Found baby

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[Small author note at the beginning this time. So you dont get confused.
Chan found both Jeongin and Seungmin and the rest of the book will center on Chan again. This because i cant bring myself to write everything again from Chan's pov and i want some new things to happen. Sorry to who wanted to know the rest of chans pov :)
I'll let you read now. Enjoy ^^]

It was over. He had found them both and managed to restore things as they were before, or at least, as much as he could. He was beyond happy, he couldn't wish for anything else. Or well, he did. He wished he could tell the members about his headspace, play with his hyungs and maybe, just maybe, even have one of his members as his caregiver, just like Woojin was before leaving. Nothing actually stopped him from doing all these things. But he was convinced that as the leader and oldest he had no right to show his weak side to the others. So that led to his current situation, locked up in his studio with his littlespace stuff all over the floor. With no one taking care of him, since GOT7 were on a world tour and Seungmin didn't get to check on him yet.

"Where paci?" muttered the boy softly to himself. Looking around to search for his possession, until he remembered where it was. In his room. At the dorm.

The little whined out in displeasure. He was so faraway in his headspace that nothing could've made him be big again, at least for a good while. Pouting softly the boy crawled on his spinny chair and turned on his computer, searching a movie. He had a few of them downloaded, so he scanned them one by one, trying to choose which one to watch. In the end he started Searching Nemo, entertaining himself with the fishes' adventures for an hour more or less. Near the end though, he started to feel sleepy, yawning softly. Right then, a knock could be heard at the door.

"Hyung, it's me, Felix. Can you let me in?" came the voice.

"Lix?" repeated terrified the younger, sleepiness gone in an instant. The boy looked at the door anxiously. What could he possibly do to avoid being seen by the younger? His stuff was still on the floor, he couldn't pick it up that quickly, and his speech and lisp would've given the secret away anyways. Overwhelmed, the little started to cry, alarming Felix that had no idea what was happening on the other side of the door.

"Hyung what's going on? I can help you if you let me in" offered worried the dancer.

"No hyung" sobbed the other boy, curled in a corner of the studio. The room was still dark because of the movie, but
Chan didn't want to stand up and turn the lights on.

"Alright, I won't call you hyung again. Uhm... Channie... can you tell me the code to the studio?" asked Felix, hesitant to drop the honorifics.

The little sighed, torn between trusting his friend and not letting his guard down. He was the oldest, he wasn't supposed to be weak in front of the others. But Seungmin knew too and didn't tell anyone, and Chan knew he could trust Felix too with his secret. After a moment, the whispered answer came, so quiet that Felix almost didn't catch it.

"2503" sighed softly the little, still scared of Felix's reaction but tired of hiding his secret.

Outside four beeps could be heard and the door unlocked, letting Felix in.

"Why is it so dark he- oh" the boy stopped mid-sentence, as soon as he flickered the lights on, all the littlespace stuff on the floor could be seen.

"It's alright Channie, hyung's not mad. Can you tell me where you are though?" asked Felix, automatically referring to himself as hyung. Everything started to make sense now.

Receiving no answer, the dancer continued.

"You want to play hide and seek Channie? Hm?" smiled the boy starting to look around. A small giggle could be heard, obviously from behind the small sofa, but Felix decided to ignore it and continued to fake search in the other part of the studio.

"Channie~" sing-sang the dancer, fully aware of the boy approaching closer to jump on his back. The mentally older boy prepared himself and let the little fall on his back, catching him while laughing.

"Here you are baby! Why is everything a mess here?" asked softly the dancer, trying to not upset the younger since he didn't know what age was he currently.

"Wanted be smaww but chu came" pouted the little, but hugging the older to show he wasn't really upset.

"Aww I'm sorry baby. Do you want hyung to help you clean up?' offered Felix.

Receiving a nod, the two got to work, quickly hiding all the stuff in a small cabinet next to his desk.

"There you go baby. Do you need anything else?" asked the dancer, high-fiving the little.

"Tiwed..." pouted the little.

"Should we go home now baby?" suggested Felix, watching the little yawn cutely.

"'Es pwease" nodded Chan, making grabby hands towards the mentally older boy.

"Alright, c'mere baby" smiled fondly Felix picking up the boy and placing him on his hip. The little immediately placed his head on the older's shoulder and relaxed.

"You comfy there baby?" asked Felix, and chuckled when Chan nodded against his shoulder.

"Alright, let's go then" Felix exited the studio with Chan on his hip, taking the almost sleeping boy home.


Author's note #2

Yeah, double author note. The first one was from two days ago, when I started writing this chapter. Here I wanted to thank you all once again for supporting my stories and sticking around even if I'm not that active as I used to be. Just, thank you. I'm serious. I love you all. I hope to write more now that my easter break is starting :) oh one last thing. The story wasnt supposed to continue like this, or even start like this (i had a scheme for this story but i didnt follow it lol) but maybe i can publish the original plot of this once its finished so y'all's curiosity will be satisfied
Bye y'all


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