3/7/24 at 9:24am

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I turned (......) and I am very happy, though I can only do the same thing as before, still.

I am currently in an Language arts class and we are writing argumentative essays, though I'm obviously currently doing this instead.  We have already done this before so its a boring concept to me.

I get to see my mom this Saturday! Very happy about that, I called her last night (I was forced by my stepmom) and talked to her and my sisters a bit. I have to stay a bit with my grandma on Saturday though because my stepmom has to take our dog to the vet to see  how many puppies she will have and my dads gonna be at work. Don't understand why she wont just leave me home alone like normal but go off I guess.

My stepmom, her name is Kat, she told me I still have a birthday present on the way. She told me its something I've been wanting for a while and that i'm going to love it, but I honestly doubt that. There isn't anything that I actually want besides these cute platform boots but I doubt she is buying me that. 

I thankfully don't have any school tomorrow and we also have a pep rally today since our Basketball Boys made it to the final 4 in state. I have planned to have a "date" with my friend tomorrow at a small little cafe/restaurant we have in my town.

After we eat together we plan on practicing our flag routine for a fundraiser she asked me to do with her, we are dancing to the song "Runaway Baby" by Bruno Mars, so I think its going to be fun.

Anywayyssss I got to go now so I may update later, bye bye



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