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When Seungmin returned to the bedroom, Chan was laying on the bed, facing the door. His expression was empty, his face was pale.

"Chan? Chan?" called the younger, unsure on what to do. After a few seconds, the leader's eyes gained back focus and the older looked at his friend.

"Minnie, hey" greeted the boy trying his best to force a fake smile on his face.

"Not working hyung" shook his head Seungmin. Chan sighed and let the smile disappear. He didn't even want to smile in the first place.

"While you were little our manager told the others that in an hour we will have to attend a meeting with him" explained the younger, making the leader frown.

"I don't know hyung, I think it might have something to do with Jeongin though" Seungmin answered the unspoken question with an uncertain tone.

Chan nodded and got up from the bed, slowly making his way towards the door.

"Don't tell anyone. Please" begged the older with a hand already on the door handle, turning to face his friend.

"Ok hyung. I won't" promised the younger nodding and letting Chan get out of the room first.

When the oldest got back to the living room, the other members started to ask questions.

"Chan hyung! You got us all worried, what happened?"

Everyone was surrounding him again, making the boy's legs shake and his breath quicken.

"Goddamnit hyungs, can't you just leave him alone?" Seungmin rushed in the living room and picked up Chan, placing him on the couch and turning to the other members.

"Yah, Seungmin-ah. Respect your hyungs" reminded sternly Minho.

"If someone doesn't respect my friends, I'm not gonna respect them. Do you even know what respect is? Respect is not overwhelming people when they clearly have enough as it is and learning what personal space is" the younger raised his voice in frustration, but stopped when he heard a small voice calling out for him.

"Seungie" whimpered Chan with his hands covering his ears and his eyes tightly shut.

"Sorry Channie" apologized quickly the younger, a small pout on his lips that immediately disappeared as soon as he faced his hyungs again.

"Get ready for the meeting, I don't want to see any of you until we get there" instructed sternly the vocalist. The others looked at Chan worriedly, but not wanting to upset Seungmin more they just nodded uncertainly before leaving the room, leaving behind a disappointed vocalist and a tiny leader.

"Sowwy Seungie" pouted the little, on the verge of tears again.

"Baby, it wasn't your fault at all. Why are you apologizing kangaroo?" asked the younger frowning.

Seeing the mentally older boy's facial expression, Chan couldn't help but let a few tears run down his cheeks.

"Don't cry baby, I wasn't angry at you" assured Seungmin caressing the little's tears away.

"Then... then why Seungie loud an' angwy at Channie?" asked the little sadly.

"No baby, I promise I wasn't mad at you. I was a bit loud because the others made me mad and I wasn't frowning at you, more at the situation. Alright baby?" Chan just tilted his head to the side, not understanding what his friend was saying.

"It's okay baby. Let's go to your room to grab your paci and dress you up for the meeting alright?" At the mention of his pacifier Chan perked up, scanning the room to find the mentioned item.

"It's not here baby, it's in your room. Let's go get it shall we?" Placing the little on his hip Seungmin carried him to his bedroom. Retrieving Chan's comfort item from the nightstand he plopped it into the regressor's mouth and while he sucked on it peacefully, the vocalist was wondering what to dress the leader into for the meeting. He opted for some baggy clothes, that way the little wouldn't feel suffocated.

"Alright, time to dress up baby" announced Seungmin, making the little babble something.

"We need to get dressed baby, we don't wanna be late" Seungmin made everything sound fun and exciting, hoping that this way the little would collaborate more.

" 'ate!" giggled the little clapping his hands.

This might be a little more difficult than expected, thought Seungmin. He tried to imagine how he would react if he was the one regressed and soon he had an idea.

"Channie, arms up!" exclaimed the vocalist, shooting his hands in the air as someone would do to get their shirt off. Chan giggled and copied his hyung, who quickly slipped off the uncomfortable shirt Chan was wearing and traded it for a large black t-shirt. Since he didn't have time to change Chan's pants as well if he wanted to get changed too, he simply got a black hoodie on the little and ran to his room to change into fresh clothes. When he returned, barely three minutes later, Chan was desperately crying on the bed, curled up in a ball.

"Noo baby what happened?" asked Seungmin rushing to comfort the little.

" 'wone" sobbed Chan, clinging to the older's shirt.

"It's ok, Minnie's here now. No need to cry" smiled the vocalist caressing the little's hair.

"We need to go now, do you think you can be big for a while? I don't know how much the meeting will last, but probably not more than an hour"

"Big Channie?" tilted his head Chan. He didn't wanna disappoint his friend, so he made sure to do what he asked, even though he didn't fully comprehend the words the mentally older boy was saying.

Seungmin smiled. "Yes baby, we need big Channie for a bit, do you think you can do it?"

Pouting, Chan nodded and after less than a minute he was back in his big headspace.

"Sorry if I made you slip back" apologized the younger, looking beyond guilty seeing the pained expression on the leader's face.

"It's ok Min, let's go" smiled Chan. This time he wasn't faking, he really hated to see his members sad and never wanted to be the cause of their sadness.

"Okay hyung" smiled softly Seungmin, holding the leader's hand.

"Are you getting small?" asked Chan noticing the soft look in his dongsaeng's eyes.

The younger shook his head softly.

"Jus' don't call me Min" pouted the younger.

"Alright" chuckled the older. "Let's go now, or the others will think we're dead"

Seungmin nodded and the two exited the dorm quickly, walking hand to hand towards the meeting room.

Author's note

Small chapter with Seungchan fluff because i can >:)
How are you all?

Totally off topic but i have to go on tv w my class today and my anxiety is getting worse in these days... scared i'll fuck up ngl

Anywaysssssss sorry for not updating and not proofreading, pls lmk if there are errors so i can correct them when i finish the book :)

also i need money pls buy from me my insta is @/chimchimluvskpop and i will be forever grateful if you can share my posts or help me in any way tysm

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