3/20/2024 at 9:18am

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OKAY SO my dog should be going into labor any day now<3 very excited

oh and I was re-reading some old Wattpad messages between me and one of my friends and bro.... IT WAS SO FREAKIN CRINGE! Cause it was like at the start of basketball season last year and she's a basketball player, I'm a cheerleader, so we were like messaging each other on the bus and me and this girl, likes call her K, so me and K had a crush on the same dude and I was complaining to my friend about how K would have me message the dude on her email cause I talked to him a lot and she didn't know what to say.

Looking back I am so glad I no longer have a crush on him, its honestly embarrassing. OH AND NOW HIS YOUNGER BROTHER IS IN MY CLASS. Okay but the other day a boy named gage said to my old crushes little brother (oliver) "OOOOOO OLIVER HAS A CRUSH ON MADDIE" and Oliver just like shot back at gage for having like girlfriends from Snapchat quick add so that was sm else.

Oh and my birthday was a little while ago! I also got highlights in my hair! I am very happy about it. I also made this document for future me just kinda asking some questions to see if anything about me has changed. 

Bro my friend is reading this diary rn and she is commenting and I am scared to see what she is writing, anywaysssss talk later bye byeeeee



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