images show the submarine getting attacked.
-It got attacked- says John surprised
- Yeah luckily their emergency system kicked in and they made it to the surface, but they could've easily just been taken out!
- What else can you find out?- asks John
- Oh... USGS geothermal scanners- Winn go through his computer- We can pull one of those to find these coordinates.
Winn looks shocked.
- Okay I can tell you two things right off the battle... One, according to the rock layers, that ship has been under there for about 12 thousand years, and two whatever metal it's made out of... It's not on the periodic table.
They all look concerned.
They go to the coordinates to find the ship.
- Okay slow down- says Winn looking at his phone- we're getting close, we're getting close... Okay the ship should be right under us.
- Okay- says Kara- Alright stand back, everybody stay back... I saw Clark do this once.
- Wait! There's a way of doing this without destroying public property... Let's go.
John is grabbing them.
- What are you doing- says Winn.
- This might feel a little weird.
They teleport under the ground and go inside the ship. Winn screams.
- OH my God! That was horrible- says Winn- That was amazing, can we do that all the time?
- No- says John.
- Okay.
They are all looking at the ship, it seems weird. It has capsules containing people.
- Is that a person- asks Winn.
- Looks like it- says John
- There's an empty one- says Kara
They hear a noise... A person comes out of the shadow speaking a strange language, the person shoots Kara.
- Don't shoot!- says Kara- We're not here to hurt you.
It's monel, the person is monel! There hasn't been a day where she hasn't thought about him, feeling guilty for what happened.
- Kara!- says monel surprised
She goes to him, touches his face and hug him. She is happy and surprised at the same time.

They go back to the DEO, monel is resting and holding hands with Kara. Kara called Alex and she went to the DEO.
- Oh my God, it's monel- Says Alex.
- I know!- Says Kara still in shock.
- Wait a minute how is he breathing.
- We don't know- Answers Winn.
- According to the samples taken this morning the air is still toxic to the Daxamitas- explais John.
- Did someone cure you- asks Alex.
- Yeah, what was that language you were speaking on that ship?- asks Winn.
- Saturnian- Monel answers.
- There's life on Saturn?
- Why did you fired on the divers in that submersible?- asks John.
- I didn't, I heard the ships defense system activate tho, Is everyone okay?
- Yeah, they got out in time- answers Kara.
- That's some ship you got there- says John- I've never seen any like it.
- Yeah, it's alian
They all look concerned at eachother.
- Who is in the others chambers?- asks John.
- Just passengers.
- Are they dangerous?- Asks Alex.
- No they're like me.
- Why did you wake up and everybody else's still asleep?- asks Winn.
- I'm sorry guys... I was in hypersleep, and it's all very hazy right now.
- So you don't remember anything about the other passengers?- Asks John.
- There will be plenty of time to ask questions, he really needs to rest... Come one.
- Good to see you budy- Says Winn.
- Yeah it's great to have you back- Says Alex.
- I look forward to our reunion- Says John.
Everybody leaves the room. Kara sits besides monel.
- Your sister landed on earth 8 years ago I thought you should know.
- Wait Hayley. How is she.
-She's good you know. She moved to La last year, for a job. I was surprised tho when she got here, especially because you never told me about her.
- Yeah we didn't have the best relationship.
- I missed you- says her.
- Me too- replies monel.
- It's been tough, a lot have changed after 17 years.
- 17 years? I tried to send a message so many times to tell you I was okay... But I couldn't. I tried.
- It's okay. You can tell me all about what happened later
- Kara...
- Shh, just sleep.
Monel has no idea that he has a daughter, Kara is excited for Hope to meet him.

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