Prologue (Z)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any


Zachary's POV

As I strolled down the hallway to my room, a heavy cloak of sadness and guilt draped over me. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't shake off the weight of regret for what I'd done. Forgiving myself seemed like an impossible task.

Seeking comfort, I found myself drawn to my parents' room. But when I reached for the doorknob, my heart sank at the sight of it being closed. With shaky hands, I turned it, hoping against hope for a chance to make things right. Instead, I was greeted by an empty, eerie darkness, with only a sliver of light creeping in from the hallway.

Stepping inside, memories came flooding back. Every item in the room whispered tales of my parents' love and care. But now, their absence spoke volumes—their world shattered by betrayal, and I blamed myself for it all.

The pain and guilt threatened to overwhelm me, but in that moment, I made a silent promise to never let myself be hurt like this again. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I left the room, determined to keep my guard up from now on.

Turning my attention to the crackling fire in the hearth, I watched as it consumed the wood, leaving behind nothing but ashes. With a heavy heart, I made my way to the window, craving a breath of fresh air. Stepping onto the balcony, the scent of rain-soaked earth filled my nostrils—a brief respite from the turmoil within.

Closing my eyes, I let myself drift back to simpler times, only to be abruptly pulled back by darker memories. Despite my best efforts to push them away, the events of that day eight years ago still haunted me. The screams, the blood—they were etched into my mind, a constant reminder of my own vulnerability and guilt.

The horrifying memory of brutally taking the lives of my family, friends, and siblings still grips my mind with an iron grasp. I remember cradling my parents' lifeless heads in my lap, surrounded by the chilling silence of death. Blood painted the scene crimson, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded.

Amidst the carnage, the guards fought fiercely, their swords slicing through flesh with ruthless efficiency. Before I could comprehend the horror around me, strong hands seized me, dragging me towards the exit despite my futile resistance. Lifted onto someone's back, we fled into the woods with alarming speed, the world a blur around me.

Turning back, I caught a final glimpse of my burning home, consumed by flames that devoured everything in their path. My shelter, my childhood memories, my innocence—all swallowed by the merciless rage of the inferno. And then, darkness enveloped me, swallowing me whole

I awoke to the eerie silence of the deep, dark woods, finding myself lying on a makeshift bed of tender leaves. It took several moments for the reality of my situation to sink in, and when it did, the weight of my loss felt unbearable. With a heavy heart, I rose to a sitting position, burying my face in my knees as tears streamed down my cheeks.

After a few minutes, a gentle nudge startled me, prompting me to lift my gaze. Before me stood a magnificent creature, its beautiful dark grey eyes reflecting concern as they met mine. With a perfectly sculpted snout, two pricked ears, and a sleek metallic silver coat, it exuded strength and grace. Its powerful paws hinted at the muscles beneath, and as it shifted back and disappeared behind the trees, its fluffy tail swayed rhythmically, followed by the unmistakable sound of bones cracking

Emerging from behind the trees was my beloved best friend, Ziwa. At eighteen years old, she possessed a tall, slender frame adorned with a printed summer dress. Her light grey eyes shone with warmth, complementing her jet-black hair that cascaded down to her curves.

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