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"Trinity...please..." He sighed... " Please let me in"
Loki was talking to her apartment door. They had gotten into a little bit of a fuss earlier and he wasn't even sure what happened.
"I am sorry..I usually don't..." He ran his hands through his hair.
He clenched his jaw at the sound of his voice then turned to face him.
"Actually no...just was seeing if she was home...she isn' I'll be going now..."
"I heard you begging her to let you back in...guess she listened to me and came to her senses..."
Loki whipped around and now stood face to face with him. Staring at him..."what did you say to her? What do you mean listened to you??"
Pat folded his arms and smirked "I only told her the truth. That you only wanted her because she was vulnerable and I saw you at the fire with Marie. I won't let you hurt my sister"
Loki cocked his head to the side. "I don't know what you thought you seen but you don't know anything..."
Pat stepped forward and poked Loki in the chest. "I seen enough"
Loki's eyes flashed green "you really have no idea who you're messing with..." He raised his hand but at that moment Trinity opened her door.
"Loki stop!" She stepped in between the two boys. "Please just go..."
He lowered his hand and stood there speechless. He had no words..and he couldn't dare to look at her...knowing he hurt her. Loki just sighed and turned around to walk away.
Trinity reached out and grabbed his arm for a moment. "I..I promise I will talk...just let me process it all okay?"
"Two things. I am not him and despite what he told you I just want you to be okay. I just want you happy. " He hesitated for a moment. "I love you"
He walked away before anyone could stop him or say anything. He wanted to tell her a different way but good ole Pat ruined that. He just wanted her to know.

She watched him walk away. "What..wait he just wants me to be okay??! He meant it in a good way!?" She kept thinking over and over. She completely forgot Pat was even with her until he grabbed her shoulder.
She jumped and turned around to face him. "What was you doing out here with him?"
"I just came to check on you since you never called and found him begging outside your door" He smirked.."guess you finally listened to me"
Trinity scoffed and went to head back into her apartment. Pat followed behind her.
"How are you doing?"
"Well I don't know...John and Marie seem to have turned everyone against me and now the only guy who fully gave a damn is doing so great " She said very sarcastically.
"We just want you to be happy and be just met him...and I told you what I saw with Marie"
Trinity leaned against her counter "yet it's all Loki's fault...can't blame precious Marie or else John gets mad..Loki said nothing happened..."
"He is lying to you."
"Why should I even believe you? You didn't even take the chance to get to know him?!"
"Because I am your brother. I care about you"
Trinity laughed then stood straight. Walking towards Pat with determination and getting more fired up with each word
"You care about me?! Yeah right...where was you when all this went down? Where was you when John had me cornered outside at that same damn fire screaming at me...where was you he and her became a couple?! " She now stood face to face with him. "You was no where. You all left me on my own. And when I found someone...who was a friend and just even make him the bad guy and scare him off. Who the fuck do you think you are? I have every right to be happy...I didn't do this...John did...yet he is running the go care about him...I don't need you...I don't need your little group...and I sure as hell don't need your so called brotherhood shit"
Pat stared at her menacingly "fine..just don't come running back once he breaks your heart too...I don't have time for babies and cowards."
She used everything in her to not break down "and I don't have time for bullies and just go.."
Pat slammed the door on his way out and she fell to the floor crying.
All the emotions from the day and last few weeks came crashing in.
She curled up on the floor bawling...letting it all out. She felt like she had nothing left to give. The only thought going through her head was "why did I let him leave? My damn stupid pride!!"
She stared off into space...she was by herself..hurting and slowly the dark thoughts was creeping in. She honestly hadn't thought about things like this in a long time. She faintly heard a knock at the door but ignored it. Whomever it was could just go away. She didn't have the time or energy. She remembered that she had a bottle of tequila sitting in her fridge. She made herself get up and to the fridge..and got it out. She pulled out a shot glass and poured herself a shot. She breathe then downed it in one gulp...she repeated the process about 4 times...
At this point, she was feeling very "good and she heard the knock again...and a familiar voice.
" in there?? It's Thor..please answer me..."
She stumbled her way to the door...and opened it.
'Well well look who it is...Thor Thor Thor..." She started getting sleepy and could barely keep herself up...she found herself falling forward without anyway to stop herself...but at the last second she didn't hit the floor.
Thor watched her cautiously...he had came with Loki just incase he needed some help..but neither one was prepared for her being like this...
He noticed her starting to sway "brother! Catch!" He managed to get out as she fell through the doorway. Loki had already grabbed her and now was holding her in his arms.
He sighs "Oh Trinity! What did you do?"
He picked her up and was carrying her Thor followed and shut the door.
"I'll be back, gonna put her in her bed..."
Loki carried her in her bedroom and gently laid her down. He started covering her when she woke up a little...
" came back..." She managed to slur out and then passed back out.
All he could do was look at her sadly. He never meant to drag her this far.
He reached to tuck her in completely and noticed a few scars on her arms.
"Oh god..please no!"
He checked her over and noticed that there was no fresh ones. He sighed a little bit of relief and finished tucking her in.
He went back out to Thor, who was dumping the rest of the Tequila down the drain.
He sat down at the kitchen table and placed his head in his hands.
"What did I do brother...."
Thor threw away the bottle and came and sat down next to him.
"Loki...this wasn't you. I saw that other guy leave her as I got here. He looked upset too. I think this steams from a whole other thing.
What happened between you two?"

Trinity & Loki - A Love  AffairUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum