We will have our mischievous family...

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Trinity was sitting in the back office room at the cafe when Monica and Caleb walked in.
"Hey girl!" Monica said as she put away her stuff in her locker.
"Oh um hey guys" Trinity tried to sound okay as she could.
Caleb grabbed the seat next to her and gave her a concerned look.
"Did you get ahold of Loki? Did you tell him what happen? "
"Yes and no. He is busy with family stuff and I didn't want to add on. I'm fine."
"Yeah yeah you so "fine" ...yet you haven't barely been out of the back unless you need to be"
Monica sat down next to them "Wait, what happened? "
"Oh nothing major...really...."
Caleb sat back in his chair with his arms folded, and his eyes narrowed.
"You call John coming in and asking you to take him back as nothing major...."
"Whoa...whoa...what...when...wait...what about Loki?"
"What about him? And thanks Caleb...." Trinity got up to grab her stuff as Caleb reached out and grabbed her arm.
"Look, you know I love you and I care....but talk to him...please don't keep this in...it won't end well."
Trinity sighed and looked down at Caleb.
"I know..I know...I just don't want him to think I wanted that..."
"If he does, send him my way....I'll set him strait...I heard the whole thing."
"Thank you! I do appreciate everything...and Monica, I'll fill you in later okay?"
Trinity grabbed her stuff and walked out towards her car. She needed to go to the store for a few things so she decided to get it out of the way and try to clear her head.

She pulled into the local supermarket, grabbed a cart and headed inside.
She was grabbing a few things and she turned down the asile and ran into another cart.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" She was apologizing as the guy turned around...it was Pat
"Oh hey Trinity...haven't seen you for a while..." He smiled an odd smile at her.
"Yeah, I've been busy with work and Loki" She tried to move her cart around him but then John stepped from the other side of the cart.
"Hi Trin..."
She waved a small wave at him. "Hi"
"Can we talk real quick?"
She looked uneasy towards him and then back to Pat.
"Erm, I guess. I only got a few minutes though. I got to meet Loki when he gets home."
"Okay, that's fine. Did you tell him about what I asked you?"
Trinity grabbed the cart handle tightly. "Um, no...he's been gone and I didn't wanna bother him. Why?"
"Oh, I just wanted to say it is no longer needed. I found someone new."
"Oh? Okay? You don't gotta tell me this..."
"Well, I wanted you to know I am finally gonn be a daddy!"
Trinity felt like she was punched in the gut. "Oh..umm congratulations...when is she due?"
He laughed. "Oh no, she's not pregnant but she already has 2 kids so I'm their new step Daddy!"
"Oh well...still congratulations...still don't know why you felt to tell me"
John smiled a smug grin. "I just wanted you to know that I can finally be a dad...does Loki know that you can't have kids....or don't want to?"
Trinity closed her eyes and sighed. "He knows that it's a struggle...and yes, he knows about the miscarriage. He says he is fine with it...he under...."
John cut her with a laugh. "Of course he is...because he will be gone before you can even get that far...no one wants someone who can't give them a family...."
"John! You better back off before I make you!" A voice from behind her came, startling her.
John looked up and scoffed. "Oh hey Monica...still a bitch as ever..."
"Yep...and I see you have hit an even new low yourself...now run along and play with your boyfriend over there..." She motioned in Pat's direction as John meekly headed off.
Trinity could do nothing but stand there, trying her best to not have a melt down. To not break down in the middle of a store.
"Hey, let's just go...I'll help you get your stuff later..." Monica placed an arm around Trinity and led her out to her car.

As they was walking to her car, Trinity heard a calming voice!
"There is my girl!"
She looked up and Loki was standing next to Monica's car.
"He came in not long after you left...was bringing him by your place until we saw your car here. Was going to surprise you but then dumb ass happened."
Trinity ran into Loki's arms hugging him so tight, he thought she was going to break him.
"Wait, what happened?" He asked concerned as he lifted her face to his.
"Oh um..we can talk about things at home please? I just want to go home..and be in your arms..." She shot Monica a look as a way of asking her to please keep quiet.
"Absolutely my dear! Want me to drive?"
"Sure, if you want...also wanna grab some dinner? I wasn't able to get my groceries so I have nothing at home..haah"
"Sure! Dinner with a movie and cuddles!"
"Sounds perfect!"
She hugged Monica goodbye and whispered to her.
"Please don't worry..I will tell him everything...I just need to recoup and let him help me feel safe first...I promise..."
"You better girl...or I will after I go beat John's ass!"
Trinity laughed and headed towards Loki and her car.

Trinity & Loki - A Love  AffairWhere stories live. Discover now