Loki vs John

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"God, you are so dumb...this is why I left"
John was yelling at her in the middle of her living room.
"I didn't even say anything to anyone..what the fuck you even talking about?"
She ducked out of the way just in time as a glass went flying next to her.
"Bullshit..then why is everyone saying I hit you when I haven't laid a finger on you"
It shattered all around her as she froze and fell down into a ball.
She heard him grabbing something else then another shattering sound followed by a slamming door.
All of a sudden, Loki was in front of her.
"Hey love...it's me..you're safe now"
Trinity looked up at him then jumped into his arms bawling. "I ...I didn't mean to piss him off..I just was trying to get things done and next thing I knew stuff was flying"
Loki clenched his fist. "Is that what I walked in on? Was he aiming for you?"
Trinity just nodded yes "he...he...threw a glass at me..i..I moved out of the way but...I gotta clean it up..." She started to get up and pick up glass.
Loki used his magic to clean up the mess and then grabbed her close to him again.
"I got it..you didn't do nothing wrong okay? I won't ever let him do that again"
He gently carried her to the couch and sat her down. "I'll be right back. I just going to make a phone call."
"Please don't leave me alone....I.." she sighed..".he might come back if he knows I'm alone"
"I am just going over to the table"
She nodded and grabbed a blanket and laid down.

Loki called up Thor. "Hey can you do me a favor? Come and sit with Trinny ..I've got something I need to take care of but she can't be alone. "
"Um sure brother! I'll be right there."
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door.
Trinity stiffened up and started having a mini panic attack.
"Shhh..it's just Thor. I had him come over to help."
Loki answered the door and pushed Thor out into the hallway.
"Brother" Thor looked at him skeptical
"Watch over her please. Don't let anyone in and if needed, take her to Asgard..."
"Where are you going?!
Loki's eyes flashed green and he just stormed off. "Just watch her okay!"
Thor went back into the apartment and seen Trinity sitting up falling asleep. He sat next to her and put his arms around her.
"Shhh, you're fine. I've got you and you are safe" She eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Across town, things was about to get very eventful. Loki had checked a few places he figured John would run to but he found him at Pat's.
Loki grinned. "Oh this is gonna be fun"
He went up on the porch about to knock on the door when he heard Pat.
"What do you want?"
"Where is he? I know he came running to you" He now turned to face him.
"Now why would I tell you where he is...hes done nothing to..."
Loki shot an energy blast at him...sending his chairs and table flying off the porch.
Pat looked around shocked. "Who the hell are you?"
Loki strutted towards him with his hands glowing again. "I am Loki of Asgard and you sir better tell me where the hell he is"
Pat ended up running inside and locking the door.
"Stupid mortals" Loki laughed as he blew the door off the hinges.
He walked into the house. "Oh come on guys. You big tough men but yet can't just talk with me"
Pat came out from the kitchen area and held up his hands.
"Wait...just wait..." He walked slowly around the dining room table..."what do you want with John...he's done nothing to you"
Loki put his hands in his pockets and did a slow laugh.
"Now you see, that's where you are wrong. Did you know he was abusive?"
Pat gulped some and looked behind him to the door. He then tried to make a run for it but suddenly Loki was standing in doorway.
He sighed "again...did...you...know?" He said with each step towards him.
He had backed Pat into the bathroom...and he fell down on his knees...and sighed "yes...but I didn't realize how bad until right before you came"
"So you knew and you still let him...all while acting like so called big brother?" Loki's hands were glowing brighter which each word.
All of a sudden he heard creaking of the steps and realized John had left.
"I'll deal with you in a minute..." He used his magic to slam the door shut and use cryokinesis to seal it with ice.
He followed John outside. John was still fiddling with his keys to get in his truck. He was shaking to much to even be able to use them.
Loki made them fly out of his hand.
John looked behind him. "Shit..." He ran to go to the left...all of a sudden...Loki was there in front...so he ran the other way...and again Loki appeared in front.
He was now surrounded.
John looked at him and laughed. "You really think she's gonna love you if you hurt me? She's gonna see you as the monster you are...."
Loki just stood there smiling at him, as the other two grabbed ahold of John.
"You don't know her at all do you? She was just someone so you didn't have to be alone. Someone you could try to act tough to to hide the pathetic little scum you are.."
John was fighting hard to get loose. "She just likes to push buttons...she knows you are at you limit and then just keeps pushing"
Loki fires a close magic shot at him. It hits right at his feet.
"Did you just fucking blame her for throwing things at her?! For hitting her?! Yes, she can be stubborn and frustrating...very much so...but I have never once wanted to lay a finger on her...this was not her fault!"
He sent another blast at John but this one hit his knee and John fell face forward.
"Now I am done caring as to why you did it or what you even have to say anymore...all I know if get rid of you...get rid of her main problem...and she no longer has to see you or even deal with you..."
The two duplicate Lokis grab John back up and held him into place.
Loki started doing an incanation and making a huge energy ball.

