The Next Morning

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Loki woke up the next morning and he looked around but she was gone. He sat up on the side of the bed "Wait was that a couldn't have been"
He looked across the room and noticed that at some point he had changed clothes. The blue shirt and jeans was drapped over the chair and he was now in just a pair of PJ pants.
He also noticed a note on the bedside table. He picked it up and read: "did you know that you sir are adorable when you sleep?! Sleep good because I have a surprise for you! Tonight on the rooftop! "
He grinned as big as he could. "Good, it wasn't a dream..but when did she even...and how did I change..." his trail of thought got intrupted by the door opening...
"Oh! Yay! You're awake!" She said and she came into the room.
"I made pancakes! ...well umm what would have been pancakes" They both he looked at the plate of stack of random pieces of pancakes.
"Well they still look good!"
"Haha then that's good...we won't ask what the kitchen looks like..."
All of a sudden, they heard a knock at her door. She handed Loki the tray..."Here eat up and I'll go see who it is"
She got off the bed and went to answer the door. She opened it and her smile faded. Standing in front of her was Pat and John.
"Umm hi? Can I help you?"
Pat sighed and asked if they could come in
She looked towards the bedroom and then back to them. "Give me a second. I'm not 100% decent".
She shut the door back and ran into the bedroom.
"So who was it my dear?" He asked before be looked up and saw her expression...
He noticed the same look in her eyes at the fire. He instantly got off the bed and was next to her...
" don't have to deal with him here now.."
She looked up at him..." shouldn't have to..." She started fidgeting with her hands...
He grabbed them..gently bought her eyes to his and leaned down and gave her a kiss! "Did that help? You will never ever deal with him alone again!"
All she could do was melt into him..she wrapped her arms around him tight..."thank you so much..I..I..lo err appreciate it so much!"
She wanted to tell him how she really felt but it was way to soon to feel this way plus she promised she would never let her heart go there again.
Loki went and grabbed his shirt and put it on then reached out his hand "come on, let's go see what they want?"
She grabbed his hand but was hesitant. "They just gonna cause troubles..I know John...and you don't need to be in the midd..." She was cut off by him kissing her again...
He raised up, grinning at her.
"Hey! That's not fair! You can't use them against me!"
"Yes ..yes I can...especially if it helps calm you down! Now let's go"
They both walk into the living room and Loki goes to the couch and Trinity goes to answer the door.
"Sorry about that. Was also trying to clean up some from breakfast..." She said as she let them come inside.
They both walked in and she noticed the posture on both boys change when they saw Loki sitting on the couch.
Pat turned towards her "what is he doing here this early?"
She folded her arms and stood there staring at him. "Um well if you must know..we was having breakfast that you interupted"
"So did he just get here or did he stay the night?" Pat turned towards her, trying to act tough. "I see he's still dressed for bed..."
She stood to face him, looked him dead in his eyes. "It's my business who I entain..not yours and very specifically not his..." She darts her eyes towards John...then moves to where she is between Loki and the boys. "Now what do you want other than to critique my business that is not or never will be yours to offer anything on"
Loki couldn't help but smirk "thats my girl.." He let out a little laugh.
John glared over at him "what's so funny"
Loki just stood up and calmly put away the book he was pretending to read. "Oh this whole ordeal. You don't like her moving on so you bought your ...umm..guard dog? to try to imitate her into stopping...and she's finding the woman you destroyed again...and it kills you"
John stepped back and got behind Pat. "See I told you he was threatening!"
Pat turned his attention to Loki. "Did you threaten John before this? "
Loki laughed and rolled his eyes. "If you saw that as a threat, then you are gonna be in for a rude awakening"
"That didn't answer my question!" Pat tried to stroll up to Loki but Trinity pushed him back.
" way you doing this here..."
Pat looked at Trinity...and folded his arms. "You know what I'm capable really wanna be in between me and him"
"You aren't gonna do squat. Because I have the right to move on and be around whoever I want..."
"And I have the right to protect her when he tries to make her feel bad for things beyond her control" Loki chimed in and walked to where he was standing next to Trinity and stared John in the eyes. "You will never ever come back here with your so called "brother" and try to imitate me or especially her...and never bring up the whole family ordeal or else you know what *I'm* capable of!"
As he was saying this, he was walking towards them and making them back out the door. When they got out the door, he slammed it shut in their faces.
All Trinity could do was watch in awe and amusement as someone put Pat in his place...she had been slowly following behind Loki and whenever he turned around she pushed him up against the door.
"Hey! What did I say about me being able to take care of myself?"
"You don't always have to though...but if you want me to..."
She cut him off by passionately kissing him. "I never want you to stop...watching you was mesmerizing and fun at the same time. I definitely don't mind a protective Loki!"
He flipped her around where she was now against the wall and started kissing her collarbone and up her neck...
She arched her neck and gripped his shoulder tight. A little moan escaped her lips.."oh Loki..I...I'm not ready"
He looked at her. "It's okay my darling. I can wait till you are...I'll just enjoying kissing you till then.." with that he gently picked her up and carried her to the couch. He sat her down gently and then he laid down and motioned for her to come lay next to him...they cuddled for a few hours on the couch..just talking and spending time with each other..enjoying every minute of each other's company and minds.

Trinity & Loki - A Love  AffairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora