John and Loki

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John had came back over to Pat's about an hour or so later.
"Hey! Got your text. I would've been here sooner but Marie didn't want to let me go" John said kinda exasperated. "Not sure why she cares I'm over her "
"Did you tell her you was meeting me and Trinity or just me?" Pat sided eyed him as he took a drag on his cigarette.
"Well, I told her you asked us both over here and she asked what she was saying and I didn't tell now she is mad"
"You two definitely need to work out your issues and stop using Trinity to make her mad."
John just smugly grinned and shrugged.
"You said we had a problem? What's up?"

"First wipe that grin off your face before I do it for you....and have you met this Loki guy?" Pat took out another cigarette and lit it and stood up from his seat.
"Eh not really. I met him at the fire a couple weeks ago...he tried to threaten me...but it was him just trying to act all tough."
Pat turned to face him. "Threaten you? What's that about?"
"Oh umm Trin had said something about ...uhhh Marie so I got on to her...he over heard and tried to start something. But I walked away before it got to heated. Didn't wanna cause a scene at Zach and Anna's "
Pat just nodded and took a drag of his smoke.
"Well, it seems they are closer than she let on. They definitely more than friends...and I know guys like I'm pretty sure they sleeping together. "
John clenched his fist and narrowed his eyes.
"How dare she move on so fast?! She was suppose to be like his mother and fawn over how dare any interest in her. If I can't have her, he can't either...."
John thought to himself then composed himself before Pat asked to many questions.
"Are you sure? I mean at the fire he seemed clingy but I highly doubt he is willing to be with a girl like her"
"Well, from their altercation before they left..there was definitely something there. And what do you mean by a girl like her?"
Pat now turned to face John.
"Well, she made me walk on eggshells and she always had to control everything. He striked me as a 'wham bam leave them ' type guy. Not one for a girl with more baggage than the airport. "
"Well, just be prepared for something to go down...if it gets to close...we can run him off..I know it. He won't mess with us. I got my people on it. I've gotta head in for dinner with the family. See you later?"
"Sure! I was going to meet Marie for some drinks have fun...I'll talk to you later on!"
With that John walked down the steps to his car and Pat had walked inside.
John went to their work and picked up Marie then they headed to the local pub.

Loki was sitting at the bar, waiting on Thor. Trinity was at work till late so he thought he would use his free time to catch up with him and just have some 'me' time.
Loki ordered a drink and was sipping it as they walked in.

John and Marie walked in and looked around for a table. John's eyes instantly found Loki and started to walk towards him.
"Let's go sit over here hun" Marie said as she grabbed John's hand.
John pulled it back and shook his head. "I wanna go say hi to someone over at the bar real I'll be right over "
"Who you going to see? She followed his line of sight and noticed who he was staring at.
"Really?! Of course you gotta go say hi. You do anything to talk to her."
"She isn't even there with him...I heard him saying stuff so going to set him straight...." John whipped around towards her and turned her around and pushed her towards a table in the corner. "Go sit over there and I will be right over. You know what drink to get me..." then he turned around and made a bee line for Loki.

Loki took a sip of his drink and then sighed heavily as he sat down his glass.
"Hey there! Loki was it? It's John...remember from the fire?"
Loki didn't even give him the pleasure of looking in his direction. He just nodded, took another sip of his drink and shook his head.
"So you here on a date? Does Trin know you scoping out girls?"
Loki just laughed. "I am not, what you call it, scoping for a girl. And not that you need to know, Trinity knows exactly where I am and what I am doing."
"Oh see she's got you on a short leash too! I hated that. Couldn't hang out with my friends without her having some type of issue." John took a seat on the stool next to Loki.
"Well, wasn't Marie just a 'friend' I can understand her reasons."
"Yeah, well we didn't get together until after Marie isn't covered head to toe in issues"
"The only issues Trinity has is those you and that so called friend group gave her. I don't see anything wrong with any inch of her"
Loki noticed John stiffen with his wording and smugly smirked to himself.
He picked up his glass and nodded towards Marie.
"You better go back to your date before she leaves upset. She doesn't look to happy that you over here asking about your ex."
"Eh, she's just concerned for I am."
Loki couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"Concerned for me?! What in heavens for?"
John smiled stupidly and slapped Loki on his shoulder.
"Well, I have had her first so I know what kinda girl she really is."
Loki down the rest of his drink and turned to look John dead straight in his eyes.
"I can assure you, that the girl I have never nor will ever have first! Now go back to your choice in the corner and leave us alone...." and he got a little closer so only John could hear the last part. "Unless you want our little friend to come back out like at the fire!" Loki's eyes flashed green then he heard Thor's voice.
"Brother! Sorry running late...Jane needed some help quick but I'm here now!"
John gulped and got off his seat. "Just be don't know her as good as you think." He went over to the table where Marie was sitting.
Thor looked at Loki confused. "Who was that? Making friends I see..." He gave a little laugh.
Loki laughed along him. "Hardly. That's John"
Thor looked shocked. "Wait, as in Trinity's John? What did he want? "
"Yes, that's him. And he was trying to claim his territory again. He is threatened by me and my relationship with her. He is harmless though. I can handle him."
"Just don't do anything that will cause you to loose her. I know your temper brother! Now let's drink!!!"

During their second round, Loki noticed Marie chewing out John and then getting up to leave. John got up to follow and looked up at Loki. All Loki was did was held up his glass and smirked. John glared and hurried out the door.

Loki and Thor sat for a few hours talking and drinking until his phone rang. It was Trinity.
"Hey! You still with Thor?"
"Yeah, you okay? You need me?"
"Oh no! I'm fine hun...just wanted to check in. I would come join but work was hectic and I am so tired. I am going straight to bed."
"Oh sure you don't need anything?"
"Yeah...well, I really want to see you...but I know it's late and I'm just so exhausted..."
"Hmmm, well do you got tomorrow off?"
Why, yes I do...I can see you then??!!!" Trinity sounded super giddy...and Loki laughed.
"Yes, you can! It's a date! Like I will take you out and such type dress nice and I'll see you at 7 tomorrow night!"
"Sounds good! I can't wait! Talk to you tomorrow! Enjoy your time with your brother!"
They hung and Loki noticed Thor smug look at him.
"Don't start brother...."
"You falling hard for her!" He let out a heartily laugh and held up his glass to the bartender asking for another drink.
Loki just shook his head and down his drink.

Trinity & Loki - A Love  AffairWhere stories live. Discover now