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Trinity and her friend, Anna had been out running a few errands and just hanging out. They decided to run and grab a quick bite to eat. They had went into McDonald's.
"So how has things been since John moved in with Marie?" Anna asked as she took a bite of food.
"Eh it's going...been trying to get it to my place" Trinity shrugged as she took a bite of a french fry.
"Has John got all his stuff yet?"
"Not really. He has a few boxes that he claims he has been to busy to grab but otherwise it's all gone."
"Well I know him and Marie have been busy a lot lately...helping Pat and Tim out with a few things."
Trinity just shrugged and took another bite of her food.
"So seeing anyone new?" Anna looked at her smiling.
"Umm no?? That is the futherest thing on my mind right now."
"Oh!" She said a little disappointed. "Pat said he has seen you with some guy the other day. Said you looked very chatty."
"Wait..what...when was this?"
"He said he seen you guys...ummm probably about a few weeks ago...sitting at the cafe ...said you guys was laughing and getting along very good. He was umm...tall, slender, black hair...and according to Pat...very interested in what you had to say." Anna smirked towards Trinny.
"Oh that!" Trinity rolled her eyes. "I was paying him back for helping me with a leaky faucet. We just friends...that's it."
"Oh well then you should try a date with my friend!" Anna blurted out excitedly.
"I ....I don't think..."
As she was talking, a guy walked up to the table and Anna got up to hug him.
"Hey! I was just telling my friend here about you.."
"Is that so?"
Trinity tensed up. She recognized his voice. It was Lucas. Now what was she gonna say. She turn him down and Anna and Zach be on her case.
They sat down at the table....Lucas sat particularly closer to Trinity. Way closer than she ever wanted him.
"So what all has she told you about me?" He asked as he brushed her arm with his hand. He did it where it could look like an accident. She just moved her arm and rubbed it.
"Um, not much at the moment. But I didn't realize you two knew each other?"
"Yeah, I know Zach mainly. We play games together."
"Zach thought you guys would get along great and said I should hook you two up!"
Anna said excitedly!
"Your other helper didn't work out?" Lucas smiled a creepy smile.
"I figured he would run off"
Trinity glared at him.
"What do you mean by that?" She now turned to face him.
"Oh..nothing..just that he didn't seem the type to stick around...more of a wham bam goodbye kinda guy."
"Wait, who we talking about?" Anna chimed in. "Is this the same guy Pat seen you with?"
Trinity didn't know why she all of a sudden felt the need to defend Loki and her friendship with him. She had the right to be friends with anyone she wanted without explaining herself. She didn't want to or need to explain anything to them.
"Err maybe? I don't even know who he saw me with or where...but anyways, I don't know what Zach said but I am not looking for anyone right now to date"
"Oh come date won't hurt...I make it worth your wild" Lucas said as he patted her knee and squeezed her leg.
"Uhh..I don't think..."
"Oh come on need to go out for a night..." Anna interjected before she finished her thought.
"See its settled then...I will pick you up tomorrow at 7!"
Trinity sighed "fine...7 is fine.." She could fight it but she knew it would be a waste of breath. What harm could one night do?
They spent the next hour or so, finishing up eating and chatting some.
"I'll see you tomorrow night cutie" Lucas smiled huge at her as he walked away.
"Ugh what did I agree to here Anna?? I am not ready for this plus he is not my type...."
"Oh nonsense! It be fine! Plus he's more your type than that other fellow you've been seeing"
"Even though...we.are.just.friends! That doesn't matter...but whatever I guess. It's not like I get a say so in the whole thing." Trinity sighed and walked towards Anna's car.

The next day at work, her mind kept racing and she was freaking out.
"You gonna scare your customers away with looking like that!" There was a soft laugh behind that line.
All of a sudden, a wave of calm rushed over her. She felt like someone actually saw her and cared that she was having a mini panic attack. She couldn't explain it right now but he help her feel safer some how.
"Eh, well if I can scare them now..I don't have to deal with their nonsense!" She laughed and turned around to face him.
Loki just smiled as he sat down at the counter.
"What can I get you to drink Mr. Charming?" She asked as she slid a menu in front of him.
" know ..."
"Yeah hate that nickname...but I like deal with is now yours!"
He couldn't help but laugh at her. She was always so excited to see him. Even though they just friends, she really enjoyed having him around..and likewise. He was happy to finally be apart of someone's a good way. Someone who wanted him around.
He shook himself outta his own thoughts. "I will just take some water, I think"
"Haha sounds good" She went to go grab a pitcher of water.
As he's looking at the menu, he feels someone sit down next to him. He side glances and sees they have flowers..looks like at least 2 dozens roses.
"A bit over the top there eh?"
"Excuse me?" Lucas looked over at him. "Oh its you...what you doing here?"
Loki placed his arms folded on the counter and looked over at him.
"It is a diner, right? I came for some food"
"Of all the places in town, you had to come here for food?!" Lucas seethed. "She doesn't want you wasting your time..."
Trinity came back with the pitcher of water and sighed when she realized that Lucas was now there.
"Here's your water...sorry that took so long" She half attempted a smile but he noticed the change in her.
Lucas wasted no time to push the flowers in front of her face. "Here you go cutie...these are just for you..."
Trinity backed up a tad so they wasn't right in her face.
"Uhh, thanks...they...look...nice" She had looked over at Loki and mouthed "what..the..."
He laughed some and took a quick sip of water to hide it.

Trinity & Loki - A Love  AffairWhere stories live. Discover now