She was glad to see that, although a bit rusty from staying in bed and remaining inactive too long, she was still pushing through most of the things she used to do. Her arms and legs felt like lead, but she knew this was nothing getting back in shape couldn't beat.

So she had spent the last few days stretching, working out and dancing as much as her room would allow her. This was all she could do to keep herself from going insane. From thinking about the fact her chances at a successful ballet career were slowly ebbing away from her grasp, the fact she was a prisoner.

She didn't know how much longer this would be enough to keep her sane though. That is, if she was still sane.

Adam had said something about granting her access to his parents' former dance studio in the house if she was good. A statement that had both made (Y/n) boast with happiness and shiver in disgust. And the simple fact (Y/n) had felt joy at something Adam had said was already alarming enough to her.

Had she finally lost it? (Y/n) wondered.

She didn't like to dwell on her mental state too much though. She knew the odds of her making it out of here sane weren't looking too good. There was only so much a person could take after all. And in her 19 years of life, (Y/n) felt like she'd gone through more than what a 'sane' person should have.

So she kept on dancing and moving her body around, relishing in the feeling and the escape it granted from her environment for as long as it would last.

As distracting as her barre warm up was though, (Y/n) still heard the distinctive sound of the front door slamming shut and a familiar voice calling her name from downstairs. A familiar voice that was way too feminine to belong to either of her captors.

"(Y/n)?" Esme called out, not really knowing where to look first. "Are you here? It's Esme."

(Y/n) held her breath, silently pressing her ear to the door. Another call of her name. A confirmation that she hadn't been hallucinating. (Y/n) didn't make a move to answer though.

Esme climbed up the stairs, her steps muffled by the carpet that paved the corridors of the house.

What was Esme doing here? Was this a twisted game of Adam and Aaron's? Had they asked Esme to come here and call her name to test her loyalty and see whether she'd take another chance at escaping? Would they punish her again if she answered?

She knew Adam and Aaron were in class, but what if Esme was meant to tell them afterwards? Esme had been the one to warn her about Adam in the first place. But what if they had made up and were back to being friends?

(Y/n) let her trembling form slide down the door, gathering her knees up to her chest and holding her head in her hands. She felt like she was going crazy, like her head would explode from the what ifs and catastrophic scenarios crowding her mind.

A cry of anguish tore from (Y/n)'s throat, tears welling up in her eyes. She felt tired. So tired.

Esme turned in the direction of the sound. She had planned on going to Adam's bedroom first, but (Y/n)'s cry held her back.

"(Y/n)?" Esme quietly called, padding her way to the door. She tried to open it, but it was locked. She could still hear (Y/n)'s silent sniffles from inside the room though. "Fucking hell." She cursed, searching through her pockets for anything that could pick a lock.

She had some bobby pins she had packed for her ballet bun, and although she didn't know how to, Esme was convinced these could be used to open locked doors.

"Fuck, okay. Just wait, alright? I'm going to open the door and get you out of here." Esme said in a shaky voice, squatting down in front of the lock and inserting the bobby pin inside. "It'll be fine."

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now