6. Love pearl (A)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any.


Arnica ( POV )

"How could you be so irresponsible I clearly told you that place is dangerous" the Queen scolded me and went away to Fiora's room

I never thought she would end up like this It's been a day and she's still unconscious I had no other choice other than to call the queen herself

Alpha, Ethan, and Ziwa are already present in the room I could feel the thick air of tension all around the room

The queen checks her and asks all the others to leave, accept me

" Arnica cast the shield occult now," she said, so I did "Profrose" Celadon colour glimmers from my hands creating the same coloured shield around the Queen and Fiora

Profrose occult is used when high energy occult is cast, to trap the energy around a certain area so that other things around them are not affected or destroyed in the process

"Qardan riosa!, Qardan riosa!, QARDAN RIOSA!" Queen enchanted the spell and I could feel the heavy energy trying to escape the ball

Within a few seconds of enchanting occult, my ball started to crack and it burst open though it didn't affect me, but did destroy the whole room

Ethan burst into the room and circled his arms around me in a very protective manner followed by others, Whereas the Queen stood there watching Fiora very carefully with a neutral expression

Fiora opened her eyes for a few seconds and again fell into sleep

The Queen smiled and lightly stroked Fiora's head pulled her covers up and said "She is perfectly fine either she will wake up by the night or very early in the morning"

I saw everyone getting visibly relaxed but something was off about Alpha though, I didn't comment but he seemed very confused

I walked the Queen outside and asked what happened she replied "Due to the high vibrating energy in the cave her upper layer of the shield was broken which led her conscious and unconscious minds to mingle up confusing her brain between being conscious and unconscious, and her shields were so strong that I had to use so much of force to untie that knot and the energy of the shields I felt is undoubted of her mother's, she is the one that cast those shields upon her she is indeed one of us "

"Arna did protect her very well isn't it Queen," I said, "hmm, after all, she was the best protector of all times we couldn't expect any less of her, the good thing is only we know who she is, Arnica continue protecting her and wait for my further commands," she said and vanished into thin air

I went to Fiora's room everyone had left for their respective work except for our Alpha he was sitting beside Fiora's bed watching her with his fingers knitted together under his chin, the rays of setting sun falling on them, visually reminded me of you and Marcus, I thought to myself

Arna the protector of our world Ethera, fearless, powerful, highly witted Etheran, my sister

"Doesn't it remind you of yourself and Marcus, every time you used to get sick he used to stay beside you for hours taking care of you and your every little need, the bond the love and respect you both shared are ideal for us Etheran I wish our Fiora could also share the kind of love with someone identical as your's," I said as if I was talking to my sister, but she is all in my thoughts I felt a little down

I don't know why I felt like I should leave the room so, I did but before that, I cast cleanup and protection occult around the room and left

As soon as I reached home Mark and Merlina came running to me and hugged me Ethan was still at work I made delicious food for my children and played with them for a little while and they slept

Seeing my children I realized the kind of danger we are putting ourselves into and Ethan, he doesn't even know what all this is about

This is so unfair, What If something happens to me?  at least he has the right to know what all this was I had thoughts of this even before but I think it has become a necessity, I teleported myself to Ethera there I created a message bubble for him and sealed it in a pearl

I went to the queen and gave my pearl to her and humbly requested, "If something happens to me give this to, Ethan I know this is against the rules but I want him to know just how much I loved him..... please" tears rolled down to the cheeks as I pleaded the Queen

She respectfully accepted the pearl and answered " Nothing in this world is against the rule when it comes to love except if you harm someone in the name of love of course" She giggled a little," Arnica the rule of not disclosing who we are is made for our other half's safety the one's who are not from this world and not because we wanna hide something, remember nothing is gonna happen to you, nothing is gonna happen to anyone if anything goes wrong, It has to pass through me, to reach anyone of you, trust me as long as I am alive and even after my death protection of my people is my highest priority " She said with determination in her eyes "just, relax and don't think about anything negative and as for the pearl, your wish is my command "

She kept the pearl in the cute little box and sent it to the safe place I smiled and bowed a little as a gesture of thank you and respect and returned to my home

Ethan was already at home "What's up! Cute kitten where have you been I was looking for you everywhere" he asked hugging me I didn't reply and enjoyed his warmth for as much time as I could, he didn't ask again and hugged me lovingly and protectively

Kissing my forehead, eyes, and nose trailing his kisses further down to my neck creating little tickling sensations, I started to giggle and he joined me but didn't stop he placed his soft lips on mine in a slow soft kiss his hands roamed all over my body sending my body on fire, slowly increasing his pace his kisses became more passionate more hungry I felt a fire inside me getting uncontrollable with every touch I was losing my sanity

His hands helped themselves under my top on my bare skin, and his bare touch made me moan but I kept it low as much as I could, he pushed me to the table and in no time my top and his shirt were nowhere to be found

The night went on and on with our hot and steamy chaos 

As for the children they were asleep and being a magic holder comes with its perks, I can always cast invisible soundproof bubble occult (winky wink) 



Word count:- 1200

Hello, my lovely readers here's the 6th chapter of my story

I hope you liked Arnica and this part


Thank you

Love you

Bye :)

Till then,

Happy reading 💐

Date- 05/03/2024

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