12. Ebon's duty (A)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any.


Arnica's (POV)

'When Fiora ventured into the cave, the ebon's flux siphoned a portion of her energy, triggering a violent explosion that shattered the protective barrier around the stone. Presently, our queen and her four esteemed companions, often revered as the quintessential embodiments of the five elements, are endeavouring to reseal the potent energies within the stones.

The task would have been completed ages ago had my sister, the fifth element been present—however, her absence though not deliberate is causing a significant delay in our efforts.

Why do I sound like an official reporting to the queen, haah... this whole scenario is taking a troll over me ... I wanna go home and be with my children.'  Lost in contemplation, my mind wandered as I stood poised, prepared for any potential mishaps.

'This is so dangerous one mistake and the apocalypse is bound to happen It's already been fifteen hours'  My mind kept on going on and off alert mode

Suddenly, we found ourselves transported to Ethera. The Queen and her four quintessential companions appeared half-dead, exhaustion etched deeply into their faces.

"Our task for today is done. The ebon's flux has been sealed, and the cave stands shielded," the Queen announced wearily. "Arnica, you may depart for now. Check on Fiora and ensure her well-being."

I bowed silently as I found myself back in my home, enveloped by the tranquillity of the night. My husband and children lay peacefully asleep, unaware of the trials I had just endured. With a sense of urgency, I swiftly transported myself to Fiora's chambers, only to be met with the sight of her absence.

My heart quickened with a touch of panic, but I swiftly reminded myself that some employees were away on business trips. I needed to determine if Fiora was among them or if her absence signalled something more ominous.

About an hour later, my frantic search reached its conclusion as I discovered Fiora listed among those on business trips. Despite this reassurance, a lingering sense of unease clung to me, whispering of ominous undertones surrounding her absence. It was as if an unsettling shadow loomed over her safety, casting doubt upon her well-being despite the reassurance of her presence on the business trip.

As I trudged home, fatigue weighed heavily upon me, dampening any desire for magical manipulation. it's almost time for a sunrise

Ethan, already awake and bustling about the kitchen, greeted me with a hint of sourness in his voice.

"Hey, bubbles. How was your night—or should I say your escapade?" he quipped, a touch of sarcasm coloring his words.

I mustered a fake sigh, summoning a playful tone. "Oh, you know, just the usual excitement. Almost wished I could have stayed longer, but duty called. After all, I have a dashing husband and his adorable children to attend to."

Ethan's smirk grew wider as he sliced through vegetables. "Ah, yes, the burden of my handsomeness. If only you were free to frolic without me holding you back."

I couldn't help but yawn, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in. "Honestly, those dimples are unfair. You know I'm defenceless against them."

"It was your downfall, my cookie," he teased, flashing those dimples once more. "You fell for them hook, line, and sinker."

"Cheating with natural charm," I retorted, mustering a pout. "Not fair."

Ethan chuckled, the sound warming the room. "Well, what can I say? You're powerless against the truth."

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, dragging at my eyelids until they could barely stay open. Sensing my discomfort, Ethan swept me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style as though I were weightless.

"Arnica, whatever you're involved in must be important, but neglecting your health isn't an option not under my watch," Ethan's voice was firm, devoid of amusement. "You've lost so much weight, and I won't stand by while you jeopardize yourself. If I have to forbid you from returning to that place for your safety, try me, I won't back off."

"Say it again," I murmured wearily, my voice barely above a whisper.

"What?" Ethan's confusion was evident.

"My name. It's been so long since I've heard from you," I confessed, invisible tears threatening to spill.

"Are you alright,? you're scaring me," Concern furrowed his brow.

"Shh, just say it, Ethan," I pleaded, fatigue washing over me.

"Arnica," he said softly, and a serene smile graced my lips as I surrendered to the embrace of sleep's gentle embrace.

"Arnica, if anything were to happen to me, remember you'll be in charge of protecting my baby girl alongside Marcus," Arna said with a half-smile, her tone surprisingly light despite the gravity of her words. "And don't let that stupid dumbhead drown in sorrow. Always remind him that I want him to live a healthy life and give my baby a good life."

Arna's words felt like a playful jest as if she were planning a trip rather than contemplating her own demise. I, too, didn't take it seriously, responding with youthful bravado. "Hah! You bet. Leave Marcus to me, and I'll marry him off so fast he won't even remember you," I retorted, a cocky grin on my lips.

But then, in a surreal twist of fate, I found myself witnessing Marcus sprinting toward Arna's lifeless body, disappearing into the ominous depths of the cave. Panic surged within me, rendering me paralyzed. I tried to scream, to run, but my body refused to obey, and with a single blow, everything vanished.

I awoke drenched in sweat, trembling with fear, and tears threatening to escape but I lacked the strength to leave my pillow.

"How could I have been so blind, so utterly foolish?" I berated myself, the weight of regret heavy upon my shoulders. "I should have understood the gravity of her words, the depth of her concerns. How could I have been so consumed by my own arrogance?"

For what felt like an eternity, my mind was a void, devoid of any comforting thoughts or rationalizations. It was as if I had been plunged into a bottomless pit of darkness, I closed my eyes, allowing myself a few precious moments of respite before mustering the strength to face the day ahead. With a deep breath, I reluctantly rose from my bed, ready to immerse myself once again in the rhythm of daily chores.



Word count:- 1000

Hello, my lovely readers, I hope you all are doing well

Here, is the 12th chapter of my book

Hope you all liked it and have a great day ahead


Thank you

Love you


Until next time

Happy reading 💐


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