15. Confrontation (F)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any.


Fiora (POV)

At the dinner table, amidst the flickering candlelight, the question finally escaped my lips, laden with the weight of uncertainty. "What are you?" I ventured, casting a tentative glance towards Zack.

With a deep inhalation, Zack composed himself, his voice assuming a hushed, contemplative tone. "Are you prepared to confront it?" he inquired, his words drifting like whispers on the breeze.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts. His words felt like a warm embrace, offering me the space and time I needed to prepare myself for whatever revelation was about to come.

As I sat there, contemplating his question, I realized the gravity of what I was asking. It wasn't just about understanding Zack's identity; it was about understanding myself and my own identity to accept the truth, whatever it may be.

Finally, summoning whatever courage I could muster, I nodded in affirmation. "Okay," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm ready."

With a nod of understanding, Zack took another deep breath before speaking. "I'm not entirely human," he began, his voice steady but tinged with vulnerability. "I'm a part human, part wolf."

His words hung in the air, leaving a weighty silence in their wake. But instead of fear or uncertainty, I felt a curious sense of acceptance wash over me. In that moment, Zack's revelation didn't change how I saw him; if anything, it deepened my appreciation for the complexity of his existence.

"So you're a Werewolf?" I queried, my curiosity piqued by the revelation.

"Ahh... I recall now, that's the moniker bestowed upon us by human civilization... Yes, if you wish to employ such a designation," Zack responded, a blend of annoyance and amusement evident in his voice.

"Sorry, if that was offensive," I interjected apologetically making my eyes as doe as possible.

"It's not your transgression. You are not from our realm, thus I hold no expectations," he replied simply.

"In that case, what term do you prefer?" I inquired, my curiosity unabated within me.

"This question could consume the entirety of the night, but I shall endeavour to elucidate to the best of my ability. If you feel tired by the discourse, do not hesitate to interject; we can divert our attention elsewhere. Does that arrangement suit you?" Zack proposed, awaiting my assent.

I nodded in agreement, prompting him to continue his explanation. "Very well... Let's begin...Our realm is delineated into three principal domains: The Shapeshifters, The Magic Holders, and The Manipulators. We, as shapeshifters, occupy one of these domains, while you, as a magic holder, inhabit another. The realm you originate from comprises the Manipulators."

"Why 'manipulators' It carries a negative connotation, They are not evil"  I objected, my annoyance palpable as I thought of my parents being categorized as such.

Zack chuckled softly. "Manipulator is not inherently pejorative; humans have imbued it with negative nuances. In our realm, manipulators are revered for their high intellect; their prowess lies within their minds. Many calamities have been averted owing to the ingenuity of manipulators. However, their exceptional capabilities also engender peril. In their relentless pursuit of innovation, they often delve into the realm of the absurd, yielding outcomes both magnificent and catastrophic. This Is the primary reason why both the other realm is kept hidden from them"

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