Across town: Trinity wakes up and freaks out some.
"Whoa whoa..it's me Trinny...it's me Thor"
"Thor? " She looks at him surprised. "Where is he?..shit...what did he do?"
Thor sighed. "I couldn't stop him. It had to do with you so he was a force of nature that no one can contain....until he's done."
Trinity thought for a moment. "There is only person John would even go to because he thinks he has protection....can you help me get there? Please before he does something he will regret."
Thor stood up. "I can but I will warn you...it might be to late or we can't stop him."
Trinity grabbed her coat and put it on.."I've gotta try Thor...I love him and I can't just stand by."
"Okay fair enough...hang on tight" He used his hammer to fly them to where she told him to go.
When they sat down, she looked around and noticed the debris everywhere.
"Shit..I hope I'm not to late"
She ran into the house and noticed it was also torn apart...and she noticed the bathroom door. She knocked on it..."hello?"
Pat yelled back at her "Trinity I would run.
.he is unstable...he came in and just attacked us.."
Thor walked in behind her, looking around for Loki.
Trinity just yelled back at him. "Omg are you fucking kidding me? You know why he did this...yet you still trying to play innocent...where did he go?" She now was clenching her fists in anger.
"I don't know for sure...all I know is John ran out and he followed"
She turned around and Thor grabbed her shoulder.
"Wait, I know you are upset but you've gotta stop him...not help...please"
"But no one gives him an honest chance...they just poke him then get mad when he fights back...why shouldn't I just let him finish them both?"
"Because we both know he will hate himself later and this will end very differently than you got in your mind"
She sighed and looked up at Thor. He was right, she knew it. Loki was doing this from a place of love for her but she couldn't let him kill them. She couldn't let him hate himself...not again.
"Okay okay...let's go find him and hope it's not to late"
They both went outside to the front.
She heard John pledding with Loki to let him go.
"Please...please...I will give her what she wants...I will leave her alone...just please..."
"Thor! Over there by the car" Trinity pointed and they ran towards them.
Loki had finished his incantation and was about to throw the huge ball at John.
Thor got ready to help deflect it. Loki shot it at John and Thor used his hammer to knock it away.
"Brother! What are you doing? I told you to watch her..I will deal with this..."
He gets another energy ball ready and goes to shoot it. He looks over at John and sees Trinity standing in front of him.
"Loki..please stop."
"He hurt you my pet...he deserves this...he...he hit you..." Rage flared up again in his eyes.
Trinity started walking towards him.
"I know...and I think he deserves this too but Loki..I know you..and all this isn't you anymore.
I know why you are doing it and I love you for it but you don't want his blood on your hands. The best thing we can do is go be happy. Please?"
"But Trin...he touched you...he...he.." Loki sighed heavily and diminished the energy ball.
Trinity ran up and hug him tight and looked up at him.
"Thank you..." She gently grabbed his hands.
Loki wouldn't look at her. He kept staring at the ground.
"Please look at me?"
"I ...I almost...I couldn't stand the thought of someone hurting you...and when I saw you scared...something in me snapped."
She placed a hand on his check.
"And I understand because I almost lost control too...I was going to just let you do it...but Thor helped. This isn't us. We are above all this. Yes, they deserve it but we both would hate ourselves if we did it."
He let his face rest in her hand and sighed.
"God I love you so much..." He grabbed her and kissed her passionately.
She pulled back and smiled. "And I love you too my handsome god of Mischief. Now let's go home and I'll show you how much" She winked at him. "But first"....she walked over to where John was still kneeling...both Loki and Thor watched her cautiously...
She slapped him hard across the face.
"That is for the last 10 years..for making my life hell and not allowing me to move on" She slapped him again. "That's for not having the decency to just end it before 10 years"
She breathed very calmly then kicked him hard...twice. Once in the groin and once in the side...then grabbed him where he was looking at her. "And that's for messing with Loki...and trying to get him to be the bad guy...you pathetic piece of shit" She then threw him down on the ground and walked away.
Thor and Loki couldn't help but grin at each other.
She walked up to them looking confused.
Loki's grin got bigger. "That's my girl.."
She just shook her head and laughed. "Um, okay"
She put her arms around Loki and looked over at Thor "thank you for helping earlier...I.." She sighed..."I just wanted him to leave us alone..and then Pat said what he did and I just saw red".
Thor laughed. "Anytime sister!"
"I'm not your sister you dork"
"Not yet!" He said with a smug grin and wink at Loki.
"Wait, wha??"
"Heimdell, bring us home!" Loki said before anyone else could say anything else..

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