The Rooftop Date

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They had woken up on the couch snuggling together.
"CRAP!" She said as she hurried and got up.
He sleepily pulled her back to him "noo where you think you going?"
"I gotta get stuff ready..." She tired to push herself back off him.
He opened one eye and looked suspicious at her. "Get what ready?"
She giggles and kissed his check. "You will let me go finish it"
"Fine...but not before you pay me!" He laughed and pulled her to him playfully...he started kissing her.
"Hey hey hey..." She giggled..."you start doing that then it definitely have to wait" ..She gave him one last long kiss and got off the couch.
"I'll come get you when it's ready!"

She goes into the kitchen and grabs the basket of food she had gotten ready earlier and a blanket. She checked and Loki was sleeping with his back towards the door, so she snuck out her door and headed towards the roof of her building.
When she reach the top, she found the perfect spot. Away from the lights of the city and dark enough to see the sky.
She placed the blanket on the ground and set up all the pillows in a comfy manner. She then got the snacks and drinks out and set them aside.
She took a step back and looked at it. "Perfect" She smiled to herself then went to get changed.
She changed into some black leggings with a emerald green top that showed off a little chest and her collarbone.
She stared at herself in the mirror and sighed "ugh what a waste"
She suddenly felt his arms around her and they both was staring at her in the mirror. "Definitely not a waste my look very ravishing"
She grabbed ahold of his arms and looked down blushing. "Noo but thank you"
"Why are you so dressed up for?
She turned around and smiled up at him. "It's a surprise...for you..."
He looked at her in confusion. "For me? What did I do?"
She grabbed his hand and led him with her. "You've been there for told off both Pat and the same time!...and I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you" ..with that she motioned towards the set up she had made for them.
He squeezed her hand tight and smiled huge. "It's perfect!"
"I read there is gonna be a metor shower so I thought we could watch it together with snacks and just spend us time together" She looked over at him and smiled...seeing him so happy made her night..
"That sounds like the perfect way to spend our night!"
He sat down and helped her sit in front of him..she leaned back into him and he wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her neck softly and quietly said "I love you so much my silly girl"
She sat up some and turned to look at him. " what?"
He realized he said it out loud and looked in her eyes. " in love with you....and I know you can't say it now...or maybe if never but I can't not tell you how I feel. It wouldn't be fair."
She looked down. "I am sorry I can't fully tell you right now...I...I don't want you to think I don't..."
He gently brings up her chin with his hand to look at him. "I know how you feel and I understand why it's open be vulnerable...I will wait till you are ready..but just know I am here and I am in love with you Trinity Allen!"
She gently kissed him and went back to leaning against his chest. She rubbed his arm and looked up into the sky. "Ooo look how beautiful it is!!!" ..she keeps staring watching the stars..
He watches her in awe.."yes, very beautiful.." He smiles as he also looks up to watch the metors stream past.
They sit for a little bit just watching the meteors stream past...when her stomach growls real loud.
"Omg that was so loud" She laughed and went to reach over for a snack. He stopped her and then he reached over...grabbed her a snack and a drink.
"Now I know you are independent and got this but I want to help okay?"
She giggled. "Well if you must...and just so you know..I had to make you work for this..wanted to know that..this is what you sign up for...i am stubborn...frustrating..."
He cut her off..."yes you very stubborn and frustrating...and so feisty over everything.." She starts to interject but he holds up a finger " have a smile that lights up the always put everyone ahead of yourself..very passionate about everything you do...especially if you love it..which is why I know how you feel about us and all this. You show me in ways you don't even realize even if you can't say it"
She couldn't help but smile and blush. "Nice save there mister charming" She leaned over and kissed him...he wrapped his arms around her as they fell back kissing. She nuzzled herself in his neck..and sighed happily. He kissed the top of her head and pointed up... "ooh did you see that one? It was huge!"
They laid there for most of the night, watching the meteors, snuggling and getting was the perfect night they both needed!

Trinity & Loki - A Love  AffairNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