7. Bemuse feeling (Z)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any.


Zachary's (POV)


We walked further into the cave and our awkwardness seemed to dissipate as we discovered new things around the cave.

Like moonflowers, I had seen only white ones, but here they were three more: red, lavender, and black.

Small insects, similar to fireflies but smaller, illuminating their whole bodies. Each one had a different glow

And many more kinds of flora and fauna, which I don't recognize

On the other hand, Fiora was excited, touching, giggling, and playing with whatever she found, walking around as if she were in some sort of fantasy garden. We stopped at the most illuminated part of the cave and saw something breathtaking.

Seeing that view, we both stood there like rocks, we looked at each other our expressions mirroring each other, and the only word we could form was "marvellous"

There was this beguiling sword perfectly embedded in the pillar, small, beautiful, impressively crafted, and seemingly thousands of years old. It illuminated very blackish-blue shimmers. On the other hand, the sword was illuminating all kinds of different shimmers.

Fiora walked towards that sword as if it didn't even affect her, whereas when I took a step forward, the energy I was feeling became prominently hard to handle, It was so addicting; I wanted more and more. I didn't even realize when I turned into my wolf form.

I saw Fiora's hands extend towards the sword, but before I could stop her, a heavy wave of energy threw us out of the cave. After that, all I could see was black.

I woke up to the delicious smell of lilies and jasmine. Fluttering my eyes open, to find the source of the scent, only to find an unconscious Fiora, Shockingly, I was still in my human form, despite transforming into my wolf earlier.

Although it was still pretty dark outside the cave, the surroundings within were illuminated as if nothing had happened. As I fully regained consciousness, I extended my hands to wake Fiora.

I was shocked to find her, to be the owner of the smell, that intoxicating fascinating mixture of lilies and jasmine smell

I shook her a little, but she didn't even budge I shook her a little harder, no response I got a little scared but didn't panic, I could hear her heartbeat, I decided to take her back to the packhouse since she was not a human, doctors there could examine her better

I mind-linked Ziwa, Arnica, and our pack doctor to meet me at my residence, within a few minutes I was at my home I changed back to my human form this time my clothes were ripped off Since Fiora was unconscious I didn't bother wearing clothes and picked her bridal style to my bedroom

I wore clothes since my Delta's wife would be here.

All of them barged into my room ready for any danger when they saw nothing other than me they all bowed in respect

I asked the pack doctor to examine her
Meanwhile, we stepped outside "What happened alpha, why is she in your bedroom unconscious," Arnica, asked a little angry and rudely and that was not acceptable

" Watch where you are going female delta, I am not obliged to give any kind of explanation to you," I said, firmly

Ethan entered the hall, he saw me and Arnica, and he stood protectively in front of her mate and backed up a little

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